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Everything posted by GMG24

  1. I think it was a situation where he waited to see what else he could get and those offers were taken by a different RB and that school accepted the commitment. I don't know that for a fact but that is what I'd think.
  2. Um... we got a 5 offer kid to take a PWO? Yessir!
  3. That size was prior to his JR season I believe, last I saw he was 6' 185. The height doesn't concern me as much but if he is 160 that would obviously be way to light in the box. That evaluation came after watching his JR tape, followed by his senior tape where when he sees the hole he meets the ball carrier there immediately and typically drives ball carrier back.
  4. Umm... that is big time! This kid can play LB if they want him to.
  5. https://meangreensports.com/sports/football/roster/2022-23
  6. This take needs to be addressed, as good as it is for the kid, the ratings really don't mean anything in terms of ability. Just some predictions as to their success probability at the next level, and beyond. Once he steps foot on campus no one in that LR will give 5 bags of dog**** what he was rated or who offered him out of HS. They will be working to take the starting job, his job, or help the team compete to be in a position where they can win games. Don't get me wrong I am ecstatic that he is joining UNT and I believe he'll be a phenomenal safety for us. Just don't want people assuming because he is highly rated means he automatically jumps in and has to contribute.
  7. PWO same thing as the kid from Gunter. I believe @TheReal_jayD said something about once signing day is over going back and looking at the PWO's and doing a show about them.
  8. I've not spoken directly to staff, but if you look at what he did while at UIW and how he built it. They had 15/16 or so OL on scholarship. Reason being, need a starter/back up at each position *sure if one of those 6-10 is better than other option at said position they could move them but you'd like them to train and become an expert at that one position* then you have the 3rd OL at each position as your developmental guy. Allowing you to build sustainability.
  9. We will have a GMG rundown. Not sure how in depth we'll go trying to keep the shows more on the shorter side than the longer.
  10. He’s the 7th best kicker in the nation… sign him up!! We brought in a grad transfer who didn’t really kick at Baylor.. I’ll take it!
  11. It does a great deal when you are the first. Even if you don't land the kid and he ends up going somewhere else..... You can show back up if and/or when they enter the transfer portal you are ready.
  12. He posted a thread in the football forum I believe.
  14. Survey says, YES 4 new puzzle pieces added as of a little bit ago.
  15. I was incredibly frustrated watching Mac essentially beg a pit full of 4,000 people to stand up and cheer when his team was up 12 at home with a few minutes left in a conference game. I wouldn't be shocked to see him gone. He rebuilt this thing into a perennial contender, a team most mid majors don't want to play and a host of the power schools refuse to play because of how well they play defense and do the little things right. Sure at times the offense is rough, but what would you rather do, score 100 a game and be under 500 every year or have phenomenal defense, and suspect offense at times but win 70% of your games every year. I know which one I will take. The offense and talent can continue to increase as you continue building winners. I was glad to see that Mac and company joined the student section as that gives me hopes he thinks he can build the hype for the program through the students and eventually they'll be young alumni and continue coming because the older generation of fans that are attending sit 99.9% of the game. Except you crazies that sit right behind UNT bench and I think y'all give the student section a run for the money most games.
  16. A lot of time it is closer to the 20-30 range sometimes less so may be able to bring in even more if that is the number they go with.
  17. All students running it they said on air
  18. Hard to do when Ousman won’t quit being lazy and fouling every possession to start the game.
  19. I'll be shocked if Eade plays today. That fall where he hit his lower back on the metal step that connects the bleachers to the gym floor looked to be in an incredibly bad spot. I was pleasantly surprised/ glad to finally see all of the transfers starting to click. If that happens this team will be a problem. Shocked to see WKU struggle as bad as they have the last 3 games.
  20. He very well could be the type of kid who usually gets G5 offers then a P5 comes around late and may offer. The portal has got a-lot of people questioning evaluations vs trying to get a plug and play guy. I haven't watched his tape yet but if that many schools think he can play there is definitely something there, and look no further than a few of our transfers from lower institutions this past year there are kids down there that can absolutely play!
  21. Coaching staff left, I am sure that had something to do with it. A bunch of kids are tied to coaches not necessarily a University (Right or wrong) that just seems to be how it is most places. I believe Napier was scooped up by Florida and the staff dismantled. He decided back in August to enter portal so he didn't potentially get a RS burned I would imagine.
  22. BuT wE jUsT oFfEreD bEcAuSe He Is A gUyEr LoCaL pRoDuCt......
  23. Probably struggled to qualify academically, it is a tad easier to qualify D2 vs D1 when looking at what credits are needed.
  24. What do you mean?
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