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Stephanie Schilleci Pedigo

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Stephanie Schilleci Pedigo last won the day on September 9 2013

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Community Answers

  1. So no one is concerned.... interesting.
  2. Oh Geez.... Seriously? C'mon..... And thanks, people.. I'll probably figure out how to cut my MAIDEN NAME out at least... GMG
  3. I have nothing against venting... but what good does being a drama queen do?
  4. I'm pretty sure if you go back to my post... the " get over it" was aimed at people who reference seasons 20 years ago in comparison to the kids are playing now and werent even born yet. AND dammit.... I probably should have created an account without my real name... should have picked "meansteph"...
  5. Hasn't anyone every told you that it's not polite to discuss a woman's age?!?! I appreciate that, I may be a "fledgling", but 20 is a distant memory for me.... I don't think a lot of people realize how many of our athletes read some of these posts....
  6. Hahaha.. Not the Mommy... But rumor has it she's quite a gal.. thank you.
  7. I am being a realist here but..... What the HECK, NTX fans!?!? Are we all blind to the fact that we are 2 games into the season?!?!? There are all these "my life is over" posts, calling for people getting fired, finger pointing and name calling when the reality of everything seems to be escaping everyone. This is MAC's 3rd year and HONESTLY----- if you ask his HS recruits, the REASON WHY they came to NTX was because they believe in him and want to be a part of growing this program outside of long time local fans. The reality of the situation is that you CAN NOT (YET) compare this program to the likes of the power houses in our state. We live in TEXAS (the best football state in the nation) where we have like five, Star studded D1 schools that are competing for these athletes . And we have a program that within the past several years has been a joke to the 3- 4 star athletes that share a city with the Mean Green. I know most people on here don't have a lot of interaction with the Denton and DFW athletes, but that mentality has slowly but surely changed over the past year and a half. There are a lot of bipolar posters on here. One minute, we are going to go bowling... the next minute they are calling for people to be fired and d-bags. Realism, people.... Keep your composure. And let's be realistic- the majority of you predicted Ohio as a loss. And we lost. We crumbled in the last quarter when it counted. And I get it that most of you have bad blood with getting burned in past seasons, comparing, etc....Whatever. Get over it. Every season is different. You can't compare this season to the last and you can't be over eager for things that TAKE TIME. We win against a terrible team and there are folks on here thinking we could get USA Today and AP poll votes. lol The reputation of this program will not heal itself overnight. For everything that we have witnessed so far this year, this program is improving. That is the bottom line AND that is something to write down. QB- I am not the first person to toast DT when he walks into a party, but our freshman is not ready. SO STOP, relax. Dajon is going to be Bad-A, but not today. I think every athlete or ex- athlete on this board would agree that if you had to choose between a leader that is sub par, but can inspire a TEAM and a young player that shows mad potential and we don't yet know... well... need I say more? Why the conspiracy theorists? (Don't get me wrong.. the team was NOT happy with DT last night.) But, seriously cut the guy a break... Our offensive failures were a team effort last night. I am not going to reiterate every fail we had last night... there is not enough room on this blog for another 'all knowing critic'. But, keep your pants on, friends.... AND CHIN UP! We have a lot of games left. Let's kick Ball States ass next week so we go into # 9 Georgia with our heads held higher.
  8. "We still play not to lose instead of attacking the other team." Well said.
  9. After you download the app to your pc: Open the icon off your desktop, make sure it says that its running and go through the registration. Then it will walk you through adding your devices, etc.
  10. If you have a ps3 you CAN watch it. You can download the playon.com app from your computer and we paid $9. It will walk you through adding it to your ps3 and/or other devices (phone, etc). If you don't have a gaming console or access to ESPN 3... you can still watch it through this app on your computer. GOOD LUCK! :-)
  11. If you have a ps3 you CAN watch it. You can download the playon.com app from your computer and we paid $9. It will walk you through adding it to your ps3 and/or other devices (phone, etc.) I know they have the game to because we already confirmed it. If you don't have a gaming console or access to ESPN 3... you can still watch it through this app on your computer.
  12. I may be biased... but yes... freshman John Schilleci did very well on special teams at his first college game. He had several great blocks including in that chancellor return where he created a pretty wide gap. He's hungry. I would like to ask you guys to pray for him and his teammates at his alma mater, guyer high school, as they lost a member of their team this week.
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