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Everything posted by MGNation92

  1. I can't tell who's worse. McCarney or Villarreal. "So Dan, how will you improve after your humiliating defeat?" "Iowa" Vs. "So Rick, Athletics have bombed yet again. What can we expect as far as improvements go in the win/loss column?" "Facilities"
  2. I know most offensive plays were run from the shotgun, but did they make use of the pistol as well?
  3. I don't care if we blitz 100% of the time or 0% of the time, just as long as the corners aren't 15 yards off the line. Most frustrating football I've ever watched. "Oh it's 3rd and 3? Well we better have them line up a few extra yards back just in case"
  4. "So Dan do you have any words about your time at North Texas and how it will affect your mindset going forward?" "Iowa" "I have no idea why we even ask him questions at this point"
  5. O'Keeron Rutherford. Tall, fast. If he can learn to use his body he will be the ideal outside receiver for this offense. O/U 35 Rec 400 yds and 6 TD
  6. Morris looks like he has a lot of zip on the ball in the periscope videos I saw. Shanbour has a very quick release, glad to see him as the main backup. Chumley is turrible
  7. Let me guess, practices are open to anyone above a $100k donation level? Seems about par for the course
  8. About 100 bucks give or take, depends on the number of home games I feel like going to. Ticket 12 bucks, hot dog and beer $10, so 4-5 home games maybe, if that. They won't get anything more until they start doing something.
  9. Fine is a very good player. Even has a little bit of Manziel to his game when he scrambles. He will benefit from coming from an Air raid in high school, but a Seth Littrell air raid will be different from a Leach air raid, Gundy, Holgorsen etc. It will take time to get used to the nuances of Littrell's system, and adding 10-15 lbs definitely would help absorb some of the blows he will inevitably take.
  10. Means to outside WR maybe? He's got the size
  11. But how else will we know UNT has been looking for a QB ever since the Great All Time HOF Derek Thompson left the program after an astounding HOD Bowl MVP capped season?
  12. I'd be okay if we wore the 2013 throwbacks again. Those looked sharp. Although I will agree that the black, in contract with the green, looks better overall. If we could have green tops/black pants as a home alternate that would look good. Hell even the away look they had in Indiana with the white top/black pants and helmet looked decent. If we could incorporate more black in our uniforms in general I'd be cool with that
  13. So in comparison, what would your evaluation of Smith be?
  14. Either way, Alabama isn't known for it's heavy use of the read option, and Smith ran it very effectively last year. It would only make sense to have him, the more polished runner, run the read option, and have Morris, the more polished passer(by all accounts) focus on passing.
  15. I knew that, I was saying I didn't know Smith's time, but assumed it was faster, I could be wrong
  16. Although I don't know Smith's 40 time, Morris ran a 4.7 coming out of high school, and I'd be willing to guess Smith is faster.
  17. I got to see quite a few OK State games, and they found a way to use both Rudolph and Walsh in an effective manner. Rudolph was in for the majority of offensive plays until the got within the 10. Walsh would then come in and run a full house read option type package as a run/throw threat. It was very effective. I wouldn't mind seeing Littrell do the same with Morris/Smith
  18. I've always liked the Adidas UCLA uni's. The look clean, but not too simple Edit: Or these
  19. Can we go to Addidas? I like their uniform designs better than Under Armor or Nike
  20. I don't personally know either, but I do know RV has made several promises to the North Texas community that he hasn't kept. Most people in the world consider not keeping promises lying. Maybe I was just raised in a weird family
  21. Or he could've pulled an RV and flat lied to you about renewing
  22. Shhh. You'll upset the SJW's Wouldn't want to hurt their feelings
  23. How RV views the typical club seat holder: "Why yes RV, I'd love to pay more money for a horrendous product. In fact sign me up for 2 more seats because I thoroughly enjoy masochism!"
  24. Definitely would have to be Smith. Morris isn't known as a runner, but hell if it helps us score points I could care less if we had 4 QB's on the field
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