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Everything posted by RAGEMASTER5000

  1. I mean considering all the evidence that wasn't used in the trial the jury actually had less to draw on. Edit: That includes evidence against Martin and evidence against Zimmerman.
  2. The amount of THC in his system wouldn't get a Mormon high.
  3. Does this guy not feed his babies or something?
  4. He did run away once (Zimmerman's words). He should have continued to run and not engage Zimmerman. That was not a good idea. But there is no situation if Zimmerman doesn't try to take matters into his own hands. Between a 17 year old and a 29 year old I would bet on the latter acting more responsible. Martin could have avoided the situation by continuing to run, but Zimmerman could have avoided this by staying in his car. Sure Martin could have turned around and tried to pursue Zimmerman, and that would be a completely different situation. Zimmerman is the first person that could have decided to avoid the situation. You could go further and say that Martin could have avoided it before that if he stayed at home.
  5. I do not think he had evil in his soul. I think he had stupid in his soul. He should have never been anywhere near Martin. He should have waited for the police.
  6. 1) A police dispatcher is familiar with police procedures. It is probably best to follow their advice. A person in charge of the neighborhood watch program should be familiar with police procedures and know their limits. I never claimed that following somebody is illegal. It is aggressive and puts the person being followed on the defensive. If he did not follow Martin, nothing would have happened. He would not have been beaten up. 2) I will refrain from using that phrase.
  7. Of course he was being beat up. That is obvious. Martin's self defense case would be just as strong had he not been killed. Police advised him to do nothing and he ignored them. Following a person is aggressive. It is enough to make a person fear for their life. That's why Zimmerman was acquitted. They were both acting in self defense and standing their ground. The jurors ruled in accordance with Florida law. He is most likely telling the truth about the event, but he set the event in motion. Had he not pursued Martin he would have continued reporting open garages and other strange characters for the rest of the night.
  8. So would you have followed Martin? Also, do you feel like it's within reason to confront someone who is following you?
  9. I understand that a 17 year old kid is completely capable of seriously injuring an adult. According to Florida's self defense and stand your ground laws Martin would have been acquitted if Zimmerman had been killed or injured. My opinion is that Zimmerman caused the situation. He should have reported any suspicious behavior and left it to the authorities.
  10. Well we can never really know if it was a typo or not. You're kinda proving my point. What sane person would approach a 17 year old kid they're afraid of after being advised not to. Then he picks a fight with the kid. Is that a guy you want hanging around? edit: I tip my hat to you for focusing on the supposed "typo". I would have done the same. You're a gentleman and a scholar.
  11. Typo. Thanks for the correction. Still stand with the question though. Do you think an armed man who is deathly afraid of 17 year old kids is safe to be in public
  12. I think it's more about an adult shooting a child. If a 13 year old (oops 17) can make a man fear for his life, despite the man having taken self defense classes, should that man be among the public? Edit: Also the Adult had a gun and still couldn't keep calm.
  13. I definitely had a blast! Really happy see it go from idea to reality. Definitely think it's a keeper. and beer.
  14. Also make sure he remembers his softball mitt when he's on the field.
  15. I also said his contract situation and improved coaching could be factors. Like all situations, a multitude of factors are at play. He could be getting better breakfast lately. If I don't get the awesome job I applied for, I'm going out to mow lawns. Gotta pay that rent.
  16. True, but now he's playing for any kind of contract. And I was going more along the lines of 'college is nice, but it don't buy no red beans and rice'.
  17. http://www.dentonrc.com/business-tech/karina-ramirez-headlines/20130519-karina-ramirez-voertmans-sold-to-out-of-state-investment-group.ece
  18. They made the switch last week. They are using the space in the union and moving in August.
  19. Confession: It's not for practice. It's for an ellaborate trash-talk video.
  20. Does anyone have any suggestions for batting cages around Denton? I found a couple on google, but I'm just seeing if anyone has had any personal experiences. I'm trying to get some batting practice in.
  21. They are definitely opened. I just walked by so I didn't get a look at anything.
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