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Everything posted by Green_dude

  1. Um actually I don't recall anything from him regarding credentials Read my previous post. Able to identify BSers from afar...
  2. No infatuation, just periodic amusement. Looking forward to the next bit of insight from your club seat.
  3. Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't argue with the final authority. He's a MGC member and has club seats. That provides full access to RV's thoughts, the coaching staf and the team.
  4. Haven't once said I support or don't support what's going on. I've just said bitch directly rather than being a bunch of complete dumbasses on a message board. Oh and by the way, at least support your argument with some level of fact rather than assuming you are right about it because you said it.
  5. HAHA! Another of your hundreds of fact based statements. I look forward to your next brilliantly supported (BS) insight on all things athletic.
  6. I'm a member of the SPCA, NRA, and I have window seats at McDonalds. I'm an expert at identifying BSers
  7. Ah, I get it now. That for sure makes you an expert, lol,
  8. Eh, you didn't answer my questions. You did bitch some more though,
  9. Ummm, and you know this how? They confided in you? You are an authority on basketball in general and this team specifically, how? Bitch less, give more....
  10. Nobody needs to dust me off. Sometimes it is much more amusing to observe the comments of the ill-advised, uninformed, misinformed, and just plain dummies than it is to comment. Give more & bitch less...
  11. Another couple of incredibly well informed comments. What is the right number of suspensions? Wow.
  12. Has nothing to do with a pissing match. Has everything to do with getting in the game. You want improvement, quit bitching and start helping. Somebody commented earlier that bitching showed they were a passionate fan. I call BS. Participating, attending, cheering, and giving show passion. Takes a hell of a lot more effort than bitching, but the rewards are greater.
  13. Ok, it's comments like this that show really how little people really understand about how D1 athletics work at this point in time. If folks want us to be competitive we have to have facilities to be competitive. Has anyone seen the tcu practice facility? How about the new SMU practice facility? Let alone the ut practice facility? Recruiting is predicated on a commitment to a program. Practice facilities are part of the game now. Hell most suburban high schools have practice gyms or additional courts now. Did you contribute to the practice facility or toward the coach's salary?
  14. Haha! I guess when the excuses run out the name calling will begin.... BTW, before they call me one, I'm no apologist for the AD or coaching staffs. I just believe, probably in an old fashioned way, you express dissatisfaction in a private way to those who can affect change rather than a bunch of beer pongers. Can you imagine the power of this board if people used it to generate positive interest in UNT athletics rather than constantly brand it negatively. Hell, we could prob solve the national debt. Wait, I suppose UNT athletics isn't that important.....
  15. Seems to me we've made progress in football. I may be mistaken, but I believe we have more wins in each of the past two seasons than in several seasons before. What is your definition of respectable in football? I'd fully expect progress be shown next year as well. BTW, the move to Conference USA (orchestrated by our athletic department) was great for an incredible amount of reasons. Those include, a significant amount of more money, BCS AQ, better competition, better regional competition/rivalries, and on and on and on. Now, because of the wackiness of the ever changing conference alignments, will all that still hold true? Remains to be seen. However, our leadership did everything they could based on what was available at the time. I see people on here talking about the athletic department making excuses and not doing everything they should to make this successful. I'm only suggesting that if folks want to bitch and make excuses about why people don't attend or get involved, they should make sure they're not part of the issue. Like I told my kids, you can't complain about politicians if you didn't vote in the election.
  16. It's not the way it HAS to be.
  17. Now here is a person who gets it! In this time it is all about brand. There are an incredible amount of positive things going on at UNT. I'll grant that we all thought the men's basketball team was gonna be more successful than it is. Doesn't make me want to abandon them, makes me want to work harder to help our athletic program get better. We have to find a way to carry our success in music, the arts, business, medicine, etc to athletics. If you can connect them you connect the people. Then you generate fans and funds. Aquila_Viridis, if you are a marketing/branding person, give the UNT leadership some input. Directly, not on here. Ask them where you can help.
  18. So here is what I don't get. If all it takes to gain support is to win, then why aren't our soccer, volleyball, and tennis stands sold out? Why aren't the fairways lined when our golf teams play locally. Our football & basketball teams haven't given up on themselves. Why would fans give up on them? I remember going to basketball games when Johnny first got here. There were nights there might not have been 500 people in the stands. It was still D1 basketball. I could never understand how people couldnt find value in a $5 ticket. I guess folks are either really fans or really not fans at all.
  19. Ahhhh, mmmm. Not one of my posts has ever mentioned or inferred anything about anybody's job status. RV needs to do his job. However, his (or whoever is in the position) job is a lot easier if financial resources are available. Get your emotion out of your eyes so you can see reality. I'm told there are 250,000 UNT alums residing in the metroplex. Lot of people sitting on their thumbs... Getting on here and constantly bitching about the AD, players, or coaching doesn't motivate one additional person to physically or financially support our program. Use your energy to go talk to somebody about coming to a game or getting involved in the Mean Green Club.
  20. Another informed comment....
  21. You can think all you want. It doesn't happen by magic. The successful programs don't want for resources. Why do you think the conference membership has gotten so crazy? Keep thinking....
  22. "I know UNT90. He is a former NBA all-star and future hall of famer. He is more athletic than Tony Mitchell, a better shooter than Tristan Thompson, and has advised Coach K on coaching stratagy before the national title game (not the one he almost lost to Butler, though)." With all that I'm surprised you don't post more informed comments.
  23. Always there. Always at football games. Attend many other events. Short of a team committing a crime, I'll always support. These kids are special. Takes incredible commitment to be a full time student and compete as a D1 athlete. Their efforts and success will grow the university. It's all actually a pretty simple equation.
  24. Nope
  25. Were you there? Were you one of the 2338? Considering our season so far and no students, I was pleasantly surprised by the size of the crowd. Good job Mean Green fans!
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