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Posts posted by meangreenthirteen

  1. I like your fan base from what I've seen on this board. Didn't expect 10 replies within a 30 minute span and there wasn't any spam talking. Maybe North Texas has the best fan base in Texas?

    Well I think Agfans and Shaggybevo have pretty good online showings but I would venture to say that our message board is easily the best in CUSA. Now if only we could get that to translate to attendance.

  2. Yes, I am interested. He is a step up compared to Thompson. Thompson did what was asked of him, but nothing more. He is not a talented QB, he is a hand the ball off and make easy high percentage throws type QB. I don't care who Mayfield lost to or beat in the big12, it was in the big12. In the big12 he threw for 200 yards less than Thompson in 4 fewer games against better competition. This would be an upgrade and this is something the coaching staff needs to pursue immediately. Not just for increasing our talent level, but making sure that Rice, Houston, or UTSA doesn't pick this kid up. This would be a great get.

    If anything we need to try and keep this from happening, although I bet he goes to a CUSA or similar team.

  3. I don't think there's any doubt the product on the field in the Sunbelt is just as good if not better than the product on the field in CUSA.

    The media coverage, bowl options and perception (the MOST important thing to a program today) is better in CUSA......for now.

    CUSA's perception is down this year. Will be down even more next year and will be at Sunbelt level within 2-3 years.

    I know some don't want to hear this, but if UNT is going to get and stay relevant in the big picture of college football.....we are going to have to start looking elsewhere on a few years. Of course we have to keep winning....but if we do, we have to start looking to upgrade.

    I disagree. I think we'll see programs start to rise to the top of the conference (ours included) that will help bolster the overall appearance of CUSA. Just gotta do better in OOC play.

  4. Serious question, what number would make us all proud?

    is it 25k? 30k?

    What number would make us feel good about things?

    and what number would get respect from other programs? is that number like 40k?

    I think we will bring 25k to this game. in that stadium, it will not look very good.

    To answer your question, I think if we beat the bowls previous attendance records we will have accomplished something. 50k

  5. I'm an alumni of both schools, though I got my undergrad at UNT... being involved with both schools I would not say that SMU alums have more money, rather the school is better at getting money out of their alumni. SMU has a very strong connection with their alumni association, they wine us and dine us, and then out come our check books. I have always been a UNT football fan and make most home games, but that alumni center next to the stadium is a joke, its a tool shed with a bathroom, hardly anyone is ever in there. if you ask me, the school needs to turn the alumni center around on game day, make it a place that every alum wants to visit on game day, free drinks and food, shake hands with former players, and the check books will come out.

    I think the Alumni Pavilion is pretty cool, but what do I know? I was cut from a different cloth.

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