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Everything posted by southsideguy

  1. i don't know i see you own some railroads....how about park place and broadway?
  2. form a super pac with small investors and maybe you can be part of the 17, well 18
  3. said ask later....oh well the wait continues
  4. not to be confused with texas western college
  5. if you follow a good team it always helps, wears out the guys for the second game lol
  6. who is our travel partner in the conference?
  7. Maybe we be better at baseball and the football program is total disarray and looking down the road less kids are playing football, so we could add a mens soccer team also.
  8. maybe it time to fold the tent and call it quits................................and drop football and add baseball.
  9. So we would not suggest UNT to a friend? Well than make Chico the HC and lets move on.
  10. and we lived happily ever after lol
  11. he won't leave Baylor he will take over for his dad.
  12. I understand the frustration but has anyone tried to set an appt with the president to discuss your concerns. I have never met him but he seems to an approachable person.
  13. You know i have to give credit to the announcers of the game. They were Vol announcers but were not annoying.
  14. have to go old school and listen to it on the radio.
  15. you are wise man, this billboard thing has gone to far. A billboard will not make a difference and RV and president are aware how people feel. I think we dong more to hurt the brand by having this continued hate fest. Yes I hate that we are losing but i love going to the game and talking with the people around me .
  16. careful you will have a banner flying over your home
  17. wasn't the iowa coach a friend of coach mac?
  18. yeah Dyer is really nice place now if you need a tattoo , need to pawn something or need illegal drugs it is the place to be.
  19. I know i will have banner flying over my house tomorrow but I really think Chico could turn this program around. I hope someone gives him a shot. Let the dogs out i am ready for the punishment.
  20. maybe next week the offense will show up with the defense
  21. we have to stop dropping passes
  22. give him hc job
  23. 35k is still a good crowded even with the rain
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