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Everything posted by Withers940

  1. I had to reread your post. At first, I read it as you weren't a fan of the video LOL
  2. Two things: 1) Ive heard more about UTEPS opener and them promoting it than Ive heard of our promoting of our first home game.. 2)Our GA tickets are too expensive at $20 in my honest opinion. I might be way off my rocker here but if your not selling the majority of your tickets then they are too expensive. Yes, you have upkeep but if you dont sell the tickets you have, then youre not making any money to begin with. If you drop the ticket prices to $5-$10, you are going to sell a lot more and all those people are going to come into the game and buy sodas, beer, food and souvenirs. The AD's goal should be able to get butts in the seats and create an atmosphere kids want to come play in front of and if you can consistently sell out your GA tickets then think about an increase.
  3. He has 3 years of eligibility?? I feel like he's been here for 3 years and wasn't he at UK for 2?
  4. So is College Station being 3 Hours away from Dallas really "Staying Home"? I guess compared to his other offers yes
  5. You have to be optimistic being a Mean Green Die hard or my liver would be in worse shape than it already is.
  6. Was it two years ago when Vito was wrong on 80% of the games he picked?
  7. Agreed! But then I would have to find a closet to put all my UNT jerseys because I would buy so many over the years. The Athletic Dept needs to help push Player designed T-shirts Like someone on this board did with Torrey Last season with the palms up. The more they do with helping get these kids some extra pocket change the more of a difference its going to make either recruiting guys or keeping the guys we have. Im not sure if there is supposed to be an "Arms Length" between the universities and NIL or not because all this crap is new to me.
  8. Ask Wren how much is in our NIL Slush fund!!! He'll answer with stick of gum, a wooden nickel and some pockets lent
  9. So just so I can understand this, yall are bitching because the kid put University after North Texas? I get the complaint but yall need to figure out something else to bitch about. Can you correctly place "University" for all 130 FBS programs? Yes Marketing Dept, AD office and coaches should do a better job and the kid should know what the exact name of the university that he will be attending is but we created a forum to toss shade on an 18 year old kid? The school has been open for 132 years and just over 30 years ago was named North Texas State UNIVERSITY. The university in that time has also had a total of 7 different names but yes this kid wasn't even alive when NTSU changed to UNT and yes The U in UNT stands for University and is before North Texas. Sorry for the Rant, its the ICE STORM that's got me in a bad mood
  10. I do understand that bigger schools get more scouts and an increase in draft potential but I had the understanding that if you were a "Baller", "Brawler" or a "Hogmolly" then the scouts are going to find you and you will work yourself into the League. I appreciate his dedication here and wish he would stay here to protect our wobbly QB position but I wish him the best.
  11. You might be doing other things to go blind or at least that's what my mother told me when I was younger to keep me from.........
  12. Well shuck my corn, misread the name, HAHA. It happens when your eyes are still swollen from crying and watching your #1 team implode
  13. Not sure if this is him committing or just loving the editing job
  14. Oh, I wasn't questioning someone questioning the hire. I personally like your take
  15. I personally really like this hire...Dude has a proven track record of coaching up his offensive line and getting his guys into the pros.
  16. Momma always said, pastures aren't always greener on the other side of the fence and grass is green where you water it. Why did they leave? Was it for selfish reasons or they didnt like the coaching staff they have been with for 3 years? Was there a bigger team whispering sweet nothings in their ears? Will they be going to a team that offers both or will they themselves split up like an 80's rock band? Did Professor Plum commit the murder in the conservatory with the candlestick?
  17. You live in Temple so I dont blame you. Its a big ass commitment to drive all that way 6 times a year to watch your teams dumpster fire. I sadly, live in Denton so I am here through thick and thin. Guess I need to buy stock in Jim Beam to get me through the next couple years
  18. At least 1-2 times a game, there was a miscommunication incompletion yes but if you were watching the same game I was his throws were off. Like not even close. He would of over thrown Manute Bol. At the end of the day it just comes down throwing the football and he just didnt seem to have the accuracy. It might be calling the right route for him to make that completion rate increase. Most of Littrells routes are Go routs and those cant be complete every single time. We never utilized the short middle of the field which also would increase his %....I hope.
  19. I love Aune to death because he's a local kid but his Accuracy killed us last year. 51% isn't going to win games. I wouldn't of thought he would of regressed from 2020 (55%). At least get to 60% right? We would of won at least 2 maybe 3 more games last year (La Tech and Liberty...Maybe Miami OH) with a more accurate QB. That and better play calling.
  20. AAAAANNNDD another one
  21. Not Sure, I was looking back at where all our transfers ended up and just saw he posted today.
  22. Its interesting to go back and look at our guys that went into the portal to see where they are now.....A lot of them dont have homes yet. Justin Booker: No Home Garnette Burke: Blinn JC Brian Parrish: UMASS Chris Thorton: No Home Reported Greg White: Grambling State Cam Johnson: UCLA Bryce English: No Home Reported Tre Siggers: SMU Jaxon Gibbs: Butler CC but looks to be back on the market Austin Ogunmakin:Liberty Jason Bean: Kansas Asher Frow: Kent State Anterrious Gray: South Alabama Jacob Farrell: SFA Jordan Nichols: Nothing Reported Jimmy Walker: Nothing Reported Upton Stout: WKU Davontae McCrae: Nothing Reported Cinque Williams: Nothing Reported Jordan Rucker: Just hit today so nothing yet
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