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Everything posted by malonish

  1. I use the beds, not spray, but my friends have roasted me "this is you tan...?"
  2. Amazing work.
  3. Huge shout out. These fine folks got me "well hydrated" before the game and it was a pleasure to meet you.
  4. I'm so Chad I can pop the collar on a T Shirt
  5. I've arrived and I'll be walking around. Do not bully me. I will cry.
  6. Headed over soon. I have a white shirt with Triple D Mustang logo, khaki shorts, blue cap, gently used blue Asics, and a grey fitbit. No face reveal because I want to keep you guessing. Also I lied. I'm not alabaster pale because I have been tanning but you'd probably not believe me. Still bringing that SPF!
  7. Front 6/7 are a proven group. Secondary needs work / to prove itself.
  8. When is a good time to arrive for the pregame shenanigans? I don't know when the party starts and whatnot.
  9. The ol' Duke Nukem move eh?
  10. Every team has to deal with banged up people. SMU offense has the depth to overcome some stuff going on. I'm dumb at defense so idk what is going on with that side of things.
  11. There are no atheists in foxholes and I'll be shouting Oh God
  12. I know I'm over a year late but as a software developer (the cause of my paleness) I have to mention you left an open parenthesis without a corresponding close. I know it means nothing to anyone else but that would tank my code if I tried to compile it.
  13. For me it's the android power + volume down buttons for a screenshot of my phone if I'm not on my Very Middle Of The Road PC™️
  14. Send me a kiss by wire
  15. Glare is a disadvantage for the passing oriented teams so I may bring bad times distracting our receivers.
  16. Bringing myself and my sunscreen is my +1
  17. Prediction: game switched to CFL rules, UNT takes it 1-0 off a Rouge point
  18. I'm not used to monitor lines because I use software to take screenshots and not my phone
  19. Just like with Bobby it's a bad idea to make fun of me 😁
  20. I'll shave my 5 o'clock shadow just for you if it gets me a shot.
  21. Even worse. I'm a SMOOer
  22. Every game is a rivalry for a week.
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