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meangreenthirteen last won the day on September 9 2014

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  1. Literally no attempts to actually tackle. Everyone looking for the body check
  2. Definitely agree that we have the talent pool. I grew up playing AAA hockey and the explosion of top talent in the DFW area happened after I had already hung up the skates. No doubt we could get some solid players to stay home, but I'm more concerned that the school wouldn't get behind the expenditure involved with an on-campus rink. It's also worth noting that ASU only went NCAA after nearly a decade of domination at the ACHA level. Our ACHA club is mediocre at best and frequently loses badly to other regional teams like Arkansas.
  3. UNT does field a club team playing in the ACHA. To become an NCAA program, you must first build a rink on campus. Some southern schools have managed to do this with some success (Alabama-Huntsville and Arizona State). It would take a huge booster investment, and I just don't see that kind of love for amateur hockey in Texas just yet.
  4. Maybe buy a nice outfit or two, start going to the gym, perhaps a new haircut.
  5. Looking forward to the December 7th kits
  6. My confidence in this team is absolutely shot. I would love to be proven wrong, but there's no way I can confidently say we even make this a game at this point.
  7. Got an email yesterday with 4/$45 tickets. Here is the link.
  8. Woooooohoooo boy they are gonna be mad as hell next weekend. Should be fun
  9. this is what I think of when I see a whole paragraph angrily asserting we aren't a rival
  10. I see this as an opportunity to throttle somebody and get the house packed for Houston, so I'm not too worried about attendance in this one. As long as we do the throttling.
  11. Which one? UNT pretty left friendly in my experience. 😉
  12. I guarantee you that people in Dallas don't give half a shit about SMU.
  13. Imagine being this cocky about p5 retreads that don't give a shit about your school at all. Also SMU still sucks.
  14. An old tradition Will it catch on yet again? SMU still sucks
  15. Honestly it just looked like our D got bored. The more I watch the replays, the better I feel about their play early on.
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