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Posts posted by meangreenthirteen

  1. 1 minute ago, FAU Connoisseur said:

    The quote is so silly, so ridiculous that I find it hard to believe it was said.  If it was, then I hope there is a recording because no court is going to agree he said that.  Its some scum bag attorney trying to make headlines and a nice settlement.

    It's on an affidavit that's now a matter of court record. So take that for what you will.

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  2. Just now, FAU Connoisseur said:

    Send that link then.





    K Briles: " do you like white women? Because we have a lot of them at Baylor and they love football players."


    Fucking gross. If I were you, I'd disown my school for letting this trash work there.

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  3. 1 minute ago, FAU Connoisseur said:

    I can assure you the FAU football is not the tail wagging the dog.  It's comical that 3 straight 3 win team is telling the university anything!  I will also go out on a limb that Briles comes to work keeps his head down and probably doesn't say anything just based on the allegations you are bringing up.

    Kiffin shady?  I don't see it.  His career has been in reverse P5 OC; NFL HC; P5 HC (leaves for his dream job and pisses a lot of people off ); P5 HC (with a boat load of sanctions coming his way; was winning before scholarhips go away); P5 OC (3 straight SEC championships, 1 NC; probably another if Saban wasn't a narsacist).  I don't know about you but I made a lot of mistakes in my mid 20's to early 30's and fortunately they weren't in front of a national media.

    But you should go back and complain about a booster who is helping your program by buying a whole section of tickets.  Your program gets the money(which is more important than butts in the seats at our level).  It's not his fault he can't get anyone to use them.  So silly you are little cute bird.



    At least we don't have rape apologists in the front office. I will take a completely empty stadium as long as we don't have that.

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  4. 8 minutes ago, FAU Connoisseur said:

    Woods coming back is a non-factor to me.  Guy has constantly disappeared on game day.  Yes he 900+ receiving last year but he is not a great player.  His suspension was handled 100% by the university not the athletic department or football office.  He was given a no trespass order when this blew up.  The university allowed him back on campus a week or two before the semester started.  He lost his scholarship and he is paying his own way.  His ability to play was due to him completing certain things dictated by the university.  if I could make the rules his days at FAU would be over.

    As for Deandre Johnson he was recruited and signed before Kiffin was hired.  Johnson's career may be over due to blood clots similar to Chris Bosh's issue with the Heat.  

    You guys probably know more about Briles than I do, but other than being at Baylor and accused of silly comment I don't see where he was implicated in that mess.  My opinion is that Briles career is probably relegated to an FAU situation and Power 5 is a pipe dream.

    Should any coach care about anything but winning?  I have met Kiffin (and Briles) at several private events so far and I have read a lot about them I don't see or hear the things people seem to accuse him of.  Kiffin has a pretty dry sense of humor  and he may be one of the best offensive minds in the game.  I expect him to be with us next year and probably move on to Gainesville.



    Little Briles is just as guilty as his dad of actively covering for rapists and criminals on his team. He's toxic, and it says a lot about FAU that he got a job there.

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  5. 26 minutes ago, MeanGreenTexan said:

    Mr. James,

    How on Earth did you locate that one UNT fan, and choose to interview him?  Hold still dude, and WTH is in your eyes?

    Also, I keep hearing about how people from Dallas don't like Houston & SA.   I have never met anyone from D/FW that despises either of those cities.  Heck, most people LOVE SA.   Yet I've heard/seen disdain from Houston/SA folks against D/FW a lot.  Very weird.  It's like the sibling rivalry that's always playful, and then next thing you know, one brother is sitting in a counselor's office talking about how his other brother has wrecked him emotionally.

    I believe he is blind/visually impaired. Kinda makes you seem like an ass.

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  6. Fans should never scream racist shit at players. That's not cool. But I will add to the pile here and say that I have personally encountered UTSA fans that have been absolutely nasty for no reason. My sister just signed a LOI to play soccer there, so I'll be interested to see it from another angle.

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