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Everything posted by Dodge2007

  1. TD just was made an offer he couldn't refuse. He named the starting QB. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XXhXcBK2Rxo Vizza loves Pizza, so it must be on the new menu over at Fouts.
  2. Johnson is not in the mix this season. He'll redshirt. He is big strong kid but couldn't play at SMU???????? Unconventional throwing motion is NOT A PROBLEM. ACCURACY IS THE PROBLEM with unconventional throwing motions in most cases, imo. I am telling you that DODGE is a fanatic for accuracy. Ask Chase Daniel and McElroy (at Alabama) about accuracy. In this system of playing pitch and catch.............you have to bring the ball over ther freakin plate and throw strikes. The opening pass at the spring game was an easy bubble screen pass that Meager thru into the dirt. Meager did have the two nice deep throws. BUT ALL OF YOU are correct, not one QB showed any kind of stability or consistency. WW had a nice opening drive and then threw the ball like hell on his other series. Phillips and Tune just plain struggled. It should be a great August of competition. The QB competition is STOUT but so will be the WR positions. IT is a great year to watch and get out to some August practices. We get to see Dibrell this Tuesday at Froggie Stadium on the South and see Penson at LB on the North.
  3. Hey Emmitt, I think Coach Hawkins was talking for Coach Dodge when Woody couldn't make it to spring practice on time.
  4. Nice job Daddy.........common a make it 423
  5. All right here I am trying to be like Dan Hawkins..............
  6. Since I have been "tagged" I guess I must volley back over the net. Like I said previously, if WW can become all that Dodge is looking for then He might be the guy. Being a great athlete is not an intangible I look for in a QB. It is important but not everything. Intangibles are work ethic, heart, leadership, respectablity, and having your players break their back for you. QB intangibles are all those mentioned plus putting time into film sesssions, passion for the game, first one on the field and the last to leave. QB's must eat and breath football. How could WW schedule classes during spring ball with a new coach and a new system. The athletic dept. could have changed his schedule or there is a thing called summer school. WW missing spring to me killed his credibility with TD. Using one of my favorite lines from Coach Hawkins.........."This is Div. 1 football, this is the Big 12,..................go play intramurals." There is NO excuse for missing spring ball, zero........unless your hurt.
  7. Emmitt.............you sure are touchy when it comes to Woodrow. Your hanging your hat on two plays and some athletic ability. Have you ever watched WW throw the ball at practice for an hour or so? If you think Dodge is going to put WW, a senior at that, on the field in his system with those throwing mechanics, YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING YOURSELF. WW is an athlete, one damn good athlete. Dodge is looking for accuracy (that is his number one deal) and number two, Dodge his looking for no a QB who can adjust on the fly in a no huddle-high tempo offense. We only have only QB who has been in that type of system and who has what Dodge is looking for. Unfortunately, his is a freshman. Like I said in a previous post. If the Italian Stallion starts.........Dodge has big balls and that is why we hired a guy like TD. I have only such a few posts because quite frankly, Dodge has taken over. I like Dodge but I am also REAL when he does well but will call him out when I believe he doesn't. I call it like I see it. I see both sides and play no favoritsm. Emmitt, honestly, I hope your right about Woody, if he can lead the team, throw with accuracy, and handle the no huddle system, he is our man. Dodge has made me come back to UNT football. But that does not make Dodge untouchable with my comments.
  8. Amen to you brother UNTLifer. Your right on the money. Word out of the AD's office is that Practice starts Aug. 6 at 3:30...........ITS SHOWTIME !!!!!
  9. Fouts is one of the worst stadiums in D-1 football. It is embarassing to say that porta johns our nicer than the stadium restrooms. Water is pouring all over the place, what a freakin joke. But at the same time, selling only 3000 season tickets doesn't get you a new stadium. Averaging less than 16,000 doesn't get you a new stadium. Dodge alone will not bring a new stadium.........but the coaches our using the NEW STADIUM CARD with every recruit. I don't like that strategy of recruiting.......its a short term bridge to the next level job. (At least one could contrue it that way) Maybe we can lease Dragon Stadium for home games and the Dragon Bubble Dome for when we can't practice outside. Hey at least we would have a sellout everygame and have restrooms that work. Food is a lot better as well.
  10. I think it is only a violation when the sheriff doesn't get caught.
  11. Sorry Emmitt, your home boy WOODROW is not going to get a sniff.....The one play wonder doesn't fit in the big Dodge pickup. You ought to know that...........your the freakin sheriff in town. Hey EMMITT kiss my "woody."
  12. Does anyone have a clue of the official date of August practices. First I heard it was Aug. 5 but then it was changed and to be anounced at a later date........anyone know for sure??????????
  13. This is the best news of the day.........depth and some experinece on the OL.
  14. GREAT POST ........... We will know soon enough.... thank goodness we are almost headed into August practice. It should be fun to see how everything develops.
  15. I like your thoughts LongJim but my instincts tell me Dodge uses the freshman THIS season. Remember, I believe have the SMU transfer coming in the spring as well at QB. Vizza will play because Dodge wants a QB recruit every season. Only so many schollies and 5 on scholarship next season is still one too many, imo. So why not burn one year up with Vizza. At least that way, Dodge knows what he really has to work with.
  16. I like your thoughts LongJim but my instintct tell me Dodge uses the freshman THIS season. Remember, I believe have the SMU transfer coming in the spring as well at QB. Vizza will play because Dodge wants a QB recruit every season. Only so many schollies and 5 on scholarship next season is still one too many, imo. So why not burn one year up with Vizza. At least that way, Dodge knows what he really has to work with.
  17. I have a tough time answering the question..........that is why I put it on the board. I expect Meager, Tune, and Vizza to travel on the trip to OU. I then expect Fitzgerald, Jackson, Stickler, Evan Walker, Breece Johnson, Marcus King, and I expect big things out of Sam Dibrell and BJ Lewis. Some of the players have told me that Fitzgerald is a lock. They told me to expect some good things early out of Dibrell, Lewis, and Johnson as true freshman. Of course Brandon and Stickler will make some plays. This scenario leaves some nice recievers at the house come Sept. 1. Next season, the WR position is going to be outrageous. Stout competititon at both WR and QB next year.
  18. What receivers make the travel squad for the OU game. Lets say Dodge will take eight, most teams like TECH, Hawaii, Texas, will travel with only eight receivers, who goes to Norman? Three QB's travel, who gets on the bus to OU and at least warms up?
  19. Has anyone ever scalped a ticket at an OU game? Just curious, I would like to get better seats and thought scalping would give me the best opportunity. Of course, I don't want to get my head ripped off either.
  20. 3,100 season tickets is NOT what UNT expected do you? I think the University anticipated much more BUT...........the darn tickets are steep for average Joe in the Metro Plex that has no ties to North Texas.
  21. I think Dodge will know fairly quickly what he wants and expects. First and foremost, Dodge expects great no huddle tempo and accuracy. He is very tuned into making great decisions with the ball. Dodge says he wants to have his QB picked out and set. He doesn't want our QB to look over his shoulder seeing another kid warming up. Meager was the clear choice by Dodge and he let the media know in a hurry in spring ball. Woody, with Dodge's coaching, may have been his guy but being a Senior,imo, may not get him any reps. Woody also missed a lot of spring ball, not a good way to start off your commitment with TD. I do believe that Woody would have made monstrous strides, under the direction of Dodge, for two or three seasons. Meager is the red shirt junior. He should be the leader of the team. I believe Vizza challenges Meager for the spot. Meager did come out of a good passing attack in high school which made his transition to Dodge's system quicker than Phillips and Tune. Vizza knows the spread. I believe he threw for over 3300 yards and 37 tds. The interesting point of Vizza is he threw for a ton of yards in the semi and state finals against D-1 DB's, DE's etc. Any QB that can roll up almost 500 total yards in a state championship game against the speed of Copperas Cove, has some game. August boils down to Meager v. Vizza............10 rounds of Todd Dodge football, their will be no TKO, there will be a knockout punch, at least that way as fans, we don't get down on whoever starts at QB. Instead we will rally on who Dodge chooses and go with it. It will boil down to accuracy, no huddle tempo, leadership, and the burning desire to win. Whose's got it?
  22. JQ has got to keep believing. Hopefully, someone will recognize his play making ability. JQ will play ball in some league this season. That guy has too much heart not to play somewhere !
  23. Big daddy DD is going to have a long season. I wish him well but Utah State is in bad shape attracting any kind of talent.
  24. Will TD have the balls to start a true freshman in Norman?? That to me is the interesting part of two a day practices. Dodge is kind of a river boat gambler (in some degree), Dodge is a guy that goes against the grain. The best incoming QB's in the nation rarely start and when they do, they struggle which is understandable. I listened to Stoops over the radio and he called this one of his best potential teams ever. They were 8-0 when Petersen was injured. Their defense is supposed to be incredible. Now back to the question? Would Dodge start a true freshman? I would be surprised if its not Meager, but it wouldn't be a total surprise to see Dodge go against the grain. Can you imagine starting against OU when the last game you played was a HIGH SCHOOL State Championship? From what I hear, Vizza is making some noise already in summer workouts. But that might change when the pads come on. If TD goes with Vizza, I have to give him an "A" for major league BALLS. But this scenario might be why we hired a guy like Dodge.
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