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Everything posted by southsideguy

  1. at least i was half right-the Kansas part was right lol
  2. you know if some universities had the foresight and the guts it might be time to step ahead of all the bs and form a regional league since the TV deals are going south. But no one is ready to leave the leagues before they collapse. The big 12 days are numbered and not all the teams will end up in the super conferences.
  3. great a cement forest to add to Denton nice looking views from 1-35. I hate that the city gave tax breaks to a gas station, what about the other gas stations that went it alone?
  4. really i would a swore i saw a picture of a goal line play-did K-state play here at fours?
  5. why not bring dave bliss back as well
  6. NMSU has no money and the enrollment is declining. We don't want them in the conference. The citizens of New Mexico go to the University Near Mom (UNM) or to Texas Tech-gives break to NM students on tuition.
  7. I didnt see how fast this kid is but this guy can follow blocks and maybe be a big help in our return game for sure. I wonder if he knows if he comes to Denton he will not be allowed back into Highland Park?
  8. do we even know if any has applied for the position? it is the off season and we need something to talk about otherwise the uniform and sticker debate is about begin.
  9. I wish i could be bad at my job and get a fat payout.
  10. I thought LSU would not have a team next year because of the states budget? lol
  11. maybe we should move the basketballs games to the volleyball gym, that way the gym looks full and if get better we can always move back to the pit when people start showing up.
  12. i bought my tickets and paid my mean green club fee for the upcoming season and this is the first time I stopped and thought about if it is worth my money. I think I will still buy game day tickets for basketball.
  13. i feel better with some Defense Line guys
  14. any update on how this went?
  15. Don't sell this guy short, I watched him at practice the I think he could surprise us all. Just wish he was a little taller.
  16. Maybe he meant the game we should have won but we had the everyone gets to play decision made by the interim coach-I will never forget that game and what i saw. pop warner football on a college field.
  17. When does practice for the team start again?
  18. our defensive coordinator has to be upgrade-I don't think we could hired a worse one.
  19. I don't know he is green and an eagle and has to be dedicated-why not? I don't think Scrappy would do any worse than what we have had the last few years. However, he is really quiet.
  20. We also need someone who won't accept being crappy or mediocre. We need to start winning right away because the path we have been on has been a disaster.
  21. yep we don't want to be everybody's homecoming date in the conference again.
  22. i hope we can find another Brelan. Every time he touched the ball you knew something special could happen.
  23. i hope they prove me wrong and win a bunch more games, we are not in a super conference so anything can happen. The bowl year everything went right for us on the field but last year what could go wrong went wrong. So hopefully will have some luck this year.
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