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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. Garner was better than an injured Fred Scott ***
  2. Amare Jones, we have offered.
  3. No such thing in DFW. i want his QB. Kid is a freak.
  4. He's being recruited as a safety.
  5. Yes, our weight room was the size of UofH strength coaching staffs offices. Way to small, can't wait to see what they do with that aspect. Any idea how long the timeline is until the drawings for that are released?
  6. Slap on the wrist and a total joke. So you're telling me I don't have to go on the road for 2 years and still get paid? Heck yah, this dude won for sure.
  7. Just can't let uninformed BS go unchecked.
  8. That is the impression I got
  9. He has not visited Denton yet
  10. Where did I defend the staff in anyway? I was defending Fine, a true freshman QB who made true freshman mistakes. Who had a subpar OL, and subpar WR's to work with.
  11. More of the atmosphere within football team/practice and coaches is what I heard. Working to find out. Know a guy on staff at his HS
  12. Heard he and a teammate visited together and fell in love with the staff and campus. Can't blame a kid for doing what their heart tells them, just wish we could get more of these kids to stay home. Holds Tulane, Southern Miss, La Tech, UNT, McNeese State offers. Probably end up getting 4-5 more. His height is only issue.
  13. 😂 whatever makes you feel better. You can take all the digs at me you'd like but you don't know what you're talking about. FYI I've been coaching for 8 years at both MS/HS level so yeah I feel like I've seen enough football and been around it enough to have a pretty informed opinion. You, just like to run your mouth and _____ just to hear yourself do it. In 3 years we will see who is right. I never said Fine was perfect, just that he's easily the best option we have. You put Pearson in there you watch him do the same thing Fine did last year. He is still a true freshman just to remind you again. Find me 5 other true freshman QBs in FBS football last 5 years who came in and started as a freshman and had good numbers. I also never said Fine didn't have things to work on, refer to my previous post where I said what I thought he needed to work on. You do remember we finished the year with a walk on WR, the top 3 WR being kicked off team, and a kid who got moved to slot his senior year right? Sure some of his issues were his, but asking a freshman walk on (WR) to be at the same level of a scholarship kid is pretty silly. There were things outside of his control that affected his game, and some within his control that he has to improve. If you led the nation in being sacked, and pressured I bet you'd get happy feet too. Usually the other teams DL and LB aren't trying to play patty cake back there.
  14. An "Air Raid" offense doesn't have to throw it 500 times, its a scheme. Littrell has ran the ball everywhere he's been. Jeffrey Wilson was our 5th leading receiver last year to put into perspective just how depleted our roster was of talent at WR. The roster was a joke last year, they're getting closer to being "Full" on ships. I guess we can agree to disagree, but Mason Fine when given adequate time OR a decent threat of a run game (I have not checked box scores from last years games, but I'd be willing to bet we won/he had solid games when we rushed for over 150 and lost if we didn't) is as good a QB as we have had since I've been watching UNT games. He should be coming off a RS season, there is a reason 98% of incoming freshman QB's red-shirt. They simply aren't ready. You saw that with Fine, unfortunately in live game situations. He hasn't even finished his Freshman campaign and some of yall are ready to get rid of him and move on to the next true freshman QB. Mind blowing.
  15. I think so, but time will tell. Remember he should be coming off his RS Freshman season where he had time to learn and take things slowly. He didn't have that luxury and is still learning the college game. Also if you noticed when Fine was at QB, the defense was giving him a 5 man box, which should be a change to run at the LOS. He did just that several times, and they couldn't even get a yard. If you can't run the ball vs a 5 man box you are more or less SOL.
  16. Has nothing to do with any coaching clinic, has everything to do with what I see with my eyes. I think Pearson will eventually be the best QB on the roster, he isn't better than Fine right now, and there is no way in hell I'd let Shanbour be a qb vs D1 competition. IMO It's 1.Fine 1a. Pearson. I am sure you are aware of this but one scrimmage doesn't dictate how much or how little improvement one has made. Mason needs to work on getting the ball out of his hands quicker, and understanding what the coverages are giving him. You are right everyone is entitled to their opinions even if they are awful ones. P.S. You can list off all sorts of buzzwords you have heard before and make it seem like you know what you're talking about, but it doesn't change the fact you have no idea what you are seeing or talking about. The OL is atrocious all around, from where I was sitting Fine was pressured and blitzed almost double Shanbour and Pearson. Which for obvious reasons is smart, don't give your true freshman (Early grad) kid too much to take in at once. He had success facing a vanilla stack defense. Mason was forced to make quick decisions and read blitzes, he made some really good decisions as well as several really bad. Yes we have a long way to go, but you may want to take a step back and remember one thing, Mason Fine is 1 year removed from playing 2a high school football. Shanbour was a walk on, and Pearson just early graduated. Do I think any of these guys are the next coming of UNT's version of the QB Savior? No, but I know Mason is the best option right now, and Pearson (Who needs to RS) will challenge him next season. Oh, when you can't run the ball it also makes throwing it that much harder just FYI.
  17. Yeah throwing the rock vs our defensive 2 and 3s dictates ability to play in D1 games. Come on man. I know Fine didn't light it up, but they pressured the hell out of him, unlike other QB's
  18. Being a former student of OU, their entrance and Band performance tops all I've seen. Easy entrance and exit. UNT could easily pull this off. I dislike bands altogether.
  19. Dumb And Dumber
  20. Those are the worst. A few less f bombs and adjectives?
  21. Never said you did, simply making my point. I see your side, I just think if the kid graduates in 3 years good for him! He could have gone to grad school here, but with all coaching changes you lose kids. I see no reason to punish other student-athletes because a rare few graduate early and leave UNT for a bigger school. Summer school is offered as a way to allow student athletes to take a 12 hour course load during the Fall/Spring semesters when theyre either in season or preparing for the next season.
  22. I was saying you offer a scholarship to a kid for their athletic ability for a 4/5 year window (if they redshirt they can get 5 years worth of school paid for) I have 0 problem with Combs being ahead of his scheduled time graduating in 3 years with a degree, and choosing to finish his career elsewhere on someone else's dime. Do I want him to finish here? Absolutely, but if he got his degree he fulfilled his end of the scholarship IMO.
  23. Yep, part of the reason Littrell wanted to go to this defense. You can bring pressure from dang near any part of the field and still have good coverages behind it. It is very tough especially at the college level because you can never tell where that pressure is coming from. I think we will see some very solid defensive games next season, just need to be able to run the ball for 150 a game and our passing game should be just Fine.
  24. We had several offensive players who were banged up and didn't play in spring game. Add in the kids we signed and I think we will be fine. You'll see another year of heavy OL focus bc it's an area of concern. Littrell jumped all over the RBs a few times because of a missed blitz pick up, or assignment. I really think once we add the new pieces in the summer and the surprise or two that we get over the summer.
  25. Nope, you're entire point of offering a scholarship is getting 4/5 years of service and a degree for your athlete at the end of that time. Good for Combs for finishing his, sucks he's leaving but I wish him the best. We've had plenty who never got a degree, celebrate the successes.
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