I see and here this crap everywhere about how were are going to get destroyed, wow, the odds are stacked against us, great. The big Goliath monster from big bad cheating OU is going to stomp us into the ground if we so much as dare to show our faces on the field. What is the conversation here that ever bookie, odds maker, any guy with an IQ over 3 should know what will most likely happen in this game? This odds line is a Joke, we don't even know how TD's new offense is going to work out, let alone some guys in Vegas. But if you were to see the odds on TD five years ago: What would the odds have been on that 79-1 run? TD is going to put a much better product on the field this year then we are used to seeing and it is only going to get better. I have no idea how we will do, but I am more excited about this season then I have been years. I have heard more about discipline and commitment from the players then I every remember at North Texas. I have heard so much about how Dodge always bringing a prepared team to the field, when was the last time anyone said that about DD? Everything I have heard and read about TD makes me believe we are going to play a good game, if we get blown so what. GreenBat I will take your word for it (or maybe Quoner can check for me.) I just think talking about the obvious on a UNT fan board with so much positive going on around us is silly. GoMeanGreen1999: Yes I just got off the boat yesterday! And yes I fully believe we are going to win the National Championship this year. Talon90: To make better than a simple line on paper (based on the past) for this game in particular is going to come from what TD can do, what that "can do" is at this point is anybody's guess. Until any of us see his team play, his adjustments, their execution and so on, relies on belief. Yes I agree there are going to be bumps, but I don't have to throw him and our team completely under the bus until I see them in a real game.