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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. lol 4 players.. I don't mind putting a list together off the top of my head Sed HATED them, Dillman favorited minor did too, I can keep looking and compile. The kids seemed embarrassed of them, except of course the ones asked to showcase them. Hell even Josh Greer favorited a tweet in despise of new unis Add ced Fernandes to that list, jalen Montgomery, josh cousins, I'm sure I can find more. The unis aren't cool. It's ok to admit that
  2. dude, the players hate them. Enough said. They suck!
  3. no... They're garbage in this day and age kids don't want sleeves they want tight fit, no sleeves
  4. Man there is entirely too much player dissatisfaction over these.... Yikes...
  5. Harry, can you get on Kenny Buyers Twitter, he put a better picture of uni green looks better than I first thought.
  6. Akunne tweeted UNT new unis and a GIF of someone projectile vomiting like they've had waaaaaaaaaay to much to drink and I counted 3 current players who favorited it. Why in the hell don't you grab your seniors bring them in show em 8-10 ideas and let em pick? They could have picked better looking unis blind. Kids look good, they feel good, then they play good. Something about the mind set helps, if you don't believe me, you don't know the kids we bring in.
  7. Well poo, I just scrolled through pictures saw new helmet then this... That sucks oh well.... Bah humbug
  8. https://mobile.twitter.com/Eric_Capper/status/626865881474318336/photo/1 https://mobile.twitter.com/Eric_Capper/status/626879539633741824/photo/1 I take back back my comments, actually like these so long as our greens all match up!
  9. Love the look, but the green doesn't match up... Camo stuff is in now for uniforms for whatever reason check these out. They obviously need some renovating to match our green BUT, here they are in Nike https://mobile.twitter.com/CoachWCompton/status/611318006346481664/photo/1
  10. Gross. The greens DONT MATCH. That's the freaking best they got??? Good lord those suck. Helmets are great but nothing changed there.
  11. you just had to go and make me sports sad, no wonder no QBs want to come here. Yikes.
  12. Thanks billy! Ben, not at all, maybe a guy waiting for the one offer he wanted, but waits to long and has no more committable offers, happens all the time
  13. @BillySee58 so are currently sitting at 16 open scholarships technically 17 with Ochs gone? That's all we can offer this cycle? They better have a better hit percentage than the current senior class....sheesh
  14. Yep, I will be sure to get right on that with my MS TEACHER/COACH SALARY three years out of graduating college and paying back 19,000 in student loans. For now, I will voice displeasure here, and when the time comes and I can do it, financially, but you better believe when I do that I will make sure my voice is heard. That, or my money will quit coming in.
  15. You mean like communication with previous ticket buyers?
  16. If you really think that Mac is content with 6 wins... you are silly. He wants to hit that base number to become bowl eligible, but I would be willing to bet my little pay check that if you gave Mac the option of a season goal of Conference championship or 6 wins he'd pick Conference championship. They certainly did not "mail it in" in 2013 once they hit their goal, they continued to press on.
  17. Always love your perspective.
  18. Yall rock man!! best of luck with the new place in Dallas as well! Make sure to fly all Green in there.
  19. absolutely, I was just seeing what your thoughts were, also noticed Morris tip toes that line as well. Both get about as close as you can. Summing has his yessir hashtag, and others do to. Seems to me, we are getting left behind in the virtual world, I follow multiple UNT coaches on Twitter and other than KP they all seem to be run by a robot. That's lame. I have a solution to our problems, bring Dodge back for recruiting purposes only, or hell even coach QBs the guy can coach, he just can't run a D1 team... Just saying. Where did our great team come from? Ahhh yes the senior class of Dodge.
  20. Herman is flirting with the line... https://mobile.twitter.com/CoachTomHerman/status/625884399641346049
  21. I am worried for sure, but wouldn't most of you be complaining or arguing that it's just a verbal hell prob flip if said team comes along blah blah blah. I agree reed our recruiting has lacked, SMU so far is kicking our teeth in, Houston is kicking our teeth in, let's see if those recruits hold. One thing I do know is that east Tx just got harder to recruit with the two afore mentioned schools stepping up their game.
  22. probably best to buy up our allotment first then spill out, you know just in case we get a bowl game!
  23. Any chance this turns around after our Friday night lights camp? They just had theirs... Granted their recruiting staff is head and shoulders above ours. Forget the guy who they brought in but he's been tweeting and posting videos constantly
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