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Everything posted by HarringtonFishSmeller

  1. That position is, as Coach Littrell would say, is teeing it high. Really high. So high, even a Participation Trophy kid should be able to fulfill it. Sample Sales Script: Insurance Person: "Are you alive?" Person: "So far." Insurance Person: "Do you have a house, live in a house, or have a car?" Person: "Usually. When I'm not on a bender after a North Texas football or basketball game and my wife lets me back in the house." Insurance Person: "Can you remember your birth date and how to spell things like your name and address on a computer?" Person: "I have a degree from North Texas, don't I?" Insurance Person: "You can quote your own insurance quotes at www.uquotem.com! You don't even have to talk to insurance people upfront. It's like having a secret lover!" Person: "Sweet." Insurance Person: "Yeah, and there are links there for health and life insurance, too, if you need quotes for those." Person: "Oh, yeah. I need those if I'm sick or dead. Barack Obama says so." Insurance Person: "He didn't say anything about life, just health." Person: "He's half-black and half-white, just like health and life insurance - I have to have one and then there's the other." Insurance Person: "Good point!" If sold: 80% commission to Participation Trophy Generation survivor.
  2. The vaginas quotient runs high in the Participation Trophy Generation of young "men." That's why we pretty much make it a rule not to hire anyone under the age of 35. In fact, I think probably one of the best questions you can ask during an interview is, "How many participation trophies do you have at home from your childhood?" If the answer is, "Oh, too many to count! And, we had pizza and cake parties at the end of the season, too, when coach handed them out!" that's enough red flags to physically pick up the candidate out of his chair and toss his ass out the door. What you want is someone who says, "What's a participation trophy? If we didn't finish in first place, my dad made me sleep out on the back porch until the next season, and eat dog food with Max The Marvelous Border Collie, who we rescued from a den of wolves as a pup in the wild." That's a kid who will sell for you and not get his dauber down when people tell him, "No! You suck, and your product sucks, and your company sucks! Go get your suck on somewhere else, animalfart breath!" I carry this over to coaching children. I had a parent say to me about his daughter, "I'm sorry that my girl tries to take the ball away from everyone." This girl would take the ball from her own teammates because she wanted to score. I told him, "No. She has something you can't coach. She has a natural striker's mentality - all or nothing, give me the ball, I want to score, I want to win!" You have to have one of those, maybe two, on your soccer teams. (You also need one or two dirty defenders in the middle who will stomp the opponents toes, kick their shins, and give bruising elbows. Every striker and midfielder who goes into their quarter of the field must pay a price. Last Saturday, my daughter's soccer team lost for the first time, and she whined to me, "Daddy, number 9 kept stepping on my toes, that's not fair." I told her, "That's the way soccer is when you get older, sweetie. There is no 'fair.' You're going to have to stomp back.") These personality types rub many people wrong. But, they make great soccer strikers, baseball and softball catchers and starting pitchers, quarterbacks, point guards. Very few will grow up, look in their shorts, and wonder which sex they are. They don't have time for that - there is winning to do. So, that this can stay North Texas football-related, Coach Littrell needs to get the team at midfield on the first day of spring practices and say, "Everyone look in your pants. If you see your penis, but think you are a girl, go back to the locker room now, turn in your equipment, and ask for a scholarship release. I'll have it waiting on my secretary's desk the next morning." I know that as hopeless as it seems when you see these limp-wristed, whiny young men on television, mewling like women for "safe spaces" and crap, you have to take the Yoda mentality, so that when Ghost Ben says, "This was the last one" you can say, "No, there is another"...and, hope against all hope that there are still some men out there fathering and guiding their sons to unconfused manhood.
  3. "I'm a woman! And, an East German woman at that - behold my hairy, East German woman pits! SPOILER ALERT: Nadia Comăneci is a man, baby! Yeah!"
  4. Most of Jones' classes were better than was SMU Jesus has brought in. The thing SMU Jesus supposedly has is "he was a Texas high school coach...he's got Texas ties!" Yeah, well, who cares? There has been one Division I, outright national title in football won by a Texas school since 1969. One. So, for all the hoop and hollar about how great Texas talent is...and, we don't even sniff the best of it - same as SMU. It's like my Paw Paw used to saw: "For the canoe to get somewhere you have to get it and start rowing it. You're never going to haul the same amount of oil in it as an oil tanker either; so, stop dreaming about it. Get good at canoeing because that's what you have - a canoe. Do what you can do in a canoe by mastering what a canoe can do. Then, you will have accomplished something in the way of canoeing." Seth and SMU Jesus have a lot of rowing to do. A lot.
  5. In what way? They signed a recruiting class identical to the year before...which was crappy. And, so that's the thrust of the gist of the argument, then, isn't it? We say something is going to happen, then we pretend it's happening. This is the type of thinking that got John Hinkley, Jr. to believe that if he would assassinate President Reagan then Jodie Foster would be all his. In our scenario - and SMU's as well - the belief that assassination would get us some strange is the recruiting class we've signed; Jodie Foster, though, represents the players we really want. You follow? I found a video of Seth Littrell and SMU Jesus on the recruiting trail together. You'll love it:
  6. It means when you look at your sex organs, you don't know what you are. It's yet another mental illness people are calling normal these days. Now, apparently, it's a "you've got your own phone number" kind of mental illness.
  7. Listen to some of you: "We hired a new coach because the old one didn't win enough; can't wait 'til this guy posts three whole, entire wins for us! What a success story that will be! Recruits will be crawling all over each other just to get a piece of that three win mentality!" If three is the threshold, what was the point of tossing McCarney? He won at least three games four times in five tries. Six. Aim higher, please.
  8. Weak OOC and C-USunbelt. It isn't rocket science. Besides, I've already posted that if we can't win over the next four years, we need to give up and drop down because fail for four more years will be indicative of where our talent level is no matter what kind of coach we've hired.
  9. Remember, too, that we've got an Okie for Muskogee leading us now, and I suspect he'll bring this attitude:
  10. SMU, Army, Bethune-Cookman, UTSA, UTEP, Rice...throw in Western Kentucky and La Tech breaking in a new QBs as well. Three of the four OOCs are winnable. So are UTSA, UTEP, and Rice. Pick off WKU or La Tech as well, and there is your six. Believe in the Mean Green...because the schedule and conference are favorable.
  11. Or, Joan Jett. Those are easily booked these days. I don't really care about concerts, even though I went to AC/DC Tuesday night at the AAC. To me, concert's just a possibility to have the turf torn up. You guys are just looking for stuff to be pissed off about. Shut up and be happy that you have good health. These football games and concerts are just hobbies. Quit acting like spastic douchequeefs about everything.
  12. Guys, be realistic, please. We don't play in the SEC. We play in the Sunbelt 2.0, okay? Out Of Conference: SMU, Bethune-Cookman, Army, Florida. I don't care how bad the team was in 2015, in 2016 we will have a quarterback, Morris, who can complete a five yard pass - which is the major skill needed in this type of offense. Just having that alone will cure 99% of the offensive ills from last year. I'm also making the huge leap of faith that Morris, after four years with Saban, is probably a bit more tuned in to what it takes off the field for a QB to be successful, and continues to do that here. He will be the hero of 2016...if he isn't injured. Do not be wholly shocked if we are 3-1 out of conference, then. At worst, we'll be 2-2. C-USunBelt Winning four of eight conference games in a conference this pitiful really isn't asking much. Again, had we a quarterback in 2015 who could simply put the ball into the hands of a receiver five yard within the line of scrimmage last year, many ills would have been cured. If we don't win six this year, 2017 is a real problem because we start at square one again at QB. (Sorry, I'm not sold on the little Oklahoma kid being the answer...I do hope he fits in somewhere along the way, but not at QB). A successful 2016 - which, to me, mean getting bowl eligible - makes us more attractive to higher up QB recruits, both prep and JUCO, so that 2017 is in the hands of another newcomer, but a newcomer with much better upside than any back up QB on the 2016 roster. #HITSIX
  13. Too low, by half. With the OOC schedule and C-USun Belt Conference, we'll go 6-6. The only thing that would derail a 6-6 season is an injury to Alec Morris.
  14. Can't you guys just give the old Tina Yother site to 90 to let him, you know, blog oughts-style about his innermost RV feelings? If anyone ever really cares, they can just go there and add "comments" at the bottom on the blog posts. And, they will both, you know, be reaffirming each other in a way that we don't have to see here so we can get back to proper discussions of helmet logos, the next round of changing the shade of green, and how quickly Derek Thompson will be eligible for the Hall of Fame. It's the next logical step: (1) Say there's going to be a space program (2) Get a space program (3) Land on the moon (4) Give 90 the keys to the Tina Yothers site
  15. Futbol is very popular in the RGV, I'm sure; but, what does Mack Brown know about it?
  16. Agree. I'll posit that it was QB and DL that did him in. We never got better at either of those during his tenure. Having a QBs that couldn't complete passes from five yards out on one side of the ball, having a DL that could stop the run or get consistent pass rushing on the other side...it was a huge problem. Here's to Littrell & Company trying to get those two units better in the future. That's the battle.
  17. Yes, but to play quarterback at this level you have to do more than make a list because of what you did as a junior in high school. For Dajon - and Damarcus - that meant: (1) Showing up to lift weights and run (2) Showing up to watch film (3) Study and LEARN the playbook of the offense being run (4) As leader of the offense, holding your fellow offensive players accountable for (1) - (3). This is called leadership. They don't decide who wins or loses games based on high school recruiting lists and HUDL highlight films. You have to bust your ass - YOU, personally, must take it upon your to bust your ass - once you arrive on a campus. Dajon and Damarcus can frame their high school lists and former offers. They are nothing but history. What counts is what you do once someone has made the financial/scholarship investment in you. No coach can lift weights for you, run for you, watch film for you, or study the playbook for you. You have to do that yourself. McCarney's biggest sin was trusting Canales to find guys who were motivated enough to play QB at this level. He didn't/couldn't...and, everyone on the coaching staff paid the price with their jobs #attheendoftheday.
  18. There's some Graham Harrell in here, too: Like any other offense, it has good and bad days. It's not magic. You either have the athletes that can beat the guys on the other side of the ball, or you don't. Spread offense, wishbone triple option...it doesn't matter. If you don't have the horses, you don't win the race. If we don't get the athletes, we'll look more like 2008 Tech versus OU than 2008 Tech versus A&M...comparatively speaking, of course. The class we just signed is about identical to what we've signed in the past. As I used to say during the Dodge years, we don't exist in a vacuum - the other schools in the conference are also recruiting, coaching, having their players lift weights, running, and studying playbooks and film as well. So, everyone working hard, all things being equal: are your athletes better than your opponents' - play in, play out, week after week throughout the season? That's the question to be answered. Also, in the OU-Tech video, at about the 5:25 mark, you hope Littrell/Harrell don't have the mindset of throwing with less than a minute left in the half, down by 28 and deep in your own territory. We've had some bonehead coaches...and, here, Mike Leach shows why he never has, and likely never will, win a championship: throw, throw, throw, no matter the score or situation. Stupid.
  19. I like these as well, and don't mind the FCS. To me, because of where we were/are, it made more sense to schedule games where we were competitive instead of sending the boys out to get whipped too much in OOC. As stated back then, Kansas State did it that way, and also Texas Tech. Always for having the players build confidence and success. I also like the home and homes we had with MAC schools Ball State and Ohio. I'd be for more of that. I'd go for home and homes with MWC schools as well. At some point, I'd like to build Tulsa into the schedule for a four to six games home and home, similar to what we did with SMU. I've long past the days where I thought we could rise up and be an Oklahoma or Texas. It just isn't in the cards. We should focus on getting competitive where we are. So many here put the cart before the horse. Things like what happened at Baylor and TCU didn't happen overnight. It took hire after hire, year after year, for the better part of two decades. Because we had administrations who were in no way political players to the degree Baylor and Texas Tech were, my opinion is you just have to start where you are. Rick got us better facilities. He got us into better conferences. Are they perfect? No. But, we are not wandering as independents or in the Big West. The scheduling of series was a good step toward consistency; a way to gauge where you are from year to year. I'm not at all opposed to that. Unless someone has a checkbook like T Boone Pickens, and wants to pony up $160+ million to the alma mater, we're going to have be patient. Baylor, TCU, Tech, Kansas State...those guys started off in the SWC and Big Eight. They were way ahead of us when the race began. Can't do anything about the past. Give Rick credit where credit is due, please. Ditto.
  20. Excellent team, the KU 1995. Glen Mason was the coach and had turned them into a monster. Their only losses that year were to a highly ranked K-State and eventual national champion, Nebraska. They completely pantsed UCLA in their bowl game that year, 50 something to 20? I just remember watching the Kansas - Oklahoma game that year and, in the second quarter, KU went on an epic 22 play drive that took about 10 minutes off the clock. They converted three or four fourth down including the eventual touchdown. OU had led 14-0 in the first quarter, but KU ended up whipping them 38-17...in Norman. To this day, that is the longest drive I have ever seen. It was awesome. http://www2.ljworld.com/news/1995/oct/22/kansas_38_ou_17/ "Records aren't kept in the category, but Kansas' second-quarter TD drive must have been one of the longest in NCAA history. It lasted 22 plays and consumed all but 2:42 of the quarter. Overall, Kansas had the ball nearly 40 of the game's 60 minutes, running 83 plays to the Sooners' 54."
  21. I like what RV has done because I've seen the athletic program now compared to when I set foot on campus in August 1990. By the time RV arrived, severe damage had already been done for 30 years prior to his hire. He has undone much of that damage by restoring academic achievement and garnering donors that help build fantastic athletic facilities for every sport, men's and women's. That the football team continues to lose is glaring. Basketball was never a power, so I don't always get the bitching and moaning about it. I think it's wholly laughable, these days, to say RV has done nothing. It's just not true. He's done far beyond what many of us believed anyone could do. During the Dodge years, I was a huge RV detractor. What turned me is that he called me personally and after a frank discussion, he admitted he was wrong about Dodge and told me to just watch what would happen over the next few years. I was skeptical. But, you know what? He delivered the facilities. He hired an experience coach, who did take us to another bowl game and won it. Guys, sorry...you can judge many people in business by their perceived failures, while purposely ignoring their achievements. However, RV has done much more here right than "wrong." If you can do better, volunteer to help the fundraising arm and get your own ass out there. I could in no way do better, so I'm not criticizing him any longer. He's brought this athletic department far out of the ditch where it had been left to rot by prior administrations and athletic directors. UNT athletics 2016 is on a different planet that UNT athletics 1990. And, we have RV to thank for it. If you can't admit that, then go hug a gopher's lopsided left nut.
  22. Are you saying, in a nutshell, put up or shut up?
  23. I like this. Sun shines ... people forget. They are the people who should be forced to sit at the remnant of Fouts during football games.
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