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  1. Posting this since I didn't see it mentioned anywhere on this forum. A fellow college basketball fan I know told me he heard a story on KERA 90.1 on Friday about UNT men's and women's basketball. I looked it up, and it was a short interview with Brett Vito. Not often that you hear about our basketball teams on KERA radio. Nice publicity! https://www.keranews.org/sports/2025-03-07/unt-built-what-might-be-the-best-overall-basketball-program-in-the-aac-heres-how
      • 4
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  2. Wow. Atin Wright missed two free throws in a row. He must be feeling the time change and Eastern time zone effects.
  3. Does the athletic department collect and/or report student attendance at the games? I'm wondering if there was a dropoff there, and if so, how much? I think one reason for a drop in attendance is that we lost so many players off of last years team, including some long time players like Rubin Jones and Aaron Scott. One of the nice things about college sports is watching players grow and progress from one season to the next, and the transfer portal is really putting a crimp in that.
  4. The Fall 2023-2024 Fact Sheet states there are 6,419 beds in the residence halls. "Housing (Campus): Fall 2023: 6,419 beds in 15 residence halls; no married/family housing; no staff housing; (Includes Bruce Hall, Clark Hall, Crumley Hall, Honors Hall, Joe Greene Hall, Kerr Hall, Legends Hall, Maple Hall, McConnell Hall, Mozart Square Hall, Rawlins Hall, Santa Fe Square, Traditions Hall, Victory Hall, and West Hall)" https://institutionalresearch.unt.edu/images/factsheet_2023-2024.pdf So if ~6,500 are in the residence halls, are the remaining ~22,500 in University owned or controlled apartments?
  5. Good game for our guys. Great game by Sissoko! Did anyone else lose the ESPN+ feed in the last 30 seconds of the game?
  6. Good win! Back into second place in the conference standings. Oh, and thanks ECU.
  7. Tied? This is way too close!
  8. Nice game by our guys. Crowd doesn't sound too involved.
  9. Yep. Coach Knight and the Hoosiers perfect season. https://www.sports-reference.com/cbb/schools/indiana/men/1976-schedule.html
  10. Did Sissoko get hurt? He didn't play much the second half.
  11. That last 4 minutes terrible for both teams. Both looked too tentative, like they were afraid to make a mistake. Not winning basketball.
  12. Floyd attacking the basket! Good to see. More of this please!
  13. We hit a 3! (Bronx cheer!)
  14. Really lazy offensive effort. Jossell has tried from beyond the arc, but they're not falling. Someone has to drive the lane occasionally and create some offense.
  15. Wright and Spears chirping to each other? Spears has 2 points, Wright has 0. How about shut up and SCORE!
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