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Everything posted by gradumacated

  1. Harsh for Johnny Jones' LSU, but up 16 & go cold from field & FT line, you're asking for a loss. UNT thought JJ isn't a good in-game coach


  3. RT @mrdanwalker: You don't have to support Arsenal to know how annoying that daft late goal in the 1st leg was #undone

  4. I got: Siamese! What type of cat are you? http://t.co/cTOvLfEQBJ via @play_buzz

  5. #bbcfootball Also realize this is same MUFC team that imploded against Leicester City of all teams to lose 5-3. Precedent. #concernedMUFCfan
  6. I checked in at Chestnut Tree Teahouse & Bistro on #Yelp http://t.co/To7JA4QYhb

  7. Why You Trust the Internet More Than Your Doctor http://t.co/oOfiJCGGy5 via @DocBastard "I don't get. But I think."

  8. I just backed MAGNETIC: Paper That Sticks to Walls on @Kickstarter http://t.co/8cVoopxkso @officerlizzie

  9. RT @therealmarklane: On @1053thefan, @fishsports says the #Cowboys will miss Murray, AND they will replace Murray.

  10. #bbcfootball Serves Chelsea right. Being rightly punished for not dominating the game a la Bayern Munich. PSG deserved winners.
  11. He's bringing in his own Provost over the summer so make it a two-fer and send Athletics in a new direction as well. It's about three years over due.
  12. RT @UNTPrez: We just decided to delay opening at #UNT until noon on Tuesday. Keep on studying!

  13. #bbccricket So @ECB_cricket meandered to opening #ICCWorldCup2015 group win. Will they rue not being ruthless if progress relies on runrate?
  14. #bbccricket Dare I say the Scottish bowlers are giving English bowlers a clinic on death bowling ? Scots doing well to restrict Eng here.
  15. Even my wife, @OfficerLizzie, who's totally not a sports fan, enjoyed your Cantore Texas Legends commentary, @rjchoppy Nice work.

  16. #bbccricket Are NZ playing @stickcricket!? Making it easy & making a laughable proposition that ENG r dark horses. IRE have better chance
  17. RT @professornegro: @DezBryant @FrankyGonzalez3 @dallascowboys Sorry but just hard for me to comprehend how $120 Million over 10 years is c…

  18. Think you could live on $1.50 a day? Take the challenge: Live #BelowTheLine to help end poverty at https://t.co/pK7Xfa42qU

  19. #bbcfootball This United team has no identity, no soul, no plan, and no clue. They deserve to be dumped from the cup. Where's the passion?
  20. RT @LOLGOP: I would have gone with "OBAMANET MEANS NO MORE INTERNET COMMENT SECTIONS -- ACT NOW" http://t.co/nGoeVM46RH

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