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Everything posted by BeyondTheGreen

  1. Hello board! Sorry for the late notice on this but there will be a New Mexico Bowl edition of Beyond The Green that will be premiering at 10:30 PM on Thursday which is obviously a little later than our usual time slot. This is due to HS Football and Dallas Stars hockey. The episode will be re-aired however and below are the airdates and times: 12/20 at 10:30pm 12/24 at 6:30pm 12/28 at 6:30am The game didnt have the outcome we all wanted but this episode features more than just the NM Bowl. The episode will also be available on YouTube and stay tuned for an update on when it is posted. Happy Holidays everyone and thanks for the continued support of this series. Hope you enjoy and GO MEAN GREEN!!!! -BTG
  2. Hello Board, As most of you already know Beyond The Green is returning for 2018. The first episode aired last night at 4:00 PM on Fox Sports Southwest and it will run every Thursday throughout the season. There was some confusion out there that we would not be on Fox Sports Southwest this season but I can confirm that we are. In addition to FSSW, we will also be running episodes on Fox College Sports - Dish 446 & DirecTV 608. These will be re-airings of that week's episode. The September dates/times are below. There is also the possibility of a larger internet presence this year. I will provide more info on that as it happens. I greatly appreciate all the support the show gets from members of GMG.com. While the show is meant to reach any demographic and bring more exposure to NT football, I'm not naive and realize that this board is where the show's biggest support comes from. I love hearing everyone's thoughts on the episodes and even the critiques (at least most of them....). Like I said on the podcast, if anyone has any segment suggestions or something they would really like to see, please send me a message. My production schedule is pretty chaotic during the season, but I will try and check-in every now and then. Thanks again for all the support. Please feel free to share anything that is posted and help spread the word!!!! Reminder of the social media accounts you can follow: IG: beyondthegreen_unt FB: Beyond The Green Twitter: @BTG_UNT Additional September airings on Fox College Sports: Friday September 7 -- 7:30 AM Thursday September 13 -- 8:30 PM Friday September 14 -- 6:30 AM Thursday September 20 -- 5:30 PM Friday September 21 -- 7:30 AM Thursday September 27 -- 5:30 PM Friday September 28 -- 9:30 AM -Ashton
  3. Due the UIL HSFB Championships, the final BTG episode will air on Tuesday 12/26 at 4:30 pm. There will also be a re-air on Thursday 12/28 at 5:00 pm. Thanks again for the continued support of this series throughout the year. I've received multiple notes from fans (more than any season prior) and I really appreciate everyone sharing links and helping to spread the word. I feel like the exposure has definitely grown this year. Hope you have enjoyed this season as much as I have producing it. Happy Holidays and GMG!!! -Ashton
  4. Kudos to all the fans who came out to the Rice game yesterday. It felt very much like a home game, and the players felt it. I kept hearing comments throughout the game that the crowd was kicking ass and it was making a difference. It helps that Rice isnt very good right now, but either way, high-five to all the Houston-based UNT fans and any that made the trip down. Good stuff.
  5. Thanks for the support! GMG
  6. My main point was, for a while now the majority of our fanbase has wanted change. Change in the administration, direction athletics was heading, style of football etc etc. Now that the changes are beginning to take shape, hopefully fans will take note of that and excitement/support will grow. We all wanted it and from the looks of it, it is here. So with that being said, we should be very enthusiastic and not continue to dwell on the negatives. Some of those wounds are still fresh, but there is reason for optimism. I'm not trying to call anyone bad fans. I was hoping the tailgating scene to be larger for the UTSA game and for us to reach 26,000 in attendance, given the magnitude of the game. There were a few moments during it where the volume was unreal. Imagine if there was 3,000-4,000 more there. But if you are a beaten down fan who wants some proof before they jump back on board, thats fair. I do think that if you are one of those who was vocal about a change, you need to be supporting whats going on. It will help the cause considerably. GMG
  7. This week's episode will premiere at 2:00 PM Friday on Fox Sports Southwest. There was a sporting event that was originally going to run Thursday afternoon so BTG was pushed to 5:00, but then rescheduled for 2:00 PM. That is NOT, I repeat, NOT the case for the rest of the year. I'm not sure where that being the time slot for remainder of the season originated from. I was in favor of the 2:00 PM time slot for this week as there was a lot we needed to cover and it gave me a chance to add in some content that I normally wouldn't have the opportunity to include with the usual turnaround. Its not the most ideal time slot, but hopefully the show can benefit. I'll will keep everyone posted on changes like this in the future and update the board on when it will be available online. Please set your DVR's accordingly, and if you can tune in live please do so. Thanks -AC
  8. I don't want anyone to think I underestimate the importance of this game. It's the biggest game of the season up to this point and has a lot riding on it from multiple angles. In addition to it being a team that we have a history with. If another CUSA TX team (Rice for instance) was in UTSA's shoes, I would think the exact same thing, not just because its UTSA. I wanna beat UTSA just as much as everyone else, but I still wanna beat SMU more. I really really don't like either team, but we need to own SMU as we get better as a program.
  9. No, George is not working for the University. On certain segments, I ask George for interviews because not many know as much about the history of NT Athletics as he does. He's a great soundbite and usually brings a good perspective to the segments (IMO)
  10. There is no BTG this week due to the bye week. Traditionally there hasnt been an episode following a bye-week, and since we only do 13 episodes (with a potential bowl episode), I'd rather do a preseason episode than a bye-week that can highlight the offseason. I probably should have posted something regarding the bye earlier in the week. New episode next Thursday. Thanks!
  11. Hey board! There are a lot of kind words going around about episode 1 and I greatly appreciate it. Please take the time to follow BTG on social media as Im hoping to create more of a presence this year and the football department will be promoting more as well. Sharing posts and tweets will greatly help the promotion of the series. Here are the sites: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeyondTheGreenUNT/ Twitter: @BTG_UNT Instagram: beyondthegreen_UNT Each week's episode will be available online Fridays at 4:00 PM cst. We need to wait 24 hours after the show airs on Fox Sports Southwest. Even though the show will be available online, I encourage you to DVR each episode if you can't watch it live. Every view counts and will help the future of the series. The more views it gets, the better chances I have of renewing the show for 2018. Thanks again for the continued support. GMG!!!! -Ashton
  12. Hello board, Im happy to say that Beyond The Green will be returning for 2017. This might not be breaking news at this point, but I wanted to make sure I had all the details in place before making an official announcement. I know there was some rumors going around a little while back about a possible format change, but the show is returning in its original form. I appreciate all the support this board has shown over the years. Its no secret to anyone how much I enjoy producing this show and bringing exposure to the program. I am hoping to create more of a social media presence this year and will be working with the some members of the staff to promote the series more than previous years. The goal is to have more activity in that realm than we have in the past. The first episode will be airing on Thursday August 31 on Fox Sports Southwest and will continue throughout the season, with 13 episodes in total. The time slot looks like it will be 4:00 pm but that may end up being 4:30 pm. I will update everyone when that is finalized. Stay tuned for more info on the social media side of things. Once these are up and running, please take the time to follow through these sites. That will help awareness and exposure immensely. Thanks again and GO MEAN GREEN -Ashton
  13. No conspiracy and every single shot that was in there before is still in there. No new footage will be added or replaced.
  14. Hey everyone - the reason the videos were removed from YouTube is because there is a minor change I wanted to make. Before the freak out, its nothing major that has anything to do with any particular players, staff or university official. It is on the production side of things and a technical change. Sorry for the delay for those who havent seen it yet. I will notify the board when it goes back up. Thanks for the support. Go Mean Green!! -Ashton
  15. Hello board!! Sorry for not posting this sooner, but I've been busy getting the show finished out and it dawned on me that I haven't posted an update on when it will air. The Spring BTG episode will debut Friday April 21 at 4:30 pm, and will re-air on 4/27 at 5:00pm & 4/29 at 7:30pm. This show will pickup from the HOD bowl and cover all the offseason happenings, culminating with the Spring Game. Please tune in or set your DVR. Thanks and GMG!!!!! -Ashton
  16. Sorry for the late update on this, but the HOD Bowl Episode of Beyond The Green will air tomorrow afternoon at 4:00 pm on Fox Sports Southwest. Thanks again for the support and please post any thoughts or comments you have about the episode. Happy New Year!!
  17. We got pretty bad......
  18. Choice has been there throughout the season and has appeared in multiple BTG episodes. You can usually see him coaching up Ivery or Jeffrey during the games. He's popped up at least 4-5 times.
  19. I don't run any content on BTG without approval from the Athletic Department. As for a few who were questioning why Seth said that at halftime, then said they were a good football team isn't as much coach speak as it was motivation. They were beating themselves in the first half and Rice was not the better team. I think the post-game part was more of a tribute to their Coach and their resiliency as Rice didnt roll over in the 4th when NT got things going. As well was giving our guys some credit for the win. At least, that was my take. But yeah, I always run stuff by the dept.
  20. @SSP Thats a pretty amazing post and I greatly appreciate the support. The show gets a good amount of love in this forum, but posts like that are what makes me love doing this series even more. I'm very glad to hear that it allows your Dad to see a little more than he normally would. Being able to do a series like this, covering my alma mater, has been fantastic and a high-point in my career up to this point.
  21. Damn. Maybe your DVR just wants to avoid talking about a loss, UNTLifer. It will be on YouTube later today. Thanks for watching
  22. Hello board, Well, its not a secret or anything at this point, but I did want to make sure that a few things fell into place before making the official announcement. Episode one will premiere tomorrow (Thursday) at 4:00 pm on Fox Sports Southwest. I'm extremely excited to be producing this series again. This message board has always been very supportive of this series and really understands the value it can have on an athletic program. I greatly appreciate that support and its great that the series has a strong fanbase (as long as my color balance is on point). I'd especially like to thank our President who played an integral part in the show's return. I hope everyone enjoys following around the new regime this season and I'll do my best to bring an inside look at what's going on to rebuild this program and the changed that take place. It was very cool to see people inquiring on whether or not the show was returning. Keep an eye out for a website and other social media as I plan on doing more this season to promote and raise awareness. I will keep everyone posted as there could be a few time slot changes during certain weeks. Thanks for the support and GO MEAN GREEN!!! -Ashton
  23. DB Chad Davis - LB Sed Ellis - OT Jordan Murray. Susprnded for rule violations.
  24. I can confirm that the suspensions were NOT due to social media ban.
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