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Posts posted by meangreenthirteen

  1. Isn't this his first off season in college? Is it possible that the first few workouts were him figuring out how things work at this level in the off season and not him slacking off and being a bad team member? Is it possible that we are reading too much into this?

    As usual, this is a strong possibility.

    • Upvote 2
  2. Well, it's Louisiana after all. You used to be able to drive up to a take out window at local liquor stores and get a frozen daiquiri or Margarita to go.

    You can still do that in Laffy and BR. God bless Louisiana.

  3. Per Rick's discussion of the deck and beer, maybe someone remembers more specifically the answer to this:

    When we were discussing alcohol sales before, someone made the point that a good chunk of the schools that have booze at games were ones that used pro stadiums. Does anyone know/remember how many actually sell beer at their own (on-campus) stadiums? I'm certainly unopposed to the idea but it's bound to come up and it's best to have a decent response if the number is insanely small.

    ULL sells alcohol at their stadium.

  4. Thanks. I knew there were a bunch.

    Sometimes rankings may not be indicative of how good a class really is.

    Mac & Company must be doing their homework and keeping an eye out for both transfers and walk-ons.

    I think the whole recruiting class ranking system is far less than empirical and hardly even indicative of how good a class will be.

  5. "He should come here to UNT. We've got an open competition as well. The none of the competitors has much game experience. You gotta admit, Tech did kind of tank after he was injured. And, Kingsbury looks like he's going to be one of those coaches who rotates QBs every game."

    Check the schedule though. Mayfield played against the sisters of the poor, and Davis Webb STILL put up better numbers. With Brewer coming back and Webb outperforming Mayfield, it's not out of the realm of possibility he'd have been a three at Tech next year.

    Agreed. The easy schedule to start the season gave the kid a big head.

    • Upvote 3
  6. Texas does have a QB in David Ash, but he was injured much of the season. But, that doesn't matter. They've got a great stable of running backs, the best in the Big 12.

    The three ingredients for winning are still: run, stop the run, and play mistake free special teams. Strong will have the defense ready. They've already got the runners for the run game. They'll have to replace their placekicker who graduates. That's their biggest problem.

    Ash is not a good QB.

  7. I've always been high on Carlos Harris. He was a freshman last year and showed signs of the guy we saw this year -- especially later in the year which is to be expected. I think the staff has been grooming him to take Brelan's spot for two years now.

    Agree 100%. I have a feeling that was a big part of his recruitment as well. I'm sure Canales has seen flashes of Brelan in Carlos and we've yet to see his best season.

  8. This story makes me sad. Baker's obviously got some talent, but his brain hasn't caught up to his talent at this point in his life.

    Baker wanted OU to ask him to college football prom, but TCU beat them to it, but then they made plans with someone else the week before the big dance.

    He had Tech as a backup date, so went with them at the last minute. Before the first hour of prom was up, he got mad at Tech because they danced with other QBs.

    His solution to the problem is to go chasing after OU, who, along with their date Trevor Knight, is already headed to the after party.

    I don't think John Hughes himself could find a silver lining in this story.

    I think you described it perfectly. Grass is always greener, Baker.

  9. So you're expecting the average attendance next year to jump about 9k...why?

    If because of the bowl win, I don't think that's enough for the ones who are not coming now to start coming.

    Beat Texas to start the year, and I'll buy in.

    Heck, play Texas as close or closer than Georgia and SMU game is a record-breaker. Maybe it's just the high from all the hype wearing off, but I definitely feel we will see a significant increase in attendance next year.

  10. I graduated a few years ago just one semester after writing off this school's football team for what I thought would be forever. However, at the beginning of last season, I masochistically decided to give them one more shot. It started by just attending the Idaho game with a few other recent alums. I went in not expecting much, but the team played solidly and I was intrigued to check out another. The game that really did it for me was Ball State. It was hotter than hot and most of my group had left or were planning to leave going into the 3rd quarter. I am so glad I stayed. After seeing the team that I had essentially written off as an embarrassment ne'er to be mentioned come back and play completely balls-out, I was hooked. I finally got an account on GMG and I have since been more plugged into this team than I EVER thought I would. It happened so quickly and seamlessly that I hardly noticed I was becoming a total fanatic. I didn't really see how much I had gotten into it until my boss, a former employee of the AD in the Dodge years, told me "the Mean Green need more fans like you". This past football season saw me go from purposefully unaware to completely sold out.

    That being said, I think my vision has changed immensely from last year to this year and even from August to now. I'm very confident that this is just the beginning for this program and this school. Very proud to be an alum.

    • Upvote 3
  11. I can't disagree with your #1 and #2 at all. The only other thing I might add is the wide receiver play. Darnell Smith really came up big this year, as did Brelan. I loved the different ways Coach Canales got him the ball, and I loved what Brelan did when he got it. Carlos Harris had a nice year as well.

    I rewatched the 2012 LSU game the other day and Harris was in for a couple of plays in which he either did nothing or didn't catch his pass. He also looked really tiny. That guy has come such a far way. So impressed by he and D. Smith this past year.

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