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Everything posted by Withers940

  1. Met this guy and Demarcus Ayers yesterday. Really good dudes! Happy to have them aboard!
  2. Whats percentage of his INT's were taken back for TD's? LOL
  3. The House that Villarreal Built
  4. I have 4 tickets and 2 blue parking passes if anyone wants them
  5. I have 4 tickets and 2 blue parking passes for free potentially 3 more tickets i got better tickets is why I’m giving these away
  6. Found this on the Website but that doesnt mean its running. https://meangreensports.com/sports/2018/7/27/apogeegamedayguide
  7. If the rain puts out the fire, it isnt big enough.
  8. If only technology was there to where we could turn on a light switch from a mobile phone.
  9. Yep, sad truth with todays college kid is that they’re too lazy to contribute or walk to apogee. The weird thing is that other universities don’t seem to have this problem @tmjermi agree, there’s enough local alumni and “local support” that we could easily put it together. if they are are against waste then don’t do the floats, just drive trucks around or walk. Shitty excuses if you ask me
  10. So last year, UNT didnt have a Homecoming Parade and this year, I am not seeing any information on it either after looking high and low. Can someone help explain to me, why they are not doing one for the second year in a row? If we (UNT) are dying for city involvement, why wouldn't we do something that would help promote the university and its athletic program?\ Are we just going to kill off a tradition that has been going for several decades?
  11. Great Job on this write up! Agree with you on about everything.
  12. I think Vito does a stand up job! Do I agree with everything he writes, No but thats fine with me. Do I Like to give him a hard time on occasion, Yes but thats all in good fun and doesnt diminish the fine work he does. Just because he still has a view of the program from 2001 doesnt make him a bad report, it gives him a history with the program and knows where we have been and where we are now. I value his work with this program.
  13. "You have to execute in all three phases of the game and execute the play call"
  14. If its going to rain down there, maybe they will open the roof so we can give them another rainy day ass whoopin I know the roof doesnt open
  15. I think in order to win this game, we have to score more points than the other team
  16. I’d laugh, then cry, then I’d give my children Christmas Presents with nothing inside them so that my children will know what it’s like to be a UNT fan during the littrell era. it’s a pretty gift on the outside but it’s empty inside
  17. LOL, I know. I just couldn't help myself. These aren't the sharpest ones they've put out. You've always been a level headed guy so I was just giving you a hard time
  18. Do you forgive Ted Kennedy for what happened at Chappaquiddick? Not sure how it relates but I was curious
  19. This statement is similar to me saying "I have more wealth than all the kids in my daughters elementary class"
  20. I said this same thing on Twitter, if they cant make it....Tough $h!t HAHA
  21. I Was hoping they would beat Purdue so maybe they would come to Denton hungover and we might have a chance
  22. Anyone other than Aune....3 pick sixes in 2 weeks? Time to rotate new blood in there. Aune is a great dude but its time to move on to someone that can complete a pass
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