I am in a commercial retail real estate office in Dallas, I get to hear lots of rumors about projects such as this and more times than not they happen. I have heard a 40,000 seat stadium several times now. But when TD said it on radio the other day it was nice. Some of the rumors said that is what TD was saying before the radio show. To me it was like a conformation of sorts. Justification can be made simply from projected growth in the area and the growth in the school. The Rayzor Ranch development is not based on the past but future projections that is how it is usually done. A large stadium does not have to sell out all the time to make the mark, if we can average 28,000 - 30,000 in a 40,000 - 45,000 seat stadium at first we would be doing fine. We would have some room to grow into it. And for using Fouts as a model has several inherent flaws, mostly who wants to sit in those metal bleachers they added on, which makes Fouts effectively a 20,000 seat stadium. Thats not considering the track, the seats, the bathroom, etc. And the Denton Area has some pretty crazy growth projections for the next 5 - 10 years. Plus those things in the works but can not be publicly disclosed yet, really sparked my ears the most. Over promising can make you look bad, in RV's case under promising can make you look really good.