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Everything posted by James

  1. I'm trying to keep a level head, but I would love to see some exploding spread offense at North Texas.
  2. I can't even...
  3. This is very awesome that you're doing this!
  4. As a student I believe it's for the betterment of our university and city to acquire that land and eventually create the new entrance to the university. It'll only help our efforts to attract more people to the region. It'll even help the city with those who are just driving down I35 on their way north or south. No longer will they remember Denton as the "place with the giant Sack N Save" but rather the place with the pretty campus off the highway. It's a necessary evil.
  5. Just means a bigger payout for those who bet on UNT.
  6. I love the idea of adding black to our current uniform, but this is too much black. I don't think it goes well with the white top.
  7. Thought this was an interesting combo. This is the first time @MeanGreenFB has worn this color combination to my knowledge. #GoMeanGreen pic.twitter.com/iVSrNDVBrV — Eric Capper (@Eric_Capper) October 4, 2014
  8. I would love to bring in SFA, Sam Houston St, or Texas St. I feel like students could connect better with those names coming to town.
  9. I see ya @Dkidsy3!!!! Puttin #UNT on the map even more with the #1 play on the #SCtop10! #GMG #MGN pic.twitter.com/KxII0TEpx2 — JayPee²³ (@jp_twothree) September 21, 2014
  10. Should probably get someone from the music department to play taps when they knock that thing down.
  11. This may be disturbing, but it gave me a good laugh for the day. Way to go ULL, keep it up.
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