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Everything posted by KingDL1

  1. I hate that airport, it is almost ten miles to the highway from the terminal.
  2. What did Nixon do? He had a great foreign affairs policy, got us talking with China again. He got handed a mess in Vietnam. As a president minus Watergate he did lots of good. And when faced with scandal he resigned instead of taking the the country through an impeachment process. That he was never proved to have first hand knowledge of. Bill could have learned from that.
  3. Bill was the most crooked, self interested Pile of Crap we have ever had in the White House. Wow, I would really like to know specificlly what good ole Bill did? What program are you talking about? I mean really name some great things he was responcible for? Teaching the young about Oral sex? That the collapse of the Russia gave us (USA) new business, less expense, combinded with a computer/internet/comuntications boom for a great economy cycle. That would be Reagan & Bush. The guy sucked, and his BS Al-Queda soft nature got us where we are today.
  4. Except Vito writes for the Denton Record-Chronicle not the DMN, I know they are related but Vito's stuff is rarely in the DMN.
  5. Best statement yet!!! Very very true!
  6. You all are guessing at relationships you have no idea about. While I like what Vito has done, it does not mean he has some God given right to be the most privileged. Many D1a practices are closed to the public & press for many reasons depending on the coach, and if it is only the idea keeping the players focused as far fetched as some may think it is I am glad TD does it.
  7. After reading the UT forums I get the impression that Mack would not let MacDuff do what MacDuff thought was best. I guess it really depends if Dodge feels he can trust MacDuff.
  8. I think if we can get a yearly match-up with SMU, Jones will keep SMU competitive and our wins over the ponies will be that much sweeter. Plus it will help to make a stronger college sports culture in the DFW area. At least that is my hope!
  9. John, I really liked your old avatar much better! Good find on Jones!!!!!!!!
  10. MacDuff or DeLoach? It is a tough one since most of us loved Deloach, but I think on paper MacDuff wins easily. So why not both?
  11. Knowing that it was Akina that was running the show is even more encouraging, great to know! Thanks
  12. He talking about his brother's quote.
  13. Wow.. Merry Christmas Trust in Dodge!
  14. I have not picked a dog in this race yet, other then I do realize how many liberals I know that would not vote for Hillary I really think you are missing how much plain outright hatred of that woman there is in this country. I am not sure where I stand with the republicans, I was kind of thinking Rudy! Rudy! Rudy! But like I said I have not put the thought into which I like, Huckabee I have not heard much good about this one, though I am sure I can't stand the idea of having a President named Huckabee, sounds like he should be hanging out on the river with Tom.
  15. Not a chance in hell, old Hillary has no intention of being VP, and when the Republicans put the pressure on she will fall apart much like she has in her own party debates. She has no experience of any kind, and has "f"ed up everything she has ever touched. She has a closet full of dirty laundry. She is a walking talking death-wish for the Demo Party. Remember old Kinky Friedman, you told me he was going to easily win but he only got 12 percent of the vote. Bank on it if Hillary is tied to the race it is easy money for the republicans.
  16. God I hope Hillary gets the nomination with Obama, talk about a walk in the park landslide win for the Republicans it is not even funny.
  17. 50 bucks for any banquet is not much these days in Dallas. It won't be long before UNT is looking for a hundred bucks a seat and the event is black tie and held in a ballroom. Just growing pains.
  18. This year's recruiting season has been like pulling nails for me, recruit signing day can't get here soon enough for me. I am not sure what has me more worked up, this recruiting season seems to be 10 times longer then before due to all our early commitments, or if it is just my anticipation of what may be the best rated recruiting class UNT has ever had. When is it and why is not here yet????????? Hurry!!! Worse then Christmas when I was a kid!
  19. I do agree with you in theory but there are a few great government agencies. Corp of Engineers USAF US Navy And parts of NASA And others I am sure I can't think of. ********* National health care is not a good idea, funny how all the people in Canada that can afford it come to the US to get medical and dental procedures done, especially the Canadian Doctors.
  20. Yes that definitely is 1-AA, big money and big money fans are not going to want to hop around from week to week, in the end it will be what big money fans want to do. And spoiled fat cats are not going to want deal with a crazy schedule when they don't have to already. Think how much planing goes in to just our games as far as work schedules and personal affairs calenders, could you imagine 4 weeks of not knowing? Now is that 4 possible games past a regular 12 game regular season, or does that mean an abbreviated season like 8 games. And the teams in a short season that don't make the playoffs is that it?
  21. That really doesn't change anything, you still have to plan. Who is the away team who gets home field advantage how far do you have to travel. Is Hawaii in the picture?
  22. A true playoff system as good as it sounds will never happen simply because of logistics and money period ever! Most of the time people talk about a 8 regular season games, then the playoffs. Besides the money fans bring in and there inability to plan for for games that are determined by wining. Also what if your team does not make the playoffs only 8 games that would suck, a losers bracket maybe? If you team gets eliminated in the first round 9 games for a season that would suck also. Maybe I understand it wrong, but between the money home games bring in and the ability for fans to plan ahead for games other then a one Bowl game a year I don't ever see it happening. Steve's idea is the closest I have heard but I still don't think it could happen.
  23. It is my understanding that the rest of the BCS conferences with less then 12 football teams are currently working out the details and realignments to bring all up to 12 teams with a conference championship with each conference having two divisions such as an East & West, North & South, or whatever.
  24. Yeah! I am hoping for very good Mean Green Football year! Happy New Year ALL!!!!
  25. Yeah I was thinking the same thing, scary with Todd Collins at the helm.
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