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Grudog last won the day on June 19 2019

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  1. Nice stadium. Sound system sucks. A coach in shorts who is supposedly the defensive coordinator and well another loss. Some things never change.
  2. It was a cool event. Glad I was able to attend the event and the game. Good times and great memories, regardless of the outcome of the game.
  3. I dropped by the stadium and purchased my tickets last week. No problems at all. 49 bucks a ticket.
  4. Circa supposedly has the biggest sports book in vegas. I will probably be staying at resorts world.
  5. https://www.unlvtickets.com/rebel-football/single-game-tickets/
  6. Come on UNLV, at least get our name right. This is from their tickets page.
  7. Renewed my season tickets today. Been around since the “glory year” of McCarney and Skladeny. I have to travel from Deep South Texas for home games and manage to make most of them. That 6 month payment plan sure does make it easy to renew. Go renew your season tickets and continue supporting our school. Some schools would do anything to have a football team. Let’s not take that for granted and appreciate the opportunity we have. Loyal Forever to UNT.
  8. Official Attendance number. 🤔
  9. Nope, but I will be able to dress like Phil Bennett for the day. Lol. Go Mean Green
  10. Everyone should be able to make the game with prices like this. I just bought my 3 tickets. Haha
  11. Don’t buy tix for the wrong frisco bowl, you will end up watching utsa vs San Diego state instead.
  12. They are definitely annoying, that’s for sure
  13. Not a bad showing by So Miss, considering Frank Gore, jr was their QB most of the game.
  14. UTRGV (University of Texas Rio Grande Valley)of Edinburg voted to start a football program in 2025. Let’s get them scheduled to start the season 1-0.
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