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Everything posted by Udomann

  1. This was just a bad game all around. I loved the crowds energy and the teams resilience to come soooo close. But these first half holes are getting scary. I'm not sure if it's an issue scouting our opponents or just a young team learning as it goes. Just hard to see our outside shot at tourney gone so quickly. Still a good team, just needs to find that first half edge.
  2. Not sure how to interpret this
  3. You work with what you've got. Otherwise it's crickets during offseason
  4. Longest minute of basketball I've watched. Fouling is just a silly thing to purposefully allow
  5. It's just no fun watching the same 5 or so teams every year. Give us some true football parity so we can be excited again. It's like watching the chiefs or patriots dynasty. Got boring pretty quick
  6. I'd call for a mercy rule... but it's UTSA
  7. The end-zone, brought to you by Sally Beauty Supply
  8. Oh god please don't make me agree with Ted Cruz on anything... but I'm glad to see attention on protecting the national treasure of college football. We truly need this levity now more than ever
  9. No one made you read it. You still did though.
  10. Lashlee has some serious hot dog fingers
  11. To be fair, that "bigger NIL donor" probably just sent him a half-used whataburger gift card to go along with the used 2002 nissan sentra they rescued from a junk yard. I'd honestly be interested to know what we are giving some of these guys, because I don't see a whole lot of money in play
  12. And none of that means a thing without defense. Let's hope our new DC can get some big bodies on the line and teach tackling instead of tickling
  13. How long did it take OU to throw seth under the bus? He was never the answer, just a building block. Unfortunately, we replaced him with an identical one who speaks better
  14. I dumped pretty hard on Messmaker when I saw him as a walkon QB2. Today he's earned my excitement for next season. Those throws were really really good. If Picklebarge comes and competes next year, I have some confidence in the offense. Just for the love of sweet crispy christ, fix the defense! Also, can we please get some QBs with easier to spell names? Maybe a smith or a Johnson?
  15. For the record, we are now tied for number of consecutive bowl losses
  16. Perfect opportunity for them to get a random 80 yard run on our defense
  17. A'ight Imma head out... see y'all next season
  18. Lets give puffleburger a shot first
  19. Not if they take a detour through college station to moon them on the way up 45.
  20. It's not an either/or situation. We can't talk bowl games without talking NIL/portal because those rules have stripped anything of value away from those games. Who wants to see an anemic UNT offense and no DC take on the leftovers of texas state? Will I go and cheer? F* yeah. But I'll also be drinking myself into a moderate coma of which I have great doubt my wife will approve of. Bowl games have lost their prestige. Too many teams, too many bowls, too few people to cheer for anymore.
  21. Honestly, he wasn't bad. He wasn't great. It was absolutely a big step down from Morris. He earned it as a backup, but I have zero idea what his competition even looked like
  22. "I'm shocked" said no one ever. But yeah, being beat by a walk on shows that maybe he just wasn't ready. Puffinburger was just the final nail Can we start with "Crash McCollum" yet, or too soon?
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