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Everything posted by MJavierSMU

  1. It may not be the sexiest destination but you will have a great time in Iowa for a football weekend. The nicest people ever and a very passionate fan base, like most of the Big 10 (except Ohio St). Me and a couple of buddies went to Ann Arbor two years ago for the SMU/Michigan hoops game and it was great. We were treated very well and their fans were gracious even in defeat. Best of luck to y'all the rest of the season. Win C-USA, and I look forward to attending my annual hoops game to the Super Pit. I'm anxious to see what kind of changes your new coach has in store.
  2. good point.
  3. Okay, you're obviously not going to look at facts/stats but you're making yourself look silly now. Houston is very diverse, and so is Dallas but Houston not the most diverse city in America. Statistically Sacramento is. And you've never been to NYC, LA or Miami if you think Houston is more diverse than those cities. edit: just looked it up and the new estimated numbers do have Houston as the most diverse. my bad, you're right on that. I never disputed that Houston is not diverse but you painting Dallas as lily white and uncultured is simply untrue. There isn't a lot of difference between the two cities.
  4. You're right statistics don't lie. Dallas is almost identical racially to Houston give or take a percentage or two. Look it up. As for SMU, it is as diverse or moreso than its peer private schools - TCU, Baylor and Tulane. Again, look it up. I know you only see what you want to kind of like fixating on the lone business around SMU that doesn't sell alcohol. And what does that even mean or prove? I'm pretty sure that is a CVS decision not SMU, Dallas or University Park. I think I'll probably pass on meeting you at Dots but that sounds like a very cultured, educated way to handle a difference of opinion. Lastly, the several times I have visited this board all of your posts have racial/cultural overtones. That is usually an indicator to me. Racists come in all forms, races and backgrounds. And I'm not white by the way. Hard to believe I know since I went to SMU and I'm from Dallas.
  5. Ha! I remember you from when I was on your board last year. You're the racist guy from Houston who claims Dallas and SMU have no culture. lol And you're fixated on the one business that does not sell booze of the 100s around SMU. Walk across the street to 7-11 or Tom Thumb on Hillcrest and buy all the beer you want. There are no bars within walking distance of SMU, seriously?? Do you even read what you post? There are probably ten bars within walking distance of SMU - Trinity Hall, Milo's, Barley House, Twin Peaks, People's Last Stand, Green Elephant, Ozona's to name a few. and a few blocks away there are probably 15 more bars on Lower Greenville. Not to mention SMU was the first, I believe, college in Texas to sell beer at football and basketball games. And for the record, Dots is a great bar. Love that place.
  6. I believe it is $10-$15 around the stadium but it is definitely better to park in the DART parking lot for free and take the shuttle over, or walk (maybe a 10 minute walk). But if you're getting there near game time the lot might be full.
  7. Sorry, I know I shouldn't be on here posting about SMU/TCU basketball but TCU brings out the worst in me. Especially when a TCU fan posts that they have passed SMU in basketball. My apologies. UNT90 needs to watch Tyrese Maxey on YouTube. See you December 5th. http://247sports.com/Player/Tyrese-Maxey-94195
  8. Proof you don't know because Jank and staff are recruiting way better than LB ever did. Ask anyone who follows/knows basketball recruiting. Keep waiting for the demise of SMU basketball but I'm telling you it ain't happening. The program is stronger than ever and the school is 100% committed to keeping it a nationally relevant program. SMU > TCU always and forever.
  9. whoa! TCU is not the best basketball program in metroplex. They are catching up to us but we are still more talented than them. We have won four straight and 12/5 should be a helluva game. There is a good chance both teams will be ranked. As for recruiting - in 2018 we are in on three 4-stars (all with official visits) and Kyler Edwards. 2019 is all about Tyrese Maxey to SMU. We are also going hard after Harmon outta Denton. TCU best in the Plex? No.
  10. Hicks will remain in until he makes a couple of bad mistakes. To be honest he wasn't that good last week. Yes, I believe Gillins will be the starter at some point this year. He is exactly the type of QB Morris loves.
  11. That is a fair and accurate description of our offense last season. The biggest change this year is the OL. We have talented depth two-deep even with losing a couple of guys before the season. Also, the addition of WR Quinn is huge. He has NFL talent to go along with Sutton and Proche. Hicks is really our only question mark on offense. IMO, he will be on a very short leash Saturday. Gillins is the guy and I think everyone knows it. He is Matt Davis with a better arm. It is just a matter of time before he becomes the starter. On defense, our DL is probably the most improved unit on the team. Huge upgrade from last season. Should be a fun game and I look forward to seeing some UNT fans on the boulevard.
  12. Ha! TCU sucks and always will. You're right that being in the Big 12 helps them slightly but when the AAC adds Wichita St in 2018 it will help our conference profile. We also need UConn and Memphis to get back to being UConn and Memphis. As for TCU, they need to beat us before we can start the talk of them passing us by (little dig at Mac Engel). We've won four straight against the froggies. Our game next season in FW should be great with both teams possibly ranked. Should be s bigtime environment. Anyway, I stopped by to congratulate you on your new head coach and hiring his best recruiting assistant. Two very good hires. I hope he gets you guys going.
  13. I had a nice trip to Denton to see the La Tech game. You have a couple of nice young players. Your new coach will have something to work with. When it comes to recruiting, college coaches are only as good as their staff. LB hired snipers on the trail and he only got involved to close the deal. As for Jank, he kept KT Turner and promoted Jay Duncan. Both are two of the best recruiters in the country. KT is arguably the best recruiter SMU has had in any sport in decades. He was the biggest reason for our 2017 class which could be the best in the LB/Jank era. When you add our four 2017 recruits with transfers Whitt (Arkansas) and McMurray (USF) we should have a better, deeper team next season.
  14. I stopped by the board because I am going to the UNT/La Tech game Thursday. It is the last leg of my annual Metroplex college hoops tour. SMU doesn't play again until Saturday so I'm heading up to Denton. Hope to see a good game. As for Harmon, he is a stud and a top target of Jank's since last summer. He has been to three games at Moody this season including last week's Cincy game. We are also heavily recruiting his 2018 teammate Grayson Carter. Carter's top four are SMU, TCU, OU and Okie St. I'm told we are in the lead for Carter and at the top of Harmon's list too.
  15. I wish KF the very best. He's a good person and he helped to provided SMU with one of our best sports nights ever..... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HcgKrH2ff3s
  16. Sutherland is an Aggie, so don't be too hard on her.....
  17. Yesterday was my first time to Apogee and I was very impressed. "the Hill" is a great tailgating scene and my group was treated great the entire day. As for the game, you have a very nice stadium. I thought you had a great turnout by your fans and students for a team coming off a 1-11 season. You can tell Littrell likes to sling it around. When he gets his players it in there, it will be interesting Fine brought a ton of energy late in the game. When he came in, I was not expecting that. Lastly, thanks for being great hosts. Y'all have a lot in place for a bright future - a nice stadium and tailgating scene, great fans and a bright young coach.
  18. We are taking the train. Is there a bus running from the last Denton stop to the stadium? Thanks in advance.
  19. Hang on. You have a poll on your site that says overwhelmingly SMU is your rival. Your beat reporter is obsessed with calling SMU a rival. SMU has sold out our allotment of tickets and we are bringing more than that, but you want to schedule another team and blame SMU for no TV and non-sell out? I'm confused. A college with 35,000 students is playing its supposed biggest rival and you can't sell out a 30,000 seat stadium. Is that an SMU problem, or a North Texas problem?
  20. Sorry, just defending my school because Ryan Muthie makes it sound like SMU is nothing but white people holding KKK rallies, and I'm a minority. SMU still has work to do with increasing the black enrollment as highlighted in the DMN article but Hispanic, Asian and International enrollments are inline with national averages.
  21. Or maybe because you went to the game wanting to see those stereotypes?? Of course you can walk up and down the boulevard and find a group of rich d-bags acting like idiots if you try to. They definitely exist and you can find them but they also exist at UNT, TCU, Baylor or name any other school. A majority of the SMU people tailgating are welcoming and friendly people.
  22. That number includes Hispanics. In some demo stats whites include Hispanics. Forbes - http://www.forbes.com/colleges/southern-methodist-university/
  23. 1) That makes no sense at all, but okay. As for the point of your argument, it has changed so many times that you win. 2) Again University Park and Dallas are wet so all businesses can sell/serve alcohol. The CVS at Greenville/Lovers sells booze and so does the one on Mockingbird and Skillman. 3) what overwhelming demographics? Please provide a little proof to you claims.
  24. You're all over the place with what you're trying to say. First, you said SMU is the easiest private in Texas to get into especially if you're a white male. Both of which are wrong. And now out of the blue you're saying SMU's competition isn't Rice or the Ivy league, which I never claimed or insinuated. You even mentioned it twice that SMU is not an elite Ivy League South School, again which I never claimed. I agree that SMU is not at the level of Rice or the Ivy League schools. Dallas and University park are both wet and all businesses restaurants are allowed to sell/serve alcohol. There are three CVS near campus. Which one are you talking about? Funny, you bring up the $30,000 year Uptown crowd because it reminds me of one of the other threads I was referencing where you were going on and on about how much more cultured and diverse Houston was over Dallas. If I remember correctly you mentioned all the white SMU d-bag, $30,000 millionaires that represented racist Dallas. Yet, it seems like you're the one who is constantly stereotyping and judging people on this board.
  25. That Ryan Munthe throws out misinformation without knowing the facts?
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