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The AFLAC Duck

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Everything posted by The AFLAC Duck

  1. yeah they look awful. On the other hand, I rather enjoyed the silver Mavs uni's.
  2. FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH FISH keep the Cubs out!
  3. *Note to Self* Always lie when someone in authority asks how much money you have.
  4. No matter which side you take on Prop 12 or any other laws, remember to vote tomorrow for the 22 amendments on the state constitution.
  5. wow. I've never heard that before. I knew he was having some problem with his passport or visa and that kept him from entering the US. The band is based in San Francisco, so I don't even know if he's foriegn.
  6. tonight @ Trees I am catching Black Rebel Motorcycle Club Wednesday the 17th @ Trees I will also be catching Rooney. While I was on their site i browsed and noticed November 8th Cursive will be in town, and November 22nd your friend Phantom Planet will hit the stage.
  7. i won't speculate, but i have an idea as to what it may be.
  8. i didn't say i believed him, that's just what he said. why all the hype about this guy if he only scored 2 touchdowns last year?
  9. he says his friends said it, not him. go Phins.
  10. heyyyyy you got to it before i did. I however don't fly fish. I generally just use salmon eggs. Beaver's Bend is the only place in oklahoma worth visiting.
  11. mine was an a-hole to say the least. my RA was cool as hell though.
  12. D306 Maple Hall 1st Year. 524 The Gazebo Apartments 2nd year.
  13. what's the saying? talks like a duck, looks like a duck, acts like a duck, must be a duck? I don't want to be quick to judge, but she seems pretty credible...its up to the courts to decide now though.
  14. i visited this today on my way up from camping in the hill country. If you're ever in Waco (and really I don't know why you'd want to be), you should stop by. Its just off the highway next to the Baylor campus. You won't be too happy with the amount of NT stuff they have on display (IE very little) but overall its a fine place. A good bit on Fry, hardly any on Joe Greene though. The coolest part was the wall that had all the fight songs you could listen to. Ours sounded decent, and just for curiousity i tried SMU's. The weird thing was that they didn't have a band, just the sound of cash registers going off....
  15. i had no idea the men had an exhibition with Brazil any time soon...wonder what players both squads brought.
  16. lovely. I was at the horse races and they showed it on the jumbotron. My stepdad the UT Tyler grad was actually inside making a wager during the short time they had it on the screen. I didn't think to tell him, so when we got home he sat on the couch saying "I wonder how the Horns did?". My reply was casually "oh they lost" followed by a shocked look on his face. its funny because my whole life i was taught to hate A$M, but ironically i hate TU more.
  17. seats are too high, at least for the Rangers. This isn't an attempt to take a crack at the Rangers or talk about how i like the Astros, but a good example is the difference of seating prices. A good 15 dollar seat at Minute Maid would run about 30 at the ballpark.
  18. bogeyed (is that the right spelling) the last hole to go to +1. Looking at the summary of each hole, if she could have sunk her putts she may have gone as much as -5.
  19. I don't see the other one...maybe I'm just blind...but this topic is not meant to strike up any debates, just simple discussion about her play. Currently she's even going into the 17th hole. I, for one, am not surprised. This girl dominates the LPGA, there's no reason why she couldn't make cut on the men's tour.
  20. if you can get alonzo morning to a small deal for maybe a couple mil a year, its a small gamble with possibly a big payout. If he can get healthy and stay healthy and even return to 70% of what he once was, I can guarantee you he'll have double the stats LaFrentz and Bradley put up every night.
  21. Zeke- it was really obvious what you were implying. I think now we're more on the same page with that being said IronMan. I think the only thing people need to understand is not that i don't think when i post, but exactly what you said, i don't take the time to carefully avoid how people perceive my posts. If i wanted attention, something like "A-Rod sucks, Astros could kick the Ranger's a$$es" would have certainly done the trick. Instead I make a quick knock on how the Astros are competing just for a giggle. I dont mean to be an Andy Kaufman where I'm the only one who finds these sorts of things funny either, but i think that goes with people taking my comments a little too seriously.
  22. well yeah, because most of you are too anal. I brought up the astros to maybe spark a little baseball discussion. Sure A-Rod's a good player, but it was a baseball thread, so god forbid I try and talk baseball. How come when anyone else attempts to bring a different point of view for debate its ok, but when i do it all I want is attention? And here you are bringing up Metallica again when its already been buried, and the person my post was directed to, got some humour out of it. Now who's the one sparking pointless bickering? By the way, no one was bickering until Zeke decided to flaunt an attack on me once again. I think I should kill the Duck name and come back in a few days, weeks, or maybe months under an entirely new identity. When i go to the football forum or any other and bring up different points of view, they'll be used for actual discussion, and not a flame parade on me. You watch, I can guarantee that'll be the case.
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