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Chris Drybread

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Everything posted by Chris Drybread

  1. I would like him back in mean green country but what would he coach?
  2. The yoke is seemingly on villareal and benfords face with that grate player dumping the meangreen in hopes of a better looking looking offer after he proves he's a better student than his highschool final grades indicated.
  3. Am I the only person having a flash back of damarcus smith ? How are so drawn to grate tallanted players who don't meet the requirements to go to collage? So our scouts not do homework on highschool players?
  4. This feels like damarcus smith all over again can we catch a brake ever?
  5. I agree, I wonder if means or chumly have any skill or if it's air mcnulty all over again. I only say that cause I have heard talk of chumly but know little if anything about him.
  6. When I was in high school cell phones were about 2 inches tall !
  7. I understand your point and I normally take it with a grain of salt also but it all came at me like one comment on my errors after the other and 2 animations , the dork in the monkey costume falling and the crack head... It wore me down
  8. What do want me to say? Spelling has been a weakness for me for a long time and my iPhone auto correcting things wrong makes it worse . I am sorry for my spelling and typographical errors , I really am , but there isn't realy a need to make a thing about it on the thread and be insulting.
  9. I had doubts about his commitment and detication when he missed spring practice when he transferd . I apologize for my bad typing I will do better. some times it's hard to be totally accurate on a I phone , especially when auto correct messes things up on occasion just as I push the post button. I'm sorry for my horrible mistakes. That said , is it realy necessary to be insulting about it?
  10. What is it you don't like is it hard to read ? Or you don't agree? Or you don't understand ? I'm not having a stroke .
  11. Agreed but he's a senior so he will pout about loseing his gig to a better qb till he graduated . Why did Greer leave of he quit football he loses his scholarship .
  12. Sorry I ment , is Greer really gone ? Did he quit ? the auto correct dosnt like me tonight .
  13. Oh lol Okies Greer realy gone? did he quit?
  14. What's to say Conner has defensive end skills
  15. HES 40! well 43 now lol
  16. Yes I did mean Rutherford thank you. Why not him instead of a rb ? whats to say he has means has any other traits in a DE upper body strength , lower body strength , explosoiveness and pass rush moves ?
  17. Where is weatherford in the reciver descusion ? Who would make a qb a defenseive end and it's a shame Chris riddle ( qb prospect from Florida was attached to Chico .
  18. I ment to make the point that in all the years I've known what football was and Unt was my first ever football game to attend , they were beyond pethetic when I saw them for the first time playing mcneice state than dicky had 4 good years and almost got relevant than he gave up and nothing but bad football sence than bad qb's no o-line no defense sometimes a good halfback and sometimes a good WR than the dodge error but the scoreing was exiting but still losers. Than the old Irishman molded the team he inherited and won that bowl giving me hope only to see the dicky desaster repeat its self. In short I've never gotten to say to friends " HOW BOUT THAT MEANGREEN!"
  19. Yes I agree, Greer equated to spurgyn Wynn and mcnulty is more like Brandon weedon. HA listen to me I'm so qb starved mediocre conference USA qb or even spencer sanders ( the qb at my former HS )would look here so td deprived I miss Todd dodge at times. I need to see the meangreen rise to prove to my self it can be done.
  20. DT became good his sr season meager was good when not forceing the ball into triple coverage to the mighty Jonny Quinn . Riley was good when he wasn't being murders behind his nonexistent o-line. I don't remember most of the others but the one that Matt Simon has who threw screen passes higher than he did far. His name escapes me. Saddly your right he to made more plays than Greer and bucket mouth mcnulty.
  21. All this talk about ivory what about wetherford? And a qb at defenseive end? Shame we lost the possibility of Chris riddle when Chico bailed I saw his film and I was impressed though HS film dose not a good collage qb pridict. He could contend for a job and start in 17. You know what they say" if if's and and's were pots and pans there would be no work for tinkers."
  22. He had to be better at least than air mcnulty I guess it all gose back to Mac and his man crush on the drunken sub par HS qb and career back up in collage.
  23. When did means have a chance? When DT left Greer started and when he was hideous mcnulty was the guy for worse or much worse even when the total lacking of offence could not move the ball mainly to go the few passes that he was allowed to throw were always over or under thrown. When and why did they dump Greer if he and means are gone who backs up Moris ?
  24. Air mcnulty was drunk most of Jo's time ! Did Greer get dismissed cause of our excess of qb's? I know he wasn't good at playing football anymore but our depth there is not good with smith and Moris and than means at number 3? In 2017 if we don't bolster there than means is the hier appearant has anyone seen him sence the green white game his freshman year ? As to smith in goal line packages he can't throw accurately consistently he might do better as a wild cat qb
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