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Matt from A700

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Everything posted by Matt from A700

  1. They'll never leave their stables again after today.
  2. This really fired me up. Forgot about all of the great plays we made in that game! We really kicked their ass!
  3. Thanks for the tip! Need to make sure there's plenty of green in the seats when the team comes out of the tunnel!
  4. Agreed. Thankfully I can take the bus to class from my apartment this year. But before they construct anymore dorms they need to construct a residential parking garage or something, by Kerr and Maple.
  5. Hate to beat a dead horse (pun intended), but we are going to win.
  6. Sounds like he's really scared UNT will have more students in attendance than SMU!
  7. Thread title made me think this was something about how we have a chance to start 2-0 for the first time since.... since when? Someone enlighten me. I'm only a sophomore.
  8. President Smatresk said this was one of UNT's biggest freshman classes in history. But I agree, we need to get them to support the school they go to, even if this wasn't their first choice. And let's get them to show up to our football and basketball games for Scrappy's sake!
  9. How inspiring. Anyone notice the green shirt at 0:35?
  10. Whenever I go out of town, I make sure I bring a UNT shirt.
  11. Mean Green 38, Ponyboys 13
  12. Trevor Moore to break UNT's streak of no draft picks? I say.... YES.
  13. I feel like the only thing SMU has going for them is that UNT hasn't won a road game since 2013.
  14. Lighting should be #1, and just hire better people for the general presentation of the game with better use of the scoreboard graphics, games, etc. Make Mean Green basketball games a source of entertainment - and make people actually get excited when offering four free tickets. Then obviously make permanent ticket booth structures and deal with the media space afterwards. Whatever's left can go to the non-public areas behind the scenes. Also, I know the former arena was nicknamed the Snake Pit, but does it have any significance? I feel like honoring an alumni or someone who was big in the program's history would give the place a cooler feeling with some history. For example, you would get more specific Google Images results for "Johnny Jones Court/Arena". Meanwhile, if you do a Google Image search for "The Super Pit", you get:
  15. In a 1-11 season where you get outscored by 363 points for the year, how is an average 43-6 score more embarrassing than another?
  16. To reiterate, we are just incredibly crappy on the road. Since 2000 we are 39-40 at home and still claim to have the best homefield advantage. That's how bad we are on the road.
  17. Derek Akunne lands on the Falcons' practice squad.
  18. This is too specific and too heartbreaking to imagine. I refuse to agree with you. I said months ago I think we can win 6 games in our schedule. Of course, that would actually require us to win a game on the road (SMWho). 7-6 after a 24-21 upset bowl win.
  19. I will take a third+ of the stadium in green.
  20. I waited to get my tickets today and couldn't get the $20 ticket-bus-shirt deal because all 500 had been sold, so you know there will be a great crowd. UNT may have more students there than SMU! Can't wait!
  21. Looks like Baltimore may have someone new to row the boat for them. Except now it's Orr, not Oher.
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