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Everything posted by UNTDoubleAlum

  1. I'm going with 5-7, but with bad luck, I can see us also being 2-10. Still, if those two wins are against UTSA and Portland State, it will be one of the rare times when I win something over my wife, as she attended both.
  2. Well, that's officially the most Wooten thing ever written. That poor building. I basically earned two degrees in that thing. If it had burned down, I would spend my life raising money to build an exact replica.... If only that we true, I would imagine that the Department of Defense would write UNT a big check for a monkey/spider hybrid.
  3. I definitely don't have a defense for private schools. I don't like private schools, alot of research shows they don't set you up any better than public schools do. Private schools, to me, just seem like an expensive way to instill some kind of belief in stratification of society based on economic advantage into young adults early on. That being said, it pains me to see that people are so hostile to kids/adults that have to take out or have taken out student loans, and then have trouble paying them back. My father, for years, claimed that I could go to college and get a degree, any degree, and set myself up for a lifetime of success. This was, and I imagine still is, the view of a large amount of our Baby Boomer parents who lived through the most prosperous times of the 20th Century. Then, we get to college and do what they tell us, and suddenly our generation has a combination of fairly useless degrees and a bad economic outlook, and those same Boomers are railing at our entitlement and how we're ruining America by not paying back the loans we needed to take out to pay for school that is 1,100 times more expensive than it was when they were in college. (According to USA today, using 1978 as a starting point, which was when my parents were in/entering college) I was lucky, my military experience allowed me to get two Bachelors (the first pretty useless, the second one good) from UNT, a graduate certificate, and a Master's degree, with relatively little debt (some, but well below the national average). But lots of people aren't so lucky. My wife graduated and worked full-time for years at jobs that paid her too little, including UNT. I mean, when I met her, I think she made like 1400 before taxes, working the full-time night shift. On that salary, it's just impossible to live AND pay off student debts. So she goes into default, a situation that we're just now getting under control, but it's a pretty serious blow to her credit, and our ability to buy a house, a car, all those things that the rest of the economy needs to function. If anyone told her that she was "entitled", me and that guy would have words. Calling our generation of college graduates entitled is only for people unwilling to accept that we are in need of some pretty serious reform in how we fund college educations.
  4. Respect Bro, I have a Dunbar Cowboys jersey too, I even got it signed by him a few years back.
  5. Well, I'm not a fan of the guy at all. I didn't cast a vote for Governor this last election, I wasn't too excited about either of them, although if I could go back I'd probably vote against Abbott. Still, it's hard to argue against how cool it is that the current Governor of Texas is speaking at a UNT Commencement. I graduated twice in the span of two years (Dec 2011, and Aug 2013) and both times I got the same recycled speech by V. Lane. Come on, Rawlins, it's been two years! Think up a new speech, and preferably one that doesn't mention you looking at women's feet. Hopefully the students get through the ceremony without a protest. I couldn't help but feel a tad embarrassed when protesters have soured the speeches of other politicians who have come to UNT that they didn't like.
  6. Those stupid emotions, those are only useful for women and foreigners.......
  7. Though I didn't always feel this way, I really don't feel like there is any way to justify using that flag, whether in history or the present. Even using it as an example of southern pride seems folly. I never had a History professor (and my first degree is in History) that would have agreed that the Civil War was waged for anything more than slavery. Sure, you can claim "states rights" all you want, so long as you understand it was the "state right" to slavery. If the entire separation of half of our country, and the flags that it flew, were created under the auspices of thinking slavery was a good idea, then I'll pass on that flag, as proud as I am to be from the part of the country I am from.
  8. Well, I'm 0-2 against one of my wife's alma mater, but we are playing Portland State this year, the other school she went to. So, bigger chance I can finally notch a win against one of her teams, maybe?
  9. I wouldn't think so. Improper conduct is improper, no matter who is doing it. The only thing I feel differently about is that I believe that something about the culture of Greek Life/Frats encourages this behavior (at worst), or doesn't deal with it appropriately (at best).
  10. I would feel strongly about correcting those organizations if I was represented through them. Your argument, however, is a fallacy of false equivalence. For the argument to be valid, then all of the Greek organizations should be directly beholden and controlled by the university, like athletics departments are. Of course, if that is the case, then they should be subject to all of the regulation and control that other university departments are subjected to.
  11. Sure, I get that, although I would probably still disagree. Any organization that is even peripherally endorsed by a public institution needs to have completely transparent methods for joining. That doesn't work specifically for SMU, being a private school, but OU is obviously public, etc. But yeah, I get what your saying, and as I state above, that isn't my primary argument against frats. The semi-official nature of Greek Life is a major contention for me though. The college institution, as well as the thousands of students that don't want to be involved with Greek Life, shouldn't negatively affected because of what these people do.
  12. It isn't that simple though. Yeah, I admit I don't like exclusionary groups that don't have transparent requirements for membership. To me, that is basically a high school clic that got too much validation. Now, that is of course, my opinion, so maybe that is what your referring to. I don't like these organizations, and I should just stop paying attention to them. The problem is, these organizations are out there actively damaging the school, the school's reputation, and thus by extension, everyone who has a degree from it. OU's team has lost a recruit over this. OU has been blasted with bad media this week. This frat hurt the school as an institution. That is something that affects every student who holds a piece of paper from that school, and thus the rest of the students, both at OU and every school where things like this happen, all have a very real right to be upset.
  13. I'm totally sure there are good members, but with the large amount of issues we hear about, I'd propose that there is something wrong with the culture of Greek Life itself that needs to be addressed.
  14. You're both right, however, the causes of terrorism differ even among similar kinds of terrorism in similar types of situations. Homegrown terrorism is both an issue for the US and Europe. Both of these regions/countries have relatively similar democratic institutions and cultural characteristics, but poverty and perceived marginalization plays a much bigger role in radicalization in Europe than it does in the US. Homegrown terrorists who either grew up in the United States have revealed that they are more often motivated by a perceived act of wrongdoing. Because of disparate nature of terrorism as a phenomenon, it's usually more useful to look at "what factors can create an environment for terrorism to thrive in" as opposed to looking for direct causes.
  15. Ugh, thanks Harry. Before reading that I was just averagely depressed about living 6 hours away from UNT/Denton. Now I'm going to need depression medicine.....
  16. It's true. Many of us belong to multiple college fandoms. It's hard to harp on a guy when all we know from that picture is that he's a UNT student that also happens to like Oregon.
  17. I had exactly this problem, which is why I currently live and work in Amarillo. However, as I'm weeks away from my Master's, about to get my IAEM certification, and with a little bit of experience under my belt, I'm hoping it's easier to find something in the metroplex when I return.
  18. I've never felt like UNT has held me back. If anything, those in my field (Emergency Management) have a pretty high perception of UNT's EADP program. I do have two small points of contention. 1. I wish we had a more excitable Alumni base. As an Alum, I get real excited when I run into people from UNT, or those rare occasions where I find someone else with a UNT bumper sticker. However, I feel like a decent percentage of our Alums don't feel this way. Lots of people with UNT degrees seem to be apathetic or worse about the institution. 2. I wish the state wasn't so high on UT and A&M. As I'm sure plenty of you are aware, we get Texas Monthly with our Alumni Association membership, and whenever I read anything about higher education I feel like the state is just constantly giving the UT and A&M systems too much love at the expense of anyone else. And this is coming from a guy who had an advanced degree from A&M.
  19. I hope the Michigan State player that punted Baylor's kicker got extra points for his FATALITY!!
  20. Man, I hope not. Half of the fun with Lance is that he continues to be on the teams I root for. Also, I want my signed Lance Dunbar Cowboys jersey to get more years of wear. Also, I cried in the middle of a Hooters on that play. My wife wasn't even mad at me, either.
  21. I voted for ULL strictly on my remembering a few fun games against them over my time at UNT. Same reason I was happy to see WKU come over to CUSA. Me and my wife just had so much fun making fun of that blobby mascot thing.
  22. Pretty much how I feel too. 20 winning seasons in a row for Women's Soccer. Whoopeeeee! I mean, I'm glad for all UNT athletes, but if it's not Football or Men's Basketball, my interest is marginal at best.
  23. Does UNT actively seek out ways to drive wedges between me and my wife??? Portland State was the school she went to before transferring to UTSA. Dark days ahead at the Edwards household.
  24. Me and the UTSA wife are attending. Though, she said she'd be willing to wear some Green in a show of solidarity. I'm not really sure where we are sitting though. Her Dad bought the tickets.
  25. Maybe I should have said these expectations were more "first game" expectations than "pre-season." Alot of people were calling South Carolina one of the SEC's best teams, and then A&M trounced them at home. Turns out they were both overrated, but hard to see during week 1.
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