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GreenTexan13 last won the day on July 30 2015

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About GreenTexan13

  • Birthday 12/28/1990

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    Coppell, TX

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  1. Hoping we can get the 3 W's. During the halftime segment OU v TX game last Saturday. Dan Orlovsky with ESPN was talking about Army and was feeding into how the game between Army and Notre Dame will be exciting while they were showing Army highlights. Also showed Army's schedule and no second thoughts to any of the teams between now and then would make a dent in their undefeated mission. I really hope we can spoil that.. A ranked opponent and a win at home would be a bucket list item for UNT football.
  2. This! Been like 6 years since we could truly say that the team has started off with a good record. We have a lot to look forward to this year, with what we have seen so far.
  3. Ummm no, but nice effort to come on another team's board to brag about being the next best thing to sliced bread when your team has scored less points in 4 games than UNT scored in one game three nights ago. I don't see much of a huge difference attendance REPORTED wise. (Should we count Rice, who basically is a home game for them being 4 miles away?) But happy your fanbase loves the product on the field this year.
  4. The same source has SMU vs TX State in Frisco 12/17. UNT playing TX State in DFW would be fun, possibly very good attendance.
  5. I don't think anyone wants to watch UH play. 34-0, are you all FCS?
  6. I am really hoping for this too 🙏
  7. I am going to go out on a limb... SFA gave us more trouble than what TX tech will do. ACU gave Tech trouble and the game went into OT. It's so UNT of our team to just blow an opportunity on a very winnable recognized name with a W over TT. But TT is really struggling this year.
  8. 4-0 to start. The year of the Arkansas win! I still kick myself for missing out on that game vs La Tech in Denton.. Even know we lost, it sounded like a great atmosphere.
  9. Metzler's in Denton is where I bought it. Been needing to get back up there to get some more. Would be awesome if it was stocked more around the metroplex though.
  10. I showed up towards end of the 1st quarter. when the game was already 14-0, so that was fun knowing what we were walking into. Parked in the lot across where old fouts was and didn't have issues finding parking there. From reading folks experience in the blue lot.. yeah I will not poor salt in the wound.. We bought tickets at the ticket booth by the wing, there were lines and a lot of people waited in line at the SMU will call one only to find a SMU rep working that booth to tell them they are in wrong line. Not sure I can have an opinion as that my be the norm for how these things are done, but I there definitely would have been a more customer service friendly experience if they just had a way to just sell tickets in all lines. But shame on me for not buying them on my phone. Walked around stadium, there seemed to be lines everywhere for food and drinks. During the game, my buddy and I went to grab ourselves some beers and the wives some wine. Saw the Wing Pub, and I am glad I asked the yellow shirts security if we can take the alcohol out to our seats before walking in and buying, because I would have been mad that I had purchased all that. Maybe I missed a sign or something, but I just dont understand why that rule. Luckily I realized one of the free standing beer vendors had mini boxed wines, so we purchased that all there. They did not have water for purchase, so I went to one of the concessions to buy 2 bottles of water and they didn't have cash to pay me the $5 in change I should have received. I just told them to not worry about it. The PA system is atrocious, there were times it would make loud hissing noises that was ear piercing. I have heard better sounding systems at small town high school stadiums. Didn't have any issues leaving the stadium, but I left after it was apparent UNT was not going to be able to come back for a win in the 3rd quarter. Pretty much most of the stadium was vacating at that point anyways.. Wish I could have seen the store, to see what you all are talking about. But maybe it is better that way as it just would have made me disappointed. It is hard enough to buy gear, so the stadium store is missing a big opportunity to make sales for people who don't want to buy their gear on on some sports apparel site for once. After reading all of the less than happy people on the game day experience is just concerning. Everyone knows that the culture behind football at UNT is an uphill battle to build. So I really hope they take your feedback seriously, because making it difficult to go to a game is going to hurt attendance. But getting steamrolled by a future conference rival and one that shares the metroplex with us on top of crap customer service. Why would someone choose to go through that?
  11. Yeah saw it after you posted it and thanks for the insight. Hard to argue if this is indeed the truth, as a business runs by profit. Another thing you make me ponder on is how tough it is to even buy NT gear if you're not in the city of Denton. There is no options but Rally House and pay $80 for a polo shirt or $35 for a cotton T shirt.. I ended up just buying a polo for much cheaper online at some sports website for half the charge of Rally.. May check out Sams or Walmart while in Denton tomorrow to see what they have. Unless that got axed too.
  12. I could have sworn I have bought UNT gear back when it that store was new. Definitely annoying this is not the case as you proved..
  13. Games this time of year seem to be awfully hot. Maybe with some cloud cover and temps in the 80's, we can actually expect it to people who show up to not bake and tap out. Hopefully attendance is up there and the home team can put on a show for a larger attendance.
  14. This, this, this, and this. 2013 was another example of this.. Held our own against Georgia for the first half of the game, Beat Rice/La Tech when they were the conference top dogs, even the game with Ball State we were supposed to lose we won. Then UTSA comes to Denton and we lost.. And the crazy thing is, I think that season was the last time we won a bowl game.. Which SL was not our coach. The sleeping giant almost wakes up, but then rolls over and goes into a deep sleep.
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