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Everything posted by Withers940

  1. He was in there. He either caught a pass or had one thrown over his head.
  2. Parking was a disaster...Took me 30 minutes to get into the Blue lot and thankfully I was able to get in with a pass that I bought 6 months ago unlike some other folks that were pushed away. Why dont they charge a higher rate for people that are gameday parkers? Push em to the red lot across the street. My wife tried to buy a hamburger in the second qtr and the concession she went to said they are sold out of HB's in the entire stadium. Then walked down a ways and bought from another stand. I left my seat with 3:30 left in the 3rd quarter because I knew that was my last time to go buy a beer before it was closed down. I walked to the concessions under my section in 204 and there was a guy standing there with a puzzled look on his face because they weren't selling him a beer. Then I spoke up and asked if I could get one, thinking maybe he had one too many and they cut him off but come to find out the guy working it said, "We just got the call, we aren't allowed to sell beer in the 4th qtr, its illegal". Of course I went back and forth with the guy because there was still plenty of time left in the third and then the guy slammed the concession window on me. I then turned to my right and found the stand alone beer stand, walked over and bought a beer with no trouble at all. Last Saturday was one of the worst GameDay experiences across the board I have had in my 12 years as a season ticket holder. I did fill out the survey too so hopefully our complaints won't fall on deaf ears but then again......
  3. Aune needs to work on his passing but I get what you mean. Aune needs to throw the ball at least 25 times
  4. Is it just me or does the play by play guy remind you of Gus Johnson? High energy
  5. No sacks? Or was there 1...I honestly cant remember. Gaddie played a hell of a game and Roberts is going to be a monster this year so this is well deserved.
  6. Would you forgive someone if they gave you something that you've been wanting badly for a couple years after that same person took your family and dragged them through the mud and flogged them? Honestly, I just want to be an 8 win team with a bowl win so if he can do that, then I'll toss a towel to my family, LOL....Im kidding
  7. Both Teams start off slow, SMU because its their first game with a new coach and so do we because, thats just what we do. SMU wakes up in the second half and waves goodbye. 🐴 💩-38 UNT- 17
  8. I guess Davis was a little more intense than it looked. I hate that for him. Do you know what the deal with Wood is?
  9. Will we be able to use all of them this season or Nah?
  10. I was told That Carroll will be out for at least a month.
  11. Im going off what I was told...I was thoroughly surprised myself. Already got someone quoting me on Twitter.....Im expecting a call from ESPN to do a live spot later today
  12. I was at Apogee earlier today talking to a Deep throat informant and he said that someone in the ticket office told him that we 3,000 away from a sell out. This is tickets sold and not the student section. Take this with a grain of salt if you want to take it at all.
  13. Down Receivers or not, his accuracy hasn't improved. Yes he had several good passes but the majority of them were at his WR's feet or behind them. Roddy B's seam route where he gained a bunch of yards could of gone for a bunch more if Aune would of hit him in stride. Roberts TD catch was tipped and thankfully it landed in good hands. I dont wish the kid ill will and I hope to God he can "Take that next step" but lets get realistic, he's about to be 29, if he isnt there now he's not going to be.
  14. What’s the deal with Leblanc? Saw him dressed like the coaches with a headset on.
  15. Was it not Paul Blake that caught a touchdown pass from Sarge Wilkerson to become the oldest to score a touchdown? Then the legendary Paul Blake, the very next play, threw a 2 point conversion pass to Charlie Banks to beat the #1 Texas Colts?? @Moobsdang you! You beat me too it!
  16. WR’s and TE’s need to work on shoe string catches and under thrown balls and it’s gonna be a big year for Aune
  17. Soooo we deserve a metal right?
  18. And here I thought losing the Murphy twins we erased stupid personal foul penalties. I stand corrected
  19. “Aunne’s 42% completion rate is gonna win us this game” said littrell
  20. Ok, I’ve seen enough. Put in the backup QB
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