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Everything posted by Withers940

  1. My post wasn't to prove your wrong because I was truly interested to see what our "true" attendance numbers were but non the less, its been very sad. Our enrollment is 40k and yet we can only get a few 100 students to attend. The DFW is full of alumni but yet we cant get anyone to attend games. I honestly think the General Admission tickets are too pricey ($20). Why not sell $5 tickets for GA? You get them in here and they are going buy concessions so there are other ways to make money. If they leave at half then they leave at half. At least they get in here and see what the atmosphere is or could be and then maybe they come back. The lack of support locally and our alumni base has blown me away the last several years. Maybe I drink too much green Kool Aid and cant grasp the realms of reality. I show up rain or shine to games whether they are 10-0 or 0-10. Just wish we had way more thick and thin fans out there.
  2. Sorry to clog up the forum with pictures but it is interesting to me to see what our attendance has been over the years. We do have a winning record at home historically (155-100-7) and at Apogee (38-21) which is good to win constantly at home though not to the rate that we would like, still is a positive to win at home in front of our fans
  3. Very Close but we have had more than a handful of 25k plus attended games. Not to prove you wrong because I too was curious about these numbers. Might not be the true attendance but these were tickets solds
  4. I dont hate it
  5. OK, Roast is too strong of a term but read the comments being made, HAHA. Ive been to the Alamo Dome for the UNT game 3 times and never thought it was an intimidating atmosphere. Fun? I could see that
  6. We're in a bad place right now but Im not buying into this ranking that is done by some 40 year old that's living in his mothers spare bedroom. We would slaughter IW, PVA&M, Beat Rice, UTEP, SFA, and SHS.
  7. You've been playing too much NCAA Football
  8. At this point, I just want to see anyone other than Aune and Ruder. It might not be better but its a change of pace. Kason Martin at least can motivate his team with his energy. I want to See Drummond Come in and throw the ball some too.
  9. Direct TV in DFW is channel 47 for Stadium
  10. Then we will have the cleanest clocks in the conference
  11. Littrell Leads his team onto the field and he lights his hair on fire, gets his team fired up UNT 28 La Tech 24
  12. Our uniform report is more accurate than our Depth Chart
  13. I don’t care if they come out in practice jerseys, just play like a competitive football team.
  14. I thought you were going to quote the part just before where he says "Tear their F'n Heads off and you $h!t down their necks"
  15. LOL, Well Hopefully your not drunk this early on a week day
  16. Not to Brag or anything but he's my Adopted Player so I'd like to take non of the credit for his success, LOL.
  17. I want to see more of our young stud TE's and not just Pirtle. Love Pirtle and his heart but lets get some new blood in there!!
  18. Can we please get an actual Depth Chart for once and not some 🐮 💩 rendering? Tommy Bush isn't going to run out there with a broken F'n Leg on Saturday so stop with the Cloak and Dagger BS.
  19. Thats the one thing that I have always had an issue with is his lack of emotion. Your team feeds off of that. I love seeing coaches getting hyped on the sidelines and seeing that transfer into the players. There is ZERO enthusiasm on that sideline and it comes straight from the top. I want to see Littrell head bud someone or rip his shirt off like a wrestler for God sakes
  20. I honestly dont really care who is hired as long as the new head coach does the following: -Hire's Great Assistants (Competent Coordinators) -Recruits well -Develops the players -Acts like they give a shit
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