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NT93 last won the day on December 8 2024

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  1. Haha. Intentional jab at our uniforms. Surprised you’re the first one to comment.
  2. This is what I envision the score being tomorrow night against ASU.😮
  3. We could have been a contender… because three of the four teams who beat us lost in the first round.
  4. Aren’t you supposed to win if you’re a 1-3 seed?
  5. No disrespect to Atin because I love watching him play and I’m glad he’s wearing green and black, but surely our HOF standards aren’t so low that a guy can come here and be very good (but not great) his senior year and get in
  6. I’ve got some terrible news for you. There are MANY who would substitute Saint Francis and Alabama St. with North Texas, etc. If you want the committee to get “the best 68 teams in,” get ready for a tournament full of P4’s. Not a tournament I care to watch. The opening weekend with all of the smaller schools is my favorite part of the tournament.
  7. And don’t overlook Okie St vs SMU.
  8. So does Eric Morris🤣😢
  9. That’s surprising. I thought it looked much fuller on TV.
  10. I think you’re on to something.
  11. I’m probably 7,279.
  12. Sadly, this is the truth.
  13. This was the turning point for me as well. They changed up the defense and we panicked and made some terrible passes. I’ll also admit that I thought we were going to come back and win when we cut it to 4 late. Then they hit the prayer shot to beat the shot clock and you knew it was over.
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