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Everything posted by James

  1. the professors I've had in the economics department have often brought up UNT football. (Weird to think it was economics of all departments...) One of my professors was so amped for the Texas game last season. He always pushed games. However, I do agree the majority do not mention games and often reference their undergrad university.
  2. yes.
  3. My professor was just joking yesterday about the odds the building catching fire this year
  4. I assume if I live two blocks away from campus then I'm "comming up from the greater area?"
  5. there's also thousands of other students on campus that receive financial aid refund checks much larger than that amount and spend it poorly. People will always find ways to screw things up.
  6. Unless the product on the field is consistently successful, or at least the best thing in town, there is no way students will attend games with admission fees.
  7. While I don't condone the behavior in any way... All this reminds me of is the successful periods the Miami Hurricanes witnessed.
  8. Glad to have him running the ship. Haven't had a reason to question his leadership at UNT.
  9. I marched mellophone in highschool and played french horn in the spring during concert season. Top drum corps and outside performing groups adopt the mellophone instead of the french horn for its ease of use and playability. Just YouTube search for any highschool that trys to march with a french horn. It's embarassing.
  10. Woah. Saw that UL-Monroe was at $6,056.
  11. Probably won't happen, but imagine every version of Scrappy (and Eppy) on the field at the same time.
  12. This is really good stuff. I wouldn't mind paying in order to keep something like this going. And I'm a broke a** college student.
  13. I like the motivational SMU helmet being tossed around.
  14. Alright. Take my money. I'm ready for Mean Green football.
  15. Someone please make a computer rendering of this.
  16. What's more important is that we're actually embracing the multi-uniform approach. Despite your opinions on color and design, at leasts it's not the same thing week-in and week-out.
  17. I believe the immediate use is to relocate some offices from campus to the area while they continue and begin other construction projects throughout campus.
  18. Did we join the Arena League?
  19. The throwback uniforms were sharper than this garbage.
  20. How many on this forum would 'go postal' if the new helmets had "North Texas" instead of the SOW? Just a funny thought.
  21. Wow. Speechless.
  22. It says you're "not taking anymore personal messages" every time I try to send one. I'm definitely interested though.
  23. I demand this shirt.
  24. Yeah. The new ownership has had an enormous amount of issues to deal with since acquiring the complex. They also painted it an awful color blue. Not a pretty sight out my window.
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