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  1. We'll get them on the away game April 30th
  2. What kind of role do you think he'd have if he cracked the rotation? What's the skill set?
  3. All of those bids directly result in tournament credits which means more money per program in the conference. For this reason, I think we have an opening into the PAC. Why would they want UTSA AND Texas State when neither will do anything towards getting an at-large bid which means they'd be paying credit distributions to two schools who aren't contributing to the credits earned. There's only so many leeches a conference can absorb.
  4. Or, here me out, we do everything possible to get into the new PAC where most of those 3-4 MWC bids will be playing starting next year. Quad 1 and 2 opponents almost every game.
  5. Yup... it is what it is. You can't lose to the 213th ranked team at home and expect to be taken seriously by national media.
  6. I'd imagine any Texas school would want at least one travel partner but they don't help the conference's basketball prowess any. Neither does UTSA. I can see us filling in that other Texas slot to be a travel partner with TX State while being a perfect fit with the other basketball programs.
  7. Each of those schools have at least 2 losses to teams in the 200+ range of NET rankings with Tulsa having 4 such losses and not a single one of those three has a winning OOC record. With the weak OOC schedules most of our conference is playing, there's no reason any team should have a losing record. To your point, if Tulsa, Charlotte, and UTSA would just handle business in OOC, they could boost their NET rankings a good deal and maybe attract decent early season tournament invites for the following season. As it is, any team that loses to a UTSA, Tulsa, Charlotte, or even Rice immediately loses any credibility.
  8. What really killed me about that Miss State game is the walks and errors. We walked 9 batters and I remember quite a few errors. We also left a bunch of runners on base ourselves. Hits were 9-7 in favor of Miss State. I think we're closer to them than that final score would have you believe.
  9. We play in 1 bid league (unless Memphis loses the AQ) with only 1 other team ranked in the top 100 of NET. Stop making excuses for pitiful stretches of play.
  10. *next game* 2 pm start, beautiful weather, there goes student attendance as they'll all be having a picnic.
  11. Wren Baker hired him. Smastrek promoted him. Seems Mosley was the comfortable pick. I believe that in order to be great, you have to first be uncomfortable. We keep missing the mark on that. "he kept coming back to Mosley as someone who was already familiar with UNT" https://www.untsystem.edu/news/unt-introduces-new-athletic-director-mosley-and-new-football-coach-morris.php
  12. This would make a lot of sense and is how I figured things would play out. Media partners have probably told them $10 mil per school is what they're worth regardless of which G5 schools they add. The Texas market is great but I don't think the G5 Texas schools available currently bring enough value to boost the media deal (including us, sadly). Now, if I'm the PAC, I do see the Texas market as a huge area of opportunity and who knows what some of the G5 Texas schools can accomplish with more money. I've read on Redit threads that the new PAC really values basketball and considering some of the additions (Gonzaga, St Mary's), that seems pretty obvious. No clue how plugged-in those reddit members are so it could just be basic fan observations. If you're looking at the two main revenue sports, we have a clear edge in basketball over the other Texas G5s available. If they want to be a basketball conference for the sake of earning a bunch of tournament credits to boost their earnings, there's not many better schools available than us. Here's to hoping we get an invite and take a chance.
  13. I'm pulling for UAB because I'm still holding out hope we can get the 1 seed. Facing the 4 seed, who right now is Tulane or could be FAU, would be huge. Would much rather let UAB/Memphis take each other down if that ends up being the 2-3 match-up.
  14. Ryan was also the chairman of Patrick's Tax Policy Advisory Board in 2015 and in 2020 was again appointed by Patrick to chair a taskforce. Whether he's willing to use those connections is a different conversation.
  15. Halfway to last year's win total a month into the season. We could be in the midst of a truly special year.
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