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Everything posted by strikes

  1. Let's go! Finally a QB chosen for talent not because he is a SOCF! (Son of a coaches friend)
  2. Really hope we are looking for someone that can turn the program around and get us past where we were in 2013. Why can't UNT be one of the greats? The sky is the limit!
  3. We need new donors. Let's start a fundraiser.
  4. Contacted the president via my student email account.
  5. Thanks! I assumed it was some kind of committee.
  6. I keep seeing the "17" thrown around. I've only been following the program a few years now and am not very familiar with the politics. Please elaborate who / what the 17 are and possibly a back story as to what their relationship to the athletics director is. Would be very appreciated!
  7. Thursday is definitely going to be interesting.
  8. May the best person for the position win!
  9. Not understanding the Windmill Williams name. Explain?
  10. Channel 610 on DirecTV. BTNHD
  11. Fresh out of high school I had a job that sent me to that sack n save. I had to take all of the dog food off the shelf and put it back on a different way... tear the place down. I hated the day I worked in that building.
  12. I'm not getting those feelings. Seems to just be pretty straight forward.
  13. Call Buffalo Wild Wings and see if they have it. They have a ton of channels.
  14. You both get $100, I normally just leave my referral slip laying in the break room at work and someone seems to snag it every month!
  15. Normally, when this situation happens to me, I start calling sports bars the week of the game.
  16. Yep, 21 is right. I'm curious about the rest of the Sinclair network games. Will they all be on 21 local in Dallas area? That would be nice.
  17. DW for starting position! I feel like the forums were divided on the decision at the beginning of the season but now it seems very clear who needs to be in the QB position.
  18. I was hoping for Dajon start from day 1. When I saw that Greer was going to start, I trusted the decision and rolled with it and cheered for him. I can't do it anymore, he's been given plenty of chances. He's just not ready. Dajon seems way more confident out there. He needs to start.
  19. Dajon. Dajon. Dajon.
  20. Screen shot or it didn't happen.
  21. Holy smokes they play 3 big schools.
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