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Posts posted by Grudog

  1. Renewed my season tickets today. Been around since the “glory year” of McCarney and Skladeny. I have to travel from Deep South Texas for home games and manage to make most of them. That 6 month payment plan sure does make it easy to renew. Go renew your season tickets and continue supporting our school. Some schools would do anything to have a football team. Let’s not take that for granted and appreciate the opportunity we have. Loyal Forever to UNT. 

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  2. 9 hours ago, Felozano said:

    We were there. It’s the only game I can remember where we had the whole section to ourselves. Times are a changin’!  Right, @Grudog?!?!


    Woo Hoo!  Through the Good and the Bad. Wouldn’t have missed it. I remember thinking, need to show up for the Seniors and Coach Chico. I think he cried after alma mater was over!  

    • Upvote 1
  3. Agreed. They need to create noise in there, otherwise it would be awfully quiet in there. How many promotions are they going to have during timeouts?  The UT SA chant is annoying. Shoot San Antonio is annoying. Can't wait too  get out of this place. 

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