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Everything posted by grad88

  1. That is about the funniest post I have read in a very long time....I am still LOL...good grief that is funny.
  2. Sounds like an AD and coach that we want to keep around for a while longer.
  3. Some people actually get to live there!...what a great place.
  4. Exactly...could not have said it better myself. I don't look for the program to go down but fear that someone will come in that will attempt to cool the jets of athletics a bit--which I am afraid will run RV off. THAT is what I am afraid of.
  5. The biggest mistake was hiring a separate chancellor to begin with...that was not a wise decision. It is not as if we are such a huge system that one individual can not handle both duties. I think we will see that Lee Jackson is the worst thing that has happened to this school for a long time.
  6. Right on. The only thing that makes for a real college football atmosphere is for us all to be in our seats when the team comes on the field. What must the players think when they come through the tunnel with maybe 1000 people in the stands--if we are lucky. What a deflating experience. Why fans continue to come in at the end of the 1st QTR, I will never understand...it boggles the mind. Is this Fouts Field Latin America?...no racial slur intended....just a cultural observation.
  7. very sad...very sad. Just let RV stay the course and be a part of the decision making process for the next hire...please. If some of the academians and anti-athletic departments on campus have their way, we will replace Pohl with an anti-athletic president. I'm not ready to say that the sky is falling, but I have to say that I am concerned.
  8. Put Washington in there with his 4.4 speed and bring back the Wish-Bone and Shoot of the Corkey days. Seriously, a QB with blazing speed could be very useful in this system...with QB fakes and such and beating everybody to the corner. Talk about leaving some wideopen passing lanes, that much threat in the backfield would do it.
  9. Our gas is not subsidized...Europe prices are 5-7 bucks a gallon because the government taxes the hades out of everything it can (50% income tax rate in most cases plus consumption taxes like on gas) in order to fund all of its socialistic programs. Thank your lucky stars you live in the USA. I read in the paper the other day that Germany has a 12% unemployment rate and that Germany's economy is the LEADING economy of Europe. I think that speaks volumes.
  10. We all know that we don't need a real QB to run this system...just a good athlete and a good leader. If you can hit the wide open man on a roll out about 10 times a game, you can pass well enough for this offense. Surely Washington could do that! I say we go with Washington (I like the sound of the 4.4 40) and have so much speed behind the line that it makes defenses heads' spin. Can you imagine the fakes and roll outs...the sheer speed to get to the corner that we would have in that offense? It boggles the mind. To have three ligitimate threats in the backfield...in which each one could take it to the house at any given moment must make DD salivate. I can think of a lot that he could do with that offense.
  11. None of the above...I think that CUSA will morph again and the eastern schools will do their own thing...leaving the southern schools to create their own conference...a revived Southwest Conference of sorts. In 6-8 years, we will have: NT, Ark State, La Tech, La-La, Tulsa, Houston, Rice, SMU, and Southern Miss. I truly believe this will happen--don't know what it will be called.
  12. OU is NOT one of them.
  13. Comments on ya'll's comments: 1. I hope TCU wins--but will be lucky to even make it close...Programs with 60-70 million dollar athletic budgets just simply put the next blue-chipper in the line up when the starter is gone...they fall very little in talent in such cases. 2. Tech putting 70 on a Nebraska team is not a good comparison...its bcs against bcs 3. If MWC offered NT an invite, we would hurt ourselves getting to the table to sign the papers...the MWC is light years above the WAC as an all around conference. If TCU ever needs a travel partner--we are there! It would never happen without the new stadium--but it doesn't hurt to dream.
  14. Plumm, I understand your rant, but the reason we are finding it difficult to find the big donor is because we are asking the egg to come before the chicken...it is operating in the "big time" that draws the big donors. Big fish like to swim in big ponds and big donors are attracted to projects that they feel a genuine connection to. If Matress Mac had the money, I am sure that he would be that donor...I just don't think he has that kind of money to throw at a new stadium. If he did, we would already have it. The Interstate Battery guy (another connection) is not interested. It is going to take someone that sees athletics (particularly football) as the gateway for the university as a whole to take it to the next level. Has NT cultivated a lot of those kinds of alums? With money? It is obvious that we have not. What this univerisity should do is build the stadium with student fees, continue to build the program and constituency (pack the new stadium) and the big donors will then be cultivated to retire that debt. The Troy State example that some keep touting is an anamoly (sp?)....they happened to have a strong relationship with the individual who could make it happen. That and the fact that Troy State has not cultivated an "Arts" culture that dominates their campus...as NT has over the past 50 years. Just food for thought....why was a new Business building not built on this campus 20 years ago--when the College of Business has been the largest school right up there with Arts and Sciences all this time? The answer to that question is the answer to my above comment.
  15. We just moved from Paris TX to Greenville TX...so I will now be quite a bit closer--thank the Maker! I am looking forward to being able to come to more games now. The night games were really rough on a preacher and made it impossible for me to go (from Paris). Now I think I can deal with it...see ya there.
  16. Of course no comment on the Sunbelt Conference...we might as well be IAA as for as the writer is concerned.
  17. Wouldn't it be something if they played lights out...maybe pulled an NT-UT 88 on 'em and made it a competitive game on TV--that would do something for the Sunbelt!
  18. I was in honor fraternities only...alpha chi and psi chi. When one reads the history of the fraternities and sororities and the way they functioned 100 years ago, it is nothing like today. I don't think I would want my son or daughter joining a modern day frat or sorority. It seems like the only thing they are there for now is to party...and for everyone to lose their virginity as soon as possible and to sleep with as many people as possible before finishing college. I know that I am an old-schooler in a younger person's body, but someone set me straight...not trying to be sarcastic--just fill me in on the virtues of modern day frats. I honestly can not think of any.
  19. Best post I have read in a long time.
  20. Unforgivable? Is that really that big of deal? I think Mitch is the one with his priorities right on this one. We are talking about a game here...not allegiance to your country. I heard the interview and thought that he showed a lot of class and handled it well. I wish all of our alums had their heads on as straight as Mitch Maher.
  21. Mitch Mayer (sp?) was the best QB in the modern era without a doubt. I watched him dismantle an OSU defense for 400 yards plus so many other games in which he just refused to make silly mistakes. He could pass under pressure with the best of them, and he made excellent decisions. If we had a Mitch Mayer on the roster with this year's team, we just might beat LSU--that is how good he was. He could have played for anyone. As much as I loved Scott Davis and the 88 Texas game (he will always be remembered for that), he did not have the raw talent of Mayer.
  22. The main force in all this is the bowl system. As long as bowl committees would rather have a 6-5 BigXII or SEC team over a 9-2 nonbcs team, we will see this kind of mindset. The rational is that they can be less than 500 in conference play but still go to a bowl game and keep the coaches job and the alumni happy. I think a rule needs to be put in place for the long-term future of college football that a big dog program MUST sign at least one home-home contract (AND KEEP IT) each year with a nonbcs program. That way, the nonbcs schools can increase their attendance and stimulate recruiting a little bit. College football is a little like a national economy and political system. If you don't share the wealth a little bit, the whole system will eventually break down...kind of like the French Revolution. The BCS programs need the nonbcs programs for the long-term health of college football. It is greed that will eventually destroy the game that I have loved for so long...sounds like the subject of a sermon.
  23. I agree with Emmitt...we will run the table again. There is no question in my mind that we are recruiting and developing better athleticism across the board than the rest of the Belt...thanks to DD and his staff. I think we have more team speed across the board than anyone else in the conference. MT no longer scares me...I really don't believe they have the athletes that Southern Miss had in order to pull off that defensive scheme...they can try to copy it--all the run blitses and stuff, but their athletes won't be able to pull it off...it will backfire on them, IMHO. We will run for 300 yards against every conference opponent this year. Throw in a 100 yards passing to wide open receivers in single coverage and we go back to NO baby.
  24. As a preacher, I would like to offer my services to conduct the funeral of this original thread. I hereby pronounce it dead and buried, never to return again. May she rest in peace.
  25. Did ya'll hear that it is going to rain this afternoon and that gas prices are going to continue to go up? Let's see how many ways we can make this thread go... <_
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