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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. Fixed
  2. OOOOOUUUFFF lol Man, Killeen really hurt themselves when they split all those schools still a ton of talent but not what it used to be. That sounds like a really competitive district. If you ever need Football Basketball with PE cert holler at me. lol
  3. wow. Isn't it crazy how fast this area has blown up. Un real!! Love to chat sometime and get perspective.
  4. and we still have yet to go after their receivers, wonder if that changes with new staff?
  5. hey we got guys like Ryan who worked for the AD I'm sure he will tell you all about how hard it is to market. Hell they can't even get our schools name right, I'd start marketing THERE first then work on other stuff. It's all a big fat joke, and it starts with RV. Time to change captains and clean house top to bottom. Littrell for AD!! ( I Jest)
  6. But, uh, look at what uh I have done with uh facilities.
  7. That's a good bet, Coach doesn't seem like a guy who was ill-prepared. He knew his time would come and I guarantee you he has a plan in place.
  8. IMO, Littrell either says you will be Blake bell dozer wildcat type only, or TE. I can't see him leaving him at QB unless he thinks he can fix mechanics which Harrell and Littrell should be able to fix (if anyone can)
  9. yep, doesn't seem like Littrell's style at all.
  10. I semi agree with Ben, only because look what happened to SMU. Post season ban and coach suspended _____ games? Hmmm UNC had players in fake classes getting fake grades and nothing yet. Seems swift for little boy SMU ( not that I'm complaining ) and dragging of the feet for big boy.
  11. I think the reason is Littrell knows what he wants. Probably used UNTs board to say ok these 25 kids we are gunna look at 4 the rest scrap and let's start over. I'm sure you will see us target many kids the SMU, tulsas, bowling greens of the world are targeting. Our HC and their HCs have similar philosophies. I can't wait for December to end and the dead period to be lifted. It's going to get wild and crazy around here and I for one am excited to see just who he can pull, flip and make a UNT super star. They are out there don't be fooled.
  12. this is extreme, but could one not threaten a law suit? I'm no law person but surely there is some kind of breach of contract when continuously we are called by the wrong name. We are the University of North Texas. Question, no answer.
  13. His running style looks like a RB and WR awkwardly meshed ( the styles part) but he can scoot and looks like a great athlete. I tend to agree with Tulsa on the safety part.
  14. way to ruin my Birthday Jerod! Lol good for the kid. I believe D. smith will turn it around with a whole off season, spring, and fall to work and prepare under Littrell. I'm very excited to see what can be done to fix his silly inaccuracies and mistakes.
  15. I believe he had another title attached for $ purposes right?
  16. meh. He still had to beat schools who churned out a lot more D1 talent than SLC. Sure they had money. That's where his advantage lay, with having his kids and parents that could pay the 1500-2000 it cost for fast twitch, performance course, Michael Johnson speed camp or whatever the name has evolved to now. Those kids families then had enough $ to properly feed and nourish their bodies post workout. Then eat right to fuel up for the next day so on and so forth. Hell in The Colony we are doing good to make sure our kids get protein after a workout. Most of them can't afford that. So yes it does make a difference. However, most if not a vast majority of their success was in their kids abilities to train. Athlete for athlete your telling me his kids were better than say SOC, GP, DESOTO, ALLEN, TRINITY, I'm sure there are more. I'm done arguing because there isn't one. Yes he screwed the dog here. He also put up some of the most impressive offensive numbers we have had in a long while. He screwed the pooch in two areas. 1. He did not bring in or retain any experienced college coaches who could help him navigate D1 football. The ins and outs of running a program etc 2. He brought in WAY to many HS guys on his staff. Those two two things and those alone, are why he failed here. You can believe what you want but I'm telling you this guy is a hell of a football coach. I am not saying he did something great here he sucked bad. That was more on his hiring decisions than his ability to coach and I think we can both agree on that. To say anything else IMO is silly.
  17. is that stadium donation still a requirement or does that go away at some point? How bout this RV, I'll get club seats, you pay my student loans? Deal? Sweet lol I only kid, got a few more years to pay those off then it's on I'll be eating cheesecake like a champ! it's not my job to put butts in seats RV, that's what you got paid to do. However, I bring a group of friends anytime I can. I'm usually working Saturdays breaking down film and game planning, so I usually just watch on tv. If I can I get to the game with as many people who will join me.
  18. yeah, pretty narrow minded seeing as how that was the most successful team we had in quite some time. Heck people came out just to see what all the hubbub was about. Also if HOD was 30 some odd K I'm shocked we had 26 K in Apogee for UTEP. Wasn't that near the number we reported for the Apogee opener vs Houston? So you tweeted and put some posters up. Got it.
  19. he said he would listen to the podcast and clearly did. As a recent grad who is looking to start moving up in the donation totem pole my goal is club level seats, with that podcast I'll stay at the measles $25 level until I can be shown by the department they take things seriously and not through 1 good hire. 1. See definition number 6, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/blessed?s=t 2. I'm not sure how one can make such a claim. You have proof of personal responsibility? and marketing is much MUCH more than 2 measley 22,000 some odd tickets. Name recognition, Branding etc etc. I'm out. There's no talking any logical sense with someone such as yourself.
  20. I don't think, I know. There's a big difference. When I'm less than 20 miles from campus and in my part of the world Carrollton, Lewisville, Dallas, Allen, Frisco I see maybe one billboard. Never see UNT personnel on HS campus, or even MS campus' can't get straight answers on tickets. There was more "marketing" done by the AD with the recent hire than I can remember in quite some time. You don't antagonize anyone, you just look like a very insecure, immature __ year old. As a coach it's VERY easy to see programs (SMU, TCU, BAYLOR, ATM) who market their programs very effictively. For one, create a catchy Hashtag for commits, your defense, your offense whatever it is. I won't continue to do their job for them on this board, but I will say that your statement makes NO sense. Have a blessed evening and may you have more success in your new job than your old one.
  21. that's ok. I was just disproving your statement. Freshman can win and compete in big games.
  22. Kentucky Hoops disagrees
  23. RV, is up to his ears in DOG CRAP!!! Uh uh uh yea know me and my staff uh we will uh yea know HOD bowl, uh yea know we built it they should uh yea know come out. We uh well Mac did this and dodge did that and uh yea know no excuses uh. I botched the club level seats uh well ya know everyone else raises club seats uh BLAH. It's so hard to listen to him. I'm so excited about Littrell, but this guy (RV) ROUGH!!
  24. I simply disagree, because I haven't seen the records prior to his arrival. anywho it is easier to coach at those big schools, except for the fact that you have to coach against the other top tier coaches and programs in the state.
  25. will you provide those schools records before he got there? yall are speaking out of both sides of your mouth. He can either 1 coach or 2 can't. Matters not where he is. He had to beat Allen arguably the deepest most talented team consistently in the state. The guy man can coach.
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