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TheFranchise last won the day on April 22 2015

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About TheFranchise

  • Birthday April 28

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  • Home
    DATCU Stadium
  • Interests
    Sports, of course!

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  1. I’m bitter that we didn’t make the Dance yet again, but man … I’m DANG proud for our conference that we put a five seed in there. I’m hoping that bodes well for the future of the AAC. Probably not, but hey … I’ll try to stay positive.
  2. Dude … our misses from point blank are gonna kill me young
  3. Sissoko had a wide open basket there
  4. Loving the offensive rebounding game we got going
  5. Not sure how that wasn’t a foul on Haggerty
  6. Hell of an undercard my friends!
  7. Mine is my profile pic ... has been since I got it and I even "flipped it right-side up" when I graduated 😄 I get that question too a lot with mine. Funny story about that, too ... actually a couple ... The first is that every time I visit College Station, there's at least one person that will see it and go "Oooh ... wait, that's NOT an Aggie ring. Where'd you go? They're then impressed at the size of it, and that North Texas makes them that big, haha. Additionally, when I got mine in 2015 there was no difference in price between the smallest ring or the largest ring. (I have no idea whether or not that's the case now) My brother and sister in-law are both Aggies, and I'd found out that the largest UNT ring is bigger than the Aggie ring. So naturally, I had to go bigger. My wife thinks it's stupid and my bro-in-law hates it. Of course, that makes me love it even more.
  8. If we keep forcing passing situations, we’ve got this …
  9. Maaannn … I don’t like our odds against the triple option on fourth and short
  10. Yep, might have been a blessing in disguise
  11. Then we hand to him and he goes nowhere
  12. That grab by Porter though … *chef’s kiss*
  13. One of the most poorly-officiated games I’ve seen in a long time
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