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Everything posted by KingDL1

  1. You are not alone, and by now I am sure you are aware of that. Keep it up!!!!
  2. All this would be fine if DD had not been slipping since 2002 but he has. This conference has disguised his lack of coaching ability, but not his lack of discipline and play calling anyone who thinks this is not DD's offense is fooling themselves. I am not a RF fan by no means, especially after the incident with Silver, but he has to work with what DD gives him. The game plan is DD's no doubt about it. Anyone who watches the games can tell these players are not properly prepared for these games. Please people don't think we need to go to the bloody end with DD just because he has four conference titles that never existed until four years ago. Our fan-base can not take it, our recruiting can not take it. Fan-base is equal to season tickets they will take a hard hit next year as it is and if DD can't turn it around we are screwed. Nothing I have seen has shown he can do it. I am not sure what DD has proved to you all but his record overall sucks.
  3. That would be nice about now!
  4. Great response time. Keep it up. I like the site. It is 7/42
  5. Thanks Green Grenade II I needed to laugh some. Well I guess by the end of the year we will be just about dead last in D1a it will take some major effort to do any worse next year. Is that a positive, well I mean if we have any fan base left or if we can still get a recruit to look at us. Now I have upset myself again. Oh well
  6. I am ready and have been ready to give DD the old heave-ho. There is no way that this team's performance is acceptable by any measure. There are no excuses period!! At this point it is the Head Coach and staff that you have to target. FIREDARRELLDICKEY.COM its time to get this puppy up & running. Who owns it?
  7. No $hit!!!!
  8. I am sooo pi**ed off!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well that is easy, just buy a ticket for Tuesday's drawing for the Mega Millions. Even the cash payout should be more than enough to get eveything named after you. Mega Millions: $310 Million for 11/15/05
  10. KingDL1


    I am soooooooo confused!!!!!!!!!
  11. Just remember when the dust settles we are all on the same side. Just have fun disagreeing.
  12. Man this is funny Hey catman12 even if I don't agree with everything you post I do admire your passion and we could use thousands more fans with your passion and energy. Keep up the good fight.
  13. We may have had the best runners based on games played, in a very weak schedule but we have never had one of the better offenses!!
  14. Other then this is beginning to be a whip, there are a 117/119 in D1A there are OCs there is the best and there is the worst, and RF is closer to the worst than the best or even the middle. Maybe he should not be in D1A! Or maybe it is just DD's offense and this just the parameters that DD lets RF work with. All I know is I have never been a fan of RF's offense.
  15. Glad to see PlummMeanGreen is still with us I was starting to worry.
  16. I wouldn't count on it, especially since they are OOC.
  17. What should be the question is how to we keep the bandwagon fans coming and get more fans interested. We can not afford to lose fans our base is not big enough, and if gangrene feels this way you can bet there are hundreds like him if not more.
  18. Man I did not know this was a recruiting board, but now you told me. But then again you maybe you could start a thread you want to talk about instead Hijacking one you don't like.
  19. Man its kind of weird where is PlummMeanGreen? I wanted to hear his spin on things, did he really get taken away to the Denton Zone?
  20. I not sure a slap on the wrist and an apology is much of an example. Sorry folks he needs to go. For all those that think it was just between Silver and RF, keep in mind he officially represents UNT and made a huge scary seen in front of guests, alumni, students, and recruits in the middle of the stands. This did not happen in the shadows. Silver deserved an apology but that should not be the end of it.
  21. Has anyone seen DD's contract is it guaranteed? OR do we have options? I bet that we do without any payout. The buyout clause was put in if another school wanted to pick up DD. They pay UNT.
  22. The buy-out is for other schools The budget Any hungry offensive Coordinator or defensive Coordinator that wants to make a name for himself. All UNT has to to is make it known they are looking and resumes will fly in. Then interview we can't really do much worst. I can' t believe some people actually think this is not DD's Offense. He has had plenty of time to get discipline under control recruit and so on but has not. Most of the stats show as a team we have been slipping since the end of 2002. This is the wrong direction.
  23. People are arguing the wrong points. No matter what a fan says a professional coach can not try to physically attack a fan. Arguing what a fan can say or not is pointless, if a fan becomes belligerent have the police remove him. Don't try to judge it there is nothing to judge, this is black & white.
  24. The most appropriate action would be to ask for his resignation.
  25. If you really feel that it might get swept under the rug email RV, I did already and let him know how you feel about the incident and what you feel should be done with RF.
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