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Everything posted by KingDL1

  1. It really is time to dwell on recruiting, I think it is going to be some damn good hunting when it is all said and done. Go Dodge!!! Tony
  2. Happy Birthday Joe! May your Birthday wishes come true!
  3. Maybe SMU could take Bryant Gumbel, then I wouldn't have to listen to his sorry a$$ on the NFL network anymore. And make Cris Collinsworth his OC, because he sucks also at best he should be just a the spare third guy in a booth.
  4. I have a phobia of the Draw Play, I just wonder how that happened?
  5. Very Very Tasty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Got to love the PC! Sounds like you may take people a little too serious or you may get a little over emotional. I personally don't believe word choice makes you a racist, it is your actions that define you. There is not much true racism left in this country especially in football, you just don't want to be Christian it seems them and smokers are fair game. But in football pretty much the best man for the job gets it in due time.
  7. I would feel very good about 6 wins, but that would but us just one win short of a possible bowl bid which would surely create sour grapes among some fans.
  8. Thank God that is over! It kind of bothers me how cold the boys have been in December. If my memory is correct if we score a TD in our first playoff game there will have been nearly a span of month between TDs well three weeks anyways. I don't like the lack of momentum we have shown going into the playoffs, I just hope Garrett will have Romo and the entire "well rested" offense firing on all cylinders for our run at the Super Bowl.
  9. Wow what grades. Like trying to post grades before mid terms, the recruiting, the players, the coaches are all getting up to speed still and you guys have the audacity to post grades like you are professors of Football. Man you guys think a lot of yourselves. Next season will be the first real opportunity get a Mid-Term grades, grades that actually reflect what is going on with this staff. Finals are still two years away. The first session of a new coach can be the longest.
  10. I heard that Jerry couldn't wait to put in a track, after seeing how well the track frames the field at Fouts when he flew past in his helicopter.
  11. (Click for more Pics) This thing is pretty amazing!
  12. So true, but I am hoping the Football fairy has blessed Eli's sorry a$$ tonight.
  13. I hate Eli more but this perfect season crap has been a beating, I don't want to see a perfect season unless it is the Cowboys. At Halftime: NY:21 NE:16 Go Giants! GO COWBOYS!!!!
  14. I also hear half the fun of Festivus is keeping your pole shiny.
  15. I hear it is always good to have a high strength to weight ratio also!
  16. Airing of grievances is my favorite! Happy Festivus to all, may all your poles be shiny!
  17. Well you do know some of the intent, the criminals had the intent to commit breaking and entry followed by Burglary. You can assume the criminals would do whatever possible to get a way and possibly hurt anyone they come across while committing a daring crime in broad daylight. I am sorry that you can't comprehend the difference, it really is not that difficult. Funny Mr. Horn killed two criminals that were in the process of committing a felony while he was on his own property, worst case it is man slaughter not murder. But you seem to have Mr. Horn tried and convicted faster then you say he murdered the criminals. Do you think if he was a murderer would he have even called 911, waited on the phone for over 8 minutes, or given the criminals the opportunity to stop? Just a little stuff to chew on for your own comprehension. You constantly give the criminals the benefit of the doubt, with assuming they had no violent intent, like you know what was in their mind when they ran at Mr. Horn. Then even though Mr. Horn has the right to "stand-his-ground" and the right to protect private property by state law, and by state law he has the right to use deadly force if he felt in danger. Even more to his benefit is he was on his own property when it went down. But you don't even begin to give Mr. Horn the benefit of the doubt in a situation he did not even start. The only gray here is if Mr. Horn had the right to protect private property when it is his neighbors. If it was his own property there would not even be an argument in the eyes of Texas law. Maybe my reading comprehension is off but here is what I have found: Capt. Bud Corbett, a spokesman for the Pasadena Police Department: That seems to me like at least one moved at Mr. Horn but we will surely get better details once the police report is released. Really not seeing the revenge factor. Mr. Horn may have been mad, pissed off, violated, protective, whatever; but revenge I don't think so. But a daring broad daylight breaking & entry with burgalry by two grown men is very violent to me, and every officer of the law I have asked about it said you better consider it violent. But what do they know? Well here is the answer you are looking for: Mr. Horn is a 61 year old man clearly upset that a crime of this nature is happening right next to his house where lives with his daughter and her family. When it became apparent that the crimianls would get away he decided to do something about it. But once again you give the criminals more benefit of the doubt then Mr. Horn. I take the conversation as the process he needed to get himself prepared to do something if the police did not show up in time. Then he gives these criminals the chance to stop, not sure what else you want there. "Then when he gets back on the phone he says "One of them's in the front yard over there, one of them's in the street.""(I exceeded the number of allowed quotes) OK, not a problem with me. Well under Texas law it pretty much does, he was on his property and he felt in danger. You say you don't care for the criminals but you give them some benefit of the doubt in their intentions toward Mr. Horn, but you really give our Hero Mr. Horn no benefit of the doubt Flyer maybe you will enjoy this: It is a Bill twist. Talking points
  18. I understand that you think a felony breaking and entry followed by robbery is comparable to being cutoff in traffic. That you don't seem to realize the situation was started when the criminals broke in to the house next door. That you think protecting property is somehow equivalent to murder if the only difference is you are protecting your neighbor's property. I understand that you seem to care more for the criminals breaking to the house then the Citizen next door. I understand that you don't get that a police officer witness said the criminals moved at Mr. Horn after he warned them to stop. I understand how worked up a 61 year old man can get while witnessing a violent crime and the dread he can have of the criminals getting away with it.
  19. NO you don't get it, the criminals initiated the situation period. You really don't have a clue what it is like to be in that situation. To watch a crime like this take place is very emotional. At the end of the day he has an undercover police officer as a witness that he gave criminals an opportunity to stop, and a tape to back it up. He was on his property they moved toward him period, sorry you are all worried about his intents, but he still had every right to kill them. I will tell you now if I catch a criminal breaking into my house I will kill them, I am not looking for a trophy I hope it never happens. But that is, what it is. Why you are so worried about the criminals is beyond me, Mr. Horn was at home minding his own business until these criminals broke the law, and committed a violent crime.
  20. The CNN part was just a statement as was the rest of my last post. Flyer you assume much and the law clearly provides protection of private property and defending yourself. He had to be ready to kill just to go outside. When the criminals ran at him what do you think? Regardless if they just ran past, as soon as they moved at him he was under threat. You may want to check police records before you commit to this "shot in the back stuff" because that exact scenario happens all the time. If a police officer has his gun drawn and tells you to stop in a robbery situation, you better not turn and run. Do you really think they would not shoot you in the back? The Interstate analogy is so sad it really makes me question what you are thinking, if you consider those two scenarios even remotely the same. If Mr. Horn clearly had killing on his mind I doubt he would have called and especially stayed on the phone with 911 operator. Yes criminals do have an obligation to stop if they don't want to get shot. It is commonly called citizen's arrest. A citizen has every right to protect private property and defend himself. Going outside may not have been the best choice, but once that choice was made and Mr. Horn was outside he made the correct choice. In Texas a citizen has the right to "Stand-your-ground" and Texas law is an interpretation of the Castle Law.
  21. This looks like it is going to be one very exciting recruitment class. Man it keeps getting better.
  22. CNN legal analyst what a joke. Please keep in mind when Mr. Horn was on the phone he was psyching himself up to go outside. Once he went outside with a gun he knew he had better ready to use it. Regardless of what part of their body the criminals were shot in, once he started shooting he needed to shoot to kill. Because both criminals ran, they should have stopped, at the point they started to move fast he did not need to know their intentions. This "shooting in the back" does not matter one bit. It is not Mr. Horns duty to know the criminals intentions nor does anyone else. Were they running for cover to shoot back, were they running to have the opportunity to get their weapons out, were they running to take his gun away, the options here are endless. The point is Mr. Horn did not need to guess, nor would the police. Again the Criminals should have stopped. Once outside Mr' Horn made the correct choice, if you think he did not never pull a gun on a criminal.
  23. Congrats Emmitt!
  24. Don't be so sure of that, Nate told my buddy a different story about 6 weeks ago.
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