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Caw Caw

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Everything posted by Caw Caw

  1. http://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/258pa8/no_texas_longhorns_were_taken_in_the_nfl_draft/ No Longhorns drafted either this year. Breaks the longest streak in football for having at least one player drafted every year.
  2. "This isn't a storied tradition. Our sign of solidarity is to not." - Mean Green Conservative Am i responding correctly?
  3. The word circle jerk comes to mind... Clearly this isn't about the interest of students, or DI football.
  4. I bet there is a large portion of people who think posting 3,397 times on a fan forum is a stupid waste of time too. But hey, we're all here aren't we? Who are we to decide how and what people enjoy? I thought we paid taxes to have people do that.
  5. This topic comes up more often than i would have ever imagined. I like how people bitch about people vocalizing support for the program, and then when they do choose to support it you bitch about HOW they do it. I don't care if people are mooing at their lineman, noise is noise. Support is support. -Keep Calm and Caw On
  6. This rule could get so cloudy. What if he rolls out in the passing situation? What if you shoe-string tackle as he runs away? What if you hit high and fall down because it's really hard to tackle a JaMarcus Russle/Roethlisberger?
  7. Dear Lord, Name checking is pretty much the 101 of reporting. This drives me insane.
  8. Look, i understand from a legal standpoint why FSU would decline to comment anything but the generic, prepared statements about the case, but it just doesn't look good. I understand the doubt if this was some young reporter trying to make his bones, but the guy has a Pulitzer. To my knowledge, he has no grudge against the Seminole nation. He consistently contacted every source from every angle. If you want the article to look less lopsided, maybe you give him something to work with? Let's not act like authorities giving legal exceptions to star athletes is anything new. TL;DR: If FSU wanted to take exception you should have said your piece to the reporter doing the story.
  9. I thought so too Harry. I enjoyed the depth and effort the reporter into presenting the facts and not just scraping the surface of an event like that.
  10. "As she gave her account to the police, several bruises began to appear, indicating recent trauma. Tests would later find semen on her underwear. For nearly a year, the events of that evening remained a well-kept secret until the woman’s allegations burst into the open, roiling the university and threatening a prized asset: Jameis Winston, one of the marquee names of college football." http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/04/16/sports/errors-in-inquiry-on-rape-allegations-against-fsu-jameis-winston.html?hp&hp&_r=0 This is a long piece. I was just wondering if anyone else took the time to read this (it's well worth it). This is one of the better investigative pieces dealing with a lot of people who refuse to talk about it. And leads to an interesting question of what you would sacrifice to have your program hit that level of success.
  11. As much as everyone will probably hate this analogy, i think it's most apt: UT is the older brother of the family. Lately, he's lost a step. And, the house-hold wrestling with it's cousins of the same age hasn't been going as well as UT's dad would hope. In comes the little brother, UNT. He just hit a growth spurt and his been bullying everyone at the family reunion that's about his size (cousin Rice, cousin UTEP, etc). But he's looking for a big win here and wants to beat older brother, which never happens. The older brother, while not his former state-champion-wrestler self, isn't quite ready to relinquish the family mantle. He's so used to throwing his little brother around like a rag doll that he's really NOT that worried because losing to that punk kid, no matter how many others he takes down, just doesn't happen. The kid has a shot, but he would probably have to get the jump. Beating your older brother will always be the goal of any little brother, it's a constant chip on the shoulder. Is it impossible? No. But some people go their whole life without beating their older brother. However, we've have been hitting the gym...
  12. I sat on the row above Flusche's parents all season long. Great people, and they are the type of family that's good for this program. They would bring 1/4 of Muenster to the games and were pushing kids from Muenster to go Mean Green. Real good folks.
  13. I don't know who this Andrew is you speak of. I got a little mouthy. At one point i was considering asking the ref if he's seen the movie argo... yes? no? Argo f*** yourself.
  14. So, I went to this game to support Alzee and Brandon who I have a bit of a friendship. After covering basketball last year, I wanted to share my observations. I assume these will be unpopular, and I also know my sample size from this season is super small. That aside here are some of the thoughts I had. - UNT is actually running an offense. The player and ball movement looks a lot more organized then it did last year. It looked like five guys playing pick-up last year. I would say that there is more of a system in place then I've seen. That was positive. - The moral of the program is lower. You can tell the players, at least tonight, aren't sold on something about their set up. -The talent level is still pretty high. I mean obviously there is no Tony Mitchell. That's was a once in an era sort of thing (but we all knew that). - Officiating in CUSA is still as bad (inconsistent) as SBC. - I'm glad that Walton and Alzee had 20 point final home games. Well deserved for what they've given the program. - Overall the idea of team seemed better. They were better coached than last year for sure. There was some direction that was optimistic for me because we aren't going to buy out Benford's contract so at least there is progress. - I do think some players are forced and/or trying to do too much. There is some definite ball-hoggage. Some players took some pretty poor shots. There were several opportunities where one more pass was a super open look. Sorry if this is jumbled. This is on iPhone. So my apologies. I'd love to get ya'lls thoughts.
  15. This is my favorite. I like the cut of your Jib.
  16. Ags Say Gig'm, Horns Hook 'um, Guns up, Sic 'em. Everyone has their dumb little things. I like the bird noises still don't know how that was relevant to the discussion but it sure is taking off. I agree with 97and03 it's a blast.
  17. I think this is a reference to me. I don't know how it got placed in this discussion. The crow is known for that distinctive sound... but so is the North Texas fan base. I think it's probably pretty tough to do the shriek sort of sound an eagle does in any sort of unison. But we can try.
  18. So, I graduated last May, and recently started my first "real" job out of college. I was wondering after the required donation or whatever what is the real cost of a season ticket (preferably two) at the stadium level. I had the luxury of a family friends season tickets last year about 4 rows up from the 50. Can anyone give me a better idea of what I would spend to support the Mean Green in total?
  19. As a former NT Daily sports guy, we always had to notify the Sports Information Director of the sport beforehand to attend the presser. I think the prefer it press only. You can however stream it online most of the time. We would do that if we had to be in class and couldn't get someone to cover a presser.
  20. http://espn.go.com/college-football/story/_/id/10546379/north-texas-gives-dan-mccarney-new-five-year-deal ESPN has the deal inked.
  21. I was the beat writer for men's basketball at the daily last season, my last college semester. I saw some pretty interesting stuff in practices. It was a cool opportunity. I was the soccer writer the season before. The basketball guys, current and last season's graduates, are really a great group of guys to it's frustrating to see them aimlessly woking hard. I was definitely one of those people clinging to optimism last season, with the injuries and al that, but most of that has faded and I just want to see guys like Jordan Williams show what they can do in a good system.
  22. Best wishes and a quick recovery.
  23. http://www.saturdaydownsouth.com/2014/five-star-quarterbacks-last-decade/ Some interesting insight on 5-star blue chip QB's and how they panned out. I think it's awesome to remember going into signing day how flawed some of these systems are. It's really always a gamble with a freshly graduated KID. And like we've seen this last year a good coaching staff can make them collegiate quality athletes and more importantly, men. Cheers
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