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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. you're delusional. Did you read my response to your earlier reply?
  2. it was 100% a semi home game, I could hear crowd turning up the volume on a 3rd down when WKU was only up 24-21 in the 3rd they dismantled that USF defense who could barely walk on the field by the end of the game. They were sucking so much wind by the end of the game it was unbelievable.
  3. can't have your cake and eat it too... Tennessee is an SEC Oline, coasting or not good play should be highly praised they out maned every player on our d line by 40-60 lbs
  4. Baylor line is Freshman only if I am not mistaken. Great idea very cool and super engaging way to keep kids excited about your program. Create a CULTURE where fans are excited about something. Yes, winning heals all, but having fun traditions besides sit outside on a hill get wasted and go home are good places to start.
  5. No my point is he has been here 2 seasons (starting his 3rd) the majority of his D-lineman haven't made it through the Redshirt year or into contributing years. Thats my point. Let me write it out differently. DT's: of the 8 we have 2 veterans JR Sir Calvin FLOP not his recruit, and SR Austin Orr hard nosed kid. The remaining 6 are either RS Freshman or Freshman except Sid Moore who is a Soph. 1 is leaving in Demikal Harrison (supposedly) DE's: of the 8 we have 4 veterans. The young pups are Tillman Johnson, Eli Howard, JR Jareid Combs (JUCO), JR Dakota Smith (JUCO) Remaining guys are RS SO Flusche, JR Dilonga, JR Roberts, and graduating SR Polk These are all this years classes and not adjusted for the upcoming season. I would say he was left a very bare cupboard what about you?
  6. was it his fault he had undersized dlineman to work with?
  7. I'm not sure that Littrell uses those crazy wide 4 foot splits Leach did. However I also don't see this kid playing tackle. He seems to me that if the dude isn't in his body frame he has a hard time blocking. Also that film was impressive however the guy was blocking looked like they were 180 pounds. I wouldn't mind a conversation about him moving to DL, however I agree with Billy, it is more about having the feet along with the other elements needed to look at switching someone to dline. He would have to be a 1 technique. Or Nose if we go 3-4
  8. you made it sound so ninja like that you had some info...
  9. Would be nice if Vito spelled his stinking name correct. UGH!!!!
  10. Billy stop being logical is doom and gloom or roses around here. No in between.
  11. That requires work.
  12. Harrell needs to be in charge of the Ennis District for Recruiting SURELY those people still recognize that name. Right??
  13. nope far to many under whelming combine numbers... (Lemon, and Johnson)
  14. you can't B slap a stud D1 athlete wearing a helmet and give them a semi concussion if you're not a badass. Period. I'll look for the link.
  15. TE's are vital in spread scheme particularly if you are running the pistol stuff and things of the sort that Littrell likes. It makes the LB's be responsible for something in the passing game and give offense some PA opportunities when you get the TE behind the LB's. Don't think of TE in the Mac sense think of a good to solid run blocker but more of a route running pass catching TE. Like how Auburn uses them, in the backfield behind the OL to move around and create different looks.
  16. Finney looked like a man amongst boys in spring game then barely saw the field in the fall. I was baffled by that, as well as Garner (sp) not playing much. Both made plays when they were on the field but could never stay out there consistently.
  17. Combs didn't do much for me this season. Roberts on the other hand, wasn't he a JR? That could be a nasty combination.
  18. 1. Wheeler is relentless and once he gets his hands on you you're going down. Ball get off needs work. 2. Ozugwu, hips excellent really bends when he beats Tackle, Ball get off YES PLEASE!! Great find. Always wondered when we were going to go after some Houston area kids. 3. Henson haven't watched yet. http://sports.yahoo.com/highschool/football/recruiting/player-Joshua-Wheeler-152889 Wheeler was 2 stars from HS. Ozugwu 2 stars as well with no other offers. http://sports.yahoo.com/latech/football/recruiting/player-Joseph-Ozougwu-166435
  19. He is a much better ambassador using his Pro Football twitter than giving us a few grand. IMO.
  20. I don't think he will. I could see TE's as a position you bring in a HS coach and let them coach with Littrell's guidance. The other position coaches on Offense are fine without him. I am excited to start hearing these names roll in.
  21. Wow!! Great news! Wonder what Vito has been up to. lol
  22. Not to my knowledge, but I thought you got GA's for both sides of the ball.
  23. I was under the impression if you are a donor in anyway you are not allowed to contact a recruit unless there was a previous relationship prior to an offer or interest.
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