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Everything posted by gradumacated

  1. Should be last drive for the starters.

  2. Our reaction photo after meeting Tom Hiddleston is still amazing awesome one year on! http://t.co/ul21BEWKOs http://t.co/ssKu7wZRFw

  3. RT @MostWowFacts: Gravity is not temporarily shutting down on January 4th. http://t.co/RssuWkP1Do

  4. RT @Independent: Still making us laugh: BBC correspondent shows perils of reporting next to burning heroin http://t.co/mxLZ6eEmmH http://t.…

  5. RT @TheJordanRoss: Yet another strong argument for #RomoForMVP. Romo's efficiency this season has been absolutely ridiculous! http://t.co/X…

  6. RT @Evan_P_Grant: I don't understand how longevity is ever used against a HOF candidate. If you are very good for long time, that's a posit…

  7. five years ago today I posted my graduation picture with my mum! :)http://t.co/y5wUq8zKZE http://t.co/hvz8gol3m8

  8. RT @JC1053: .@RealSkipBayless Actually you predicted the Redskins to win the division and RGIII to be the best QB in the division. Check y…

  9. RT @DFWHops: In the shadows, a word was whispered. A tale of old, lost since ages long forgotten. In the darkness, the whispers grew. "...P…

  10. RT @WayneASchneider: @THEHermanCain Your ignorance is disgusting. Obama is not a Socialist no matter how many times you Conservatives repea…

  11. Bowling For Soup (@bfsrocks): Songs People Actually Liked Vol 1 update: We are shipping!!! I am sick.... http://t.co/b6rv4LsvfV @PledgeMusic

  12. I think this was at Alisha's graduation... four years ago today! Time flies! http://t.co/YmlCcyEi7O http://t.co/18ayd0ueko

  13. RT @Phoenix_Leigh: Not trying to fall on stage. Gotta be able to move efficiently.

  14. RT @AcneSkinSite: Keep your hands off of your face and keep your cell phone and headphones clean.

  15. RT @KerrieRene: In honor of the @Eagles fans who decided to throw eggs @dallascowboys team bus, that win was EGGcellent #headline @NewSchoo

  16. RT @clarencehilljr: that illegal contact call was late. but it was the right call

  17. RT @GeoffreyBoycott: @WayneRooney @D_DeGea Thank god for De Gea, @Persie_Official @juanmata8 and yourself. Defence still ordinary and lucky…

  18. Thought this would be interesting to share:http://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2014/12/14/7390081/how-every-college-football-team-fared-against-expectations UNT tied for 82nd with 1.5 wins below expectations.
  19. Ted Cruz just did a huge favor for Democrats http://t.co/KdA3Kl2MzP via @DLind

  20. From my outside perspective it seems like there's something rotten in the state of Denmark when it comes to our scheduling versus our peers. There certainly seems to be a large discrepancy that has yet to be adequately explained.
  21. Taken a little longer than I anticipated, but today I graduate with my History MA! I walk 3pm, Coliseum at UNT i... http://t.co/4QRCJDCiBF

  22. Bowling For Soup (@bfsrocks): Songs People Actually Liked Vol 1 update: We're Starting To Ship! http://t.co/1wHNWMUOu4 @PledgeMusic #pop

  23. RT @monalisette30: @TheEllenShow I'm an alum! Class of '97. Enjoy some Cool Beans for me. :)

  24. Bowling For Soup (@bfsrocks): Songs People Actually Liked Vol 1 update: Win some exclusive stuff!!! We need lyric ... http://t.co/mNjcvvho62

  25. #bbcfootball Southampton are playing too narrow. Keep getting in each others way. Spread it out and they have hope.
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