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Everything posted by TheNewEra

  1. We play in San Marcos 2026. Not sure if it’s a home & home?
  2. I keep saying to myself daily, we’re a basketball school…
  3. Mike Leach passed away :(( We actually had a Pirates Paradise theme this year during camp with our head football coach Eric Morris. In honor of Mike. They were my first thought of an inefficient office (reality is there isn’t a team with that gameplan), all are trying to be efficient lol
  4. We need to be good on offense, defense, and special teams? Wild insight here. Constructive criticism here, I’m not a great writer either, I’m trying to improve. Clearly you put some time & effort into this but didn’t get specific about offense until you discussed run game. Almost every offense in America’s objective is to be efficient. Outside schools like Tech throwing 70x per game you could maybe say they’re trying to win inefficiently each week?
  5. What happened? Why did we delete the other post??? You would think the boomers on here would support our 1st amendment right of free speech, people getting soft when they get called out financially.
  6. I told her about your request, she told me “respectfully, suck one.”
  7. I can’t find an updated 2023 link to the Hub Club details?? Seems like it would definitely be worth the investment
  8. Dude what are you saying??? You’re saying obviously they’re splitting snaps in some capacity but Morris never directly said that. So why would you ask me for a direct quote when we both are making inferences from what he’s saying??? and yes you’re correct, there are other schools that play multiple quarterbacks. One you would call a two qb system where they split snaps in some percentage or maybe ones a runner & ones a passer. The other being a where one QB plays 98/99% of the game & a guy comes in for garbage time for 2 min in the 4th or maybe one play on the goal line. That’s not a two qb system..
  9. Respect for that incredibly deep cut but yeah that wasn’t the same sport basically.
  10. Lol I’m not meaning that no other QB takes a single snap all season? There’s still garbage time & then times with obscure packages (like stone last year) where QBs play. Two QB system meaning they split snaps in some capacity, switch out every other drive or every 3, something along those lines. From the interview that’s what Morris seemed to be hinting at.
  11. Nice! Really good call, that’s one of the very few.
  12. She was an absolute smokeshow, such a tough L.
  13. I would love to hear one good example of a time the two QB system has worked?? It’s notoriously been terrible in almost every instance.
  14. https://twitter.com/northtexaseagle/status/1648423189788397569?s=46&t=Kx5oiKD-HcSCIlwnvYjN1Q blow up this kids mentions, could be a massive pull!!!
  15. The word on here was that Kai/UNT could apply for another year, can't imagine that's a process that's resolved in 3 days.
  16. Anyone have any updates on this??
  17. 1. Why was this even posted? 2. why is it in the football forum??? Come on, no one cares
  18. Yeah I tried doing some hypothetical math yesterday. If we win any 2 games that puts us at 6-2. Most scenarios we would get in at 6-2. UAB can’t catch us then, best they can do is 5-3. If we beat FIU & UAB then lost to rice & Rice ran the table then we would be out.
  19. We staying at the RIO & should be at tailgate Saturday morning. Do we need to pay/pre register for tailgate? Will there be alcohol available or byob?
  20. I looked at like 4 pictures and that was plenty for me 😂 idk who’s in charge of scheduling for these events but they should be relieved of their duties.
  21. Excited to see y’all at tailgate! Goodness, the Friday night event looks like it’s at the worst hotel in Vegas. Don’t think we’ll participate in that.
  22. Not looking past TSU but I’ve got a great group pulling up to Vegas for the UNLV game. How many of y’all are making the trip? Do we have some sort of tailgate or meet up the night before?
  23. 22k, I’ve seen little hype being generated on campus.
  24. Up to 38 in Net. If we beat La Tech it moves at least a few spots. I think winning the next 3 moves us to 30 minimum in NET. No way we get left out if we’re that high right?
  25. This is might be getting into the weeds, but what would it take for us to get an At Large Bid? I think if we win out in the remainder of the regular season we get in regardless of tournament result. That would have us inside of 35-30 range of NET & 23-30 AP poll range. I also think if we lost to La Tech Saturday & then lost in CUSA final we would get in but might need outside help. Do y’all see any other way the committee gets us in? It goes without saying let’s just win the next 7 games but if we don’t, what would happen?
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