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Everything posted by NT93

  1. Am I finally going to be able to get a UNT spare tire cover for my Jeep???
  2. I've never given this any thought, but you might be on to something. While we would obviously like to move up the conference chain, this would be an improvement over what we have now.
  3. This is strictly a gut feeling, but I think Kason Martin is the heir apparent. If you ask me why, I have no good answers for you...ever since he signed I've just had a feeling that he's the next guy in line.
  4. You're really missing out.😆
  5. It means that if you've bet the under on all of our games this year, you're banking.
  6. If we get to 10 wins it's the most successful season in the HISTORY of the program. We have NEVER won 10 games. Ever. So for me, if we get to 10 wins and lose the bowl game, I'll be disappointed in the loss, but I'll still know this team did something that's never been done at North Texas.
  7. I actually think you have very measurable metrics that you use to determine success. Nothing wrong with that. Not to speak for MGT, but I think our determination of success is more arbitrary. This season is a perfect example. If we win the rest of our games and lose our bowl game we will be 10-3. I will consider that a successful season and you will not because we went 0-3 based on your metrics.
  8. I believe that by your criteria several teams probably had more successful seasons than Alabama last year.😛 For me, I just want to be ranked at the end of the year (or at least getting votes). If that requires winning the conference, so be it. If that requires winning a bowl game, so be it. Edit: This is my hope, not my expectation. I guess my expectation is that we compete for the conference championship and go to a bowl game. With the watered down bowl system I know that's not a super high expectation, but if you're not going to a bowl it means you've had a pretty bad year. I don't have a real strong belief in my next statement, but I think I'd take 10 wins over a conference championship. This year for example, I think I'd rather finish 10-2 and not win our conference than be 8-4 and win the conference. Based on the poll/thread about trading the SMU/Ark wins for LaTech/UAB wins, about 70% of the people here agree. Now, 10 wins AND a conference championship? Sign me up for that every year. Edit II: My opinion here would probably change if we were in a conference that actually rewarded the conference champion with a quality bowl game. To me, winning the conference means more in the future when you can look back and claim to be Conference Champions in XX years. And I really do think that is significant. 10 wins is more of a boost in the present, which is also significant, so I think it's a tough call. Bottom line is that we all want UNT football to be successful. I think this year is a success (so far), but others obviously disagree.
  9. So a team that hit 2 out of the 3 criteria had a more successful season than a team who only hit 1 out of 3? And hitting all 3 would be the most successful?
  10. So everyone except Alabama didn't meet expectations last year? And Alabama didn't completely because they didn't win the division of their conference. Lucky for them their name is ALABAMA so the loss was forgiven and they got a chance at the national title. If conference championships are going to be meaningful, then you need to win yours to be able to make the CFP. And those 2007 NY Giants were a wild card team. Maybe conference/division championships aren't as important as you're making them out to be. I could provide a long list of teams who didn't win their conference/division/district who went on to capture the ultimate prize...or at least get closer to the ultimate prize than their conference foe who won the conference. Last year alone, you have Alabama and A&M Commerce. And that's just college football...off the top of my head.
  11. You do realize that his statement is an opinion?
  12. I guess you missed the sarcasm. I'm trying to make a point to you guys who are so torn up about not winning our conference.
  13. I bet Alabama has a few fans like we do who think every other fan should stop settling for mediocrity because they couldn't even win the SEC West last year.
  14. Is there really any other logical explanation???
  15. It's never happened since I've been a fan. NEVER. Not once in my 25+ years.
  16. You never said it, and I never said you did. I said it in my original post. I was just making the point that you have to win the division to play for the conference championship and if you lose that game, winning the division doesn't mean much. You called my post "the dumbest thing I've read in this thread", so I assumed you didn't agree with that part either. I mean, how could you possibly agree with any part of the dumbest post in a thread filled with dumb posts? You're correct, conference champion does get the pick of the bad bowls. Still seems to me that S.Miss got the best bowl game last year, so I'm not sure that's a big advantage. I'm just saying, 10-2 and going to the bad bowl we're placed in is better than going 7-4 and choosing our bad bowl. Let's be honest, winning CUSA is not the most prestigious thing to the casual fan. Winning 10 games is generally pretty impressive though.
  17. Please explain the importance of Auburn's division championship last year...or ours for that matter.
  18. Thank you. I appreciate the reading comprehension skills you have that some seem to lack.
  19. I don't know, overall record may be more important with the bowl system being what it is. If we were 4-4 but in first place in CUSA West I don't think our bowl prospects improve much, if at all. I get it that we want to win conference championships, but college football is set up where conference championships really don't mean much, especially division championships. Just ask Auburn.
  20. And it probably wouldn't be too difficult to identify the 5 people who liked it. 🤣🤣
  21. My biggest fear for this season was the law of averages catching up to us after so many close wins last year. I got downvoted and told that we weren't lucky, we were good. Well, we were good last year, but we were also very lucky. You're exactly right, but last year we did...with some crazy, wild, and memorable finishes. Our two losses this year have been tough because we had big leads and lost, but I'm still enjoying this season as much as I've enjoyed any season in my 25+ years of being a fan.
  22. It's a pretty messed up bowl system when we can finish worse in our conference than last year and end up in a better bowl vs what most would consider a more favorable opponent. The bowl system offers no (or very little) incentive for winning your conference.
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